Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Javi Marroquin: Forget You Kailyn ... My New Chick is Much Hotter!

Javi Marroquin is moving on in a way … from Kailyn Lowry to a chick who sort of looks like Kailyn — just much hotter. 

The girl in the pic is Cassie Bucka, a “friend” of Javi’s, and if we’re being honest, this chick looks about 10 steps better than Lowry.  

Kailyn might be on Teen Mom and all, but Bucka seems to have serious je ne sais quoi … or, in layman’s terms, serious non-Teen Mom class. 

From what we gather from Bucka’s Instagram page, she really likes her friends, the Pittsburgh Steelers, her dogs, and was in the military at some point. 

From Javi’s Instagram, we gather that he’s obviously way better off without big-mouthed thirst trap, Kailyn Lowry. 

The two were photographed several times on different occasions, looking terribly comfortable with one another. 

All in all, we’d say, “Get it, Javi!” 

And after seeing this pic, wouldn’t you, too? 

In a recent interview with Radar Online, Javi was asked The Question — whether or not Bucka was his girlfriend. 

His sassy-ass response? 

“Let me ask her!” 

We have chills. 

Do you have chills?

‘Cause we have some serious chills. 

Recently, Javi and Kailyn were playing nice — and by “playing nice,” we mean that the passive-aggressive barbs were flying left and right. 

About the success of Kailyn’s new book, Hustle and Heart, Javi flashed the book in a pic and said, “I hate her but I’m proud of her.” 

Uh, okay? 

It’s not like we thought these two would be picking daisies in a field together with the kids anytime soon, but “I hate her but I’m proud of her?” 

That’s just a strange brew right there, y’all. 

In the book, Kailyn said Javi was jealous and controlling. 

The Teen Mom wrote, “I thought I had my fairytale ending on September 4, 2012 — the day I said, ‘I do.’ “

“I had Javi,” she explained, “my knight in shining armor, and we had big plans to build a castle together where we’d raise our children in a stable, two-parent home.”

“I wanted to open a blow-dry bar, an idea my friends were so supportive of,” she revealed.

“Javi, on the other hand, was not on board.”

“In fact, he was downright unsupportive, knocking down the idea every time I brought it up,” Lowry admitted. 

Kailyn even went as far as to assert that marrying Marroquin was a mistake

On one of her more recent Twitter rants, Lowry wrote, “I walked away from something that was toxic.” 

“A bad example for my children.” 

Well, you have to do what you have to do. 

Especially when it’s for the betterment of the kids’ circumstances. 

And we hope that’s exactly what Marroquin’s doing here — moving on from a toxic situation, and getting on with his damn life. 

Kailyn could take a leaf out of Javi’s book if she wasn’t all up in Twitter’s grill all the time. 
