Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Kanye West: What Triggered the Breakdown?!?

We can most definitely say the following about Kanye West:

If his ongoing hospitalization is part of some kind of publicity stunt, then the rapper is more committed than we ever imagined possible.

West has been under a doctor’s care and supervision for over a week now, ever since he was accused of assault against a gym employee and considered a danger, either to himself or others.

At first, many wondered whether Kanye was simply being Kanye; that is, acting weird and doing whatever possible to garner attention and headlines.

But various reputable insiders have confirmed that West really is suffering from some kind of mental breakdown.

He’s been described as depressed and paranoid and there’s no date scheduled at the moment for his release.

Could we have seen this downfall coming? Perhaps.

Just days prior to his hospital admission, Kanye told fans that he would have voted for Donald Trump for President if he had voted in the election… slammed Beyonce and Jay Z… and ended a concert after just three songs.

But what actually caused this breakdown?

That’s a different question, with contrasting alleged answers.

According to Us Weekly, Kanye’s problems go back to the early morning of October 3.

It was on this date that wife Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in her Paris apartment, with numerous sources confirming the severity of the situation.

She was bound and gagged and truly believed she was going to be raped or killed or both.

“He’s been shaken up ever since the robbery in Paris. It did a number on him as much as Kim” an insider told Us Weekly, adding:

“The mere thought that anything could happen to her sent him in a tailspin. He wasn’t sleeping and he was having nightmares about it.”

If true, could anyone blame Kanye? We cannot imagine how we’d react if our closest loved one had his or her life threatened in this kind of manner.

There’s been a domino effect from Kim’s understandable decision to avoid the spotlight ever since this scary incident.

She has remained mostly at home with the couple’s children, leaving West on his own while touring.

“Without having Kim by his side during the tour as planned, Kanye wasn’t able to snap back,” People Magazine writes. “Kim being absent because of her own struggles seems to be why things are different with Kanye this time.”

The couple is reunited now, of course.

Kim has remained by Kanye’s hospital bedside throughout this troubling ordeal.

But TMZ does not place the blame for West’s mental state on Kardashian’s robbery or her absence from West’s professional life of late.

Yes, Kanye has had a lot to deal with as a result of what happened to his wife. He’s been especially stressed over the past few weeks.

Still, though, that celebrity gossip website says the the trigger for the breakdown was Donda West’s death way back in November 2007.

Kanye’s mother lost her life due to complications from a plastic surgery procedure. She was very close to her son.

Her funeral was November 20…  the same date West cancelled his show at the L.A. Forum.

The following day, Kanye called off the remainder of the tour and hours later suffered this breakdown.

TMZ writes that West has never “properly grieved” over the loss of his mother and that he’s always had a tough time in November as a result of this tragedy.

Combine this sad anniversary with the trauma of Kim’s robbery and it all starts to become far more clear.

Kanye reportedly  became paranoid when he was taken to UCLA Medical Center, refusing for a period to even let doctors touch him. He also screamed that people were trying to ruin his marriage.

We believe he’s calmed down over the last couple days, but there are no plans to send him home any time soon.
