Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Back Together?!

Remember last week, when several media outlets reported on the rumor that Taylor Swift was dating Drake?

Well, it seems that either Aubrey has once again had his heartbroken by an A-list songstress, or the the whole thing was bogus.

Frankly, neither possibility would surprise us.

Anyway, it’s not the ongoing romantic woes of young Drizzy that we’re concerning ourselves with today.

Rather, we’re looking into the question of who will be joining Taylor for a picturesque Thanksgiving straight of an L.L. Bean catalog in a few weeks time.

Sure, Halloween just passed last night, but the leaves are rapidly turning and the weather is getting colder than a long elevator ride with Taylor and Katy Perry.

You can be damn sure that Taylor is not gonna be making vegan spins on crock pot classics or watching Hallmark movies about people getting laid on Christmas on her own!

That means she needs a dude in her life ASAP, and it seems that rather than trying on something new, she’s decided to just go back to the closet for an old favorite.

Yes, the Tom Hiddleston-Taylor Swift breakup may have been one of the ugliest in recent memory, but there’s reason to believe that Swiddles might be back from the dead.

How do we know?

Well, get ready to step through the looking glass and enter the world of restraining order-worthy celebrity obsession:

According to Lainey Gossip, some fans are in the habit of tracking Taylor’s private jet.

Yes, flight records are public information, so you can keep track of your favorite celeb’s PJ, but, ya know … don’t.

Anyway, in this rare case, the Swifties uncovered something that might sort of qualify as semi-interesting information.

It seems Tom recently wrapped filming on Thor 3, but decided to skip the wrap party in Australia.

Instead, he flew to London, presumably with the intention of spending some time in his hometown.

Thanks to Taylor’s online stalkers, we know that she also flew to London the same weekend.

Interestingly, her plane landed at Stansted airport.

Typically, when Taylor flies to London, she lands at Luton airport.

In fact the only other time she flew into Stansted was she went to the UK to meet Hiddleston’s mom over the summer.

So Taylor and Tom flew to London the same day, she’s been keeping a low profile, and she landed at the airport with the quickest connections to Tom’s hometown.

Hopefully, one of those lunatic fans has access to her credit card statements so we can find out if and when she orders matching skiing teddy bear sweaters.
