Showing posts with label Hotter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hotter. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Fans Rush to Kourtney Kardashian"s Defense: She"s Hotter Than Kim!

If you have brothers or sisters, there have probably been times when you felt as though you were in competition for your parents’ affection of attention.

Of course, few families have known sibling rivalries as intense as the Kardashians’, as Kim and company are vying for the love of not only their mother but their millions of fickle fans, as well.

We’re sure it can be a lot of pressure at times, which may help to explain Kim’s unfortunate comments on Sunday night’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians season premiere.

In a scene that’s gained a modicum of viral infamy in the days since it first aired, Kim referred to Kourtney as “the least exciting to look at” among her siblings.

It’s a harsh comment under any circumstances, but it’s particularly cutting in the Kardashians’ world, with its constant emphasis on appearances and fashion.

Quite understandably, Kourtney did not take the comment well, and her feud with Kim spilled over onto social media as the episode aired.

To make matters worse, Kourtney recently broke up with Younes Bendjima, which means she’s more in need of support ever.

Thankfully, her fans were happy to provide it … and to roast Kim a bit for good measure.

“I thought we’d all BEEN in agreeance that Kourtney is the hottest sister?? I know I sure have,” tweeted one Kourt-supporter.

Some seethed with rage, tweeting things like:


And as you can see, B-list celebs like Devon Sawa made their feelings known as well.

This thing reached the point where folks with zero interest in the Kard clan felt the need to sounded off the issue.

“I could not give less of a shit about the Kardashians but lets get one thing straight. Kourtney is the hottest one and that’s always been the case,” wrote one irate tweeter.

Hopefully, all of this has given Kourt a bit of a self-esteem boost.

Sometimes it’s only our darkest hours that we learn who are true friends are … or at least who pervs out to out Instagram selfies.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Snubbed By Maxim: Sofia Richie Is Hotter Than You!

There weren’t many surprises on this year’s Maxim Hot 100 list.

Kate Upton topped the list, and in the crowd of runners-up, there were many familiar faces, including Emily Ratajkowski, Demi Lovato, and a whole slew of Kardashians and Jenners.

In fact, the only member of the Kard clan that was left off the list was Kourtney Kardashian.

Now, Kourtney’s hotness is undeniable, so we doubt she’s too torn up about it.

In fact, she’s assumed a role as sort of the thinking man’s Kardashian, the sister for individuals of discerning taste and sophistication — but not so much sophistication that they’re above devoting serious thought to which reality star’s butt they like best.

When you claim Kourtney as your favorite, it’s like when everyone at the party is debating Beatles vs. Stones, and you bust in like, “Nah. Zeppelin.”

The point is, Kourtney is probably okay with her sisters being judged as hotter than her by the editors of Maxim, who are probably just four guys named Chad who discuss these matters during beer pong tournaments.

But the inclusion of Sofia Richie on the list has gotta sting just a bit.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Sofia is dating Scott Disick, the man who spent the better part of a decade making Kourtney’s life more obnoxious.

And what was initially dismissed as just a fling has recently and unexpectedly developed into a serious relationship.

The couple just celebrated their first anniversary, and there have even been rumors that Scott and Sofia are planning to get married.

Scott never proposed to Kourtney despite ten years and three kids together.

We’re not saying that’s what she wanted, and obviously, she dodged a bullet by never becoming Mrs. The Lord.

But still … it can’t feel great to see the father of your children turn his life around for his future teen bride in a way that he never would for you and your kids.

And it can’t feel great to see her dude’s new boo rated objectively more attractive by a panel of Chads.

There are older honorees on the list (like Heidi Klum) and there are other mothers of three (hey there, Kim Kardashian!), so no one is claiming that Kourtney has been discriminated against.

And we’re sure at the end of the day Kourt really couldn’t give a sh-t about how she stacks up against Sofia.

We’re just pointing out that these lists are all about exclusion, and it’s a little weird they still exist in 2018.

Oh, and the Chad Selection Committee’s definition of hotness is sorely lacking.

These are the guys at the party arguing for Nickelback.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Kate Upton: Officially Hotter than Everyone! Thanks, Maxim!

Modeling can be hard. Sometimes, you get swept off a rock during a topless photoshoot. But sometimes, you get the recognition that you’ve worked so hard to earn.

Kate Upton has secured the #1 spot on Maxim‘s legendary Hot 100 List.

In the immortal words of Kim Kardashian: “It’s what she deserves.” Seriously.

Kate Upton for Maxim Hot 100 List 2018

On Thursday, Maxim happily announced that they had reached this wise decision.

At the same time, they debuted the cover for the magazine’s 2018 July/August cover.

Upton is featured on the cover, front and center, right where she belongs.

The 25-year-old was, of course, interviewed within the pages of Maxim.

She’s proud of her achievement. She should be.

Within the pages of the publication, Upton says:

“You know, I work really hard on myself: on feeling good, working out, being strong.”

Good for her!

“Being number one on the Hot 100 is a little reward for all of the hard work.”

The enviable spot at the top of this list was filled last year by the ever-gorgeous Hailey Baldwin.

In 2016, Stella Maxwell wore that mantle.

At the height over her popularity, in 2015, Taylor Swift made that rank.

In a statement, Chief Operating Officer Robert Price spoke about how they reached this very correct decision.

“Our annual Hot 100 issue is about so much more than physical beauty, although this year’s nominees have that in spades.”

They sure do, if Upton is any indication.

“Now more than ever, we need to celebrate smart, powerful women who are breaking boundaries, shattering glass ceilings, and showing us what is possible.”

You might not think of her for that description, but you would be mistaken.

“None more so than our incredibly talented cover star, Kate Upton.”

He’s right!

When Upton speaks of strength, she’s not just talking about physically toning her limbs and her core.

She’s talking, one assumes, about personal strength of character. About bravery.

It takes unimaginable courage to step forward and make yourself a target by accusing a Guess cofounder of terrible sexual misconduct.

Trauma is difficult to discuss.

But Upton was able to detail her harrowing accusations and even refer to witnesses, some of whom made her feel safer at the time.

That takes, well, a lot of strength.

Though it was more than Kate Upton’s boobs that that put her on Maxim‘s cover, she is a model by trade.

She is jaw-droppingly gogreous. She is a professional whose career has put her through the wringer.

Every photo of her, whether it’s for an official shoot or just a quick selfie on Instagram, is captivatingly beautiful.

We’re glad to see that, unlike some publications that we could name, Maxim knows what they’re talking about when they settle on who’s the hottest.

Congratulations to Kate.

For that matter, congratulations to Justin Verlander, whom Kate Upton married late last year.

Being the hottest of the hot has to be great. Being married to the hottest of the hot doesn’t sound too shabby, either. For extremely obvious reasons.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Arianny Celeste Says Floyd"s Gotta Shot Against Conor in UFC, And He"s Hotter Too!

Arianny Celeste LOVES Floyd Mayweather — and not just for his ass-kickin’ abilities! We got the UFC’s baddest Octagon girl up in the Bev Hills, and hit her with some questions on the UFC rematch that’s got everyone talking — Floyd vs.…


Arianny Celeste Says Floyd"s Gotta Shot Against Conor in UFC, And He"s Hotter Too!

Arianny Celeste LOVES Floyd Mayweather — and not just for his ass-kickin’ abilities! We got the UFC’s baddest Octagon girl up in the Bev Hills, and hit her with some questions on the UFC rematch that’s got everyone talking — Floyd vs.…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mark Schlereth"s Hot Daughter Says Travis Kelce Is Hotter Than Gronk (VIDEO)

The smokin’ hot daughter of 3-time NFL champ Mark Schlereth ain’t a hater … ‘cause she says Travis Kelce — who didn’t pick her on his reality show — is still a hotter piece of tight end than Rob Gronkowski. We got Avery…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Javi Marroquin: Forget You Kailyn ... My New Chick is Much Hotter!

Javi Marroquin is moving on in a way … from Kailyn Lowry to a chick who sort of looks like Kailyn — just much hotter. 

The girl in the pic is Cassie Bucka, a “friend” of Javi’s, and if we’re being honest, this chick looks about 10 steps better than Lowry.  

Kailyn might be on Teen Mom and all, but Bucka seems to have serious je ne sais quoi … or, in layman’s terms, serious non-Teen Mom class. 

From what we gather from Bucka’s Instagram page, she really likes her friends, the Pittsburgh Steelers, her dogs, and was in the military at some point. 

From Javi’s Instagram, we gather that he’s obviously way better off without big-mouthed thirst trap, Kailyn Lowry. 

The two were photographed several times on different occasions, looking terribly comfortable with one another. 

All in all, we’d say, “Get it, Javi!” 

And after seeing this pic, wouldn’t you, too? 

In a recent interview with Radar Online, Javi was asked The Question — whether or not Bucka was his girlfriend. 

His sassy-ass response? 

“Let me ask her!” 

We have chills. 

Do you have chills?

‘Cause we have some serious chills. 

Recently, Javi and Kailyn were playing nice — and by “playing nice,” we mean that the passive-aggressive barbs were flying left and right. 

About the success of Kailyn’s new book, Hustle and Heart, Javi flashed the book in a pic and said, “I hate her but I’m proud of her.” 

Uh, okay? 

It’s not like we thought these two would be picking daisies in a field together with the kids anytime soon, but “I hate her but I’m proud of her?” 

That’s just a strange brew right there, y’all. 

In the book, Kailyn said Javi was jealous and controlling. 

The Teen Mom wrote, “I thought I had my fairytale ending on September 4, 2012 — the day I said, ‘I do.’ “

“I had Javi,” she explained, “my knight in shining armor, and we had big plans to build a castle together where we’d raise our children in a stable, two-parent home.”

“I wanted to open a blow-dry bar, an idea my friends were so supportive of,” she revealed.

“Javi, on the other hand, was not on board.”

“In fact, he was downright unsupportive, knocking down the idea every time I brought it up,” Lowry admitted. 

Kailyn even went as far as to assert that marrying Marroquin was a mistake

On one of her more recent Twitter rants, Lowry wrote, “I walked away from something that was toxic.” 

“A bad example for my children.” 

Well, you have to do what you have to do. 

Especially when it’s for the betterment of the kids’ circumstances. 

And we hope that’s exactly what Marroquin’s doing here — moving on from a toxic situation, and getting on with his damn life. 

Kailyn could take a leaf out of Javi’s book if she wasn’t all up in Twitter’s grill all the time. 


Monday, August 8, 2016

Ariel Winter Swimsuit Photo Just Made This Summer Even Hotter

And now, a public service announcement from Ariel Winter:

Summer is the best time of year. By a considerable margin.

The 18-year-old Modern Family star proved this and then some by donning a daring, one-piece yellow swimsuit on Sunday, celebrating life.

And National Sister’s Day at the spa with her older sister.

Winter and her sister slash one-time legal guardian Shanelle Gray enjoyed some rest and relaxation together – the best sibling bonding.

“Ready to #relax in the #spa #getaway #sister #trip,” she captioned the pic – maybe even better than the recent Ariel Winter topless effort.

A-Dubs also Instagrammed a photo of her and Shanelle in matching black outfits, showing off some leg in a pair of knee-high stilettos:

“Happy #nationalsisterday from me and my b;)” Winter wrote.

It’s Ariel’s world, and we’re just fortunate enough to love in it.

Anyone who says otherwise is officially out of their minds, as we saw when Winter slammed body shaming trolls on social media recently.

“I think there are so many bigger issues in the world that we should be focusing on than what we’re wearing,” the actress said.

“I’ve been body shamed for just about everything.”

“When I got tattoos” in particular, she added, “every single person on the face of the planet had something to say about it.  

“It can destroy a person, and I think it’s disgusting that’s what people spend time on,” she told ET, but she’s been battling back.

Winter has made great strides with her own body confidence, as evidenced rather obviously in some of her racier Instagram offerings.

“I’ve been through a rollercoaster with myself definitely, growing up in the public eye,” she said, reflecting on her self-image.

“But I think now as I’ve gotten older… I’ve had so many people help me learn to accept myself and that’s been really amazing for me.”

And for us, Ariel. Also for us. Every day.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Donald Trump to Ted Cruz: My Wife is Hotter Than Yours!

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are running to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

And they are currently engaged in a fight over who has the hotter wife.

It all started when an anti-Trump super PAC shared a scantily-clad meme of Melania Trump, an immature move that prompted Trump to respond with the following Tweet:

Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!

Trump quickly deleted this message, although it will live forever on the Internet and it will cause many to wonder: What beans?!?

And it will apparently also influence Trump’s followers, one of whom created the meme above and posted it on Instagram, only to have Trump himself then share it with the world.

The split-screen image features Heidi Cruz – a former economic policy adviser and Goldman Sachs investment manager – alongside a glamor shot of his own wife, a former model.

And, for good measure, Trump added a quote from Twitter user @Don_Vito_08 that reads “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Following the Republican’s front-runner’s initial comments, Cruz called Trump a “coward” and told CNN that “Heidi is way out of his league” if Trump wants to get into a character battle.

Then, shortly after the latest meme went live, Cruz responded again on Twitter as follows:

“Donald, real men don’t attack women. Your wife is lovely, and Heidi is the love of my life.”

Seriously, only Donald Trump could make Ted Cruz come across as the nice one in a fight.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kim Kardashian Hearkens Back to Hotter Days

Remember when Kim Kardashian acted as if she regretted posing nude for Playboy?

It’s safe to say this is no longer the case.

In one of the stranger moves we’ve seen a new mother make, Kardashian shared a pair of throwback photos on Instagram this week, both of which takes followers behind the scenes of her 2007 Playboy pictorial.

“I found these old photos from my December 2007 Playboy Magazine shoot by Hype Williams and had to post them! They are so good,” Kim wrote on her website.

“Awww, I look like a baby LOL! This was probably the first time I met hairstylist Clyde Haygood and worked with him, and also stylist Charlene Roxborough, who I still work with! My makeup was done by Matthew VanLeeuwen.”

The 35-year old gave birth to a boy named Saint West on December 5 and is yet to reveal a picture of the newborn.

But she has taken to social media on a few occasions, mostly to obnoxiously talk about her post-pregnancy weight loss.

“Another throwback bts of my 2007 Playboy shoot,” Kim wrote as a caption to the second image above, directing Instagram followers to visit her official website in order to see more.

That way, of course, she can make money by charging these visitors for access.

We have no idea why anyone would do this when they can just toggle through Kim Kardashian nude Playboy photos in the following slideshow:

Might these throwback photos be Kardashian’s way of teasing yet another Playboy shoot in the near future?

Would anyone put it past her to celebrate the return of her bikini body by showing it ALL off in the pages of this famous men’s magazine?

Here’s a look, meanwhile, at a handful of celebrities who have covered Playboy over the years.

Some of the names on this list may surprise you: 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wendy Williams on Christina Aguilera: Hotter Than Gwen Stefani, But Still Too Big!

Wendy Williams has a way with words.

By that we mean, Wendy Williams has a way of using her words to remind us on a daily basis that she"s one of the most obnoxious human beings to ever be given a television show.

You might remember some of Wendy"s greatest hits, like the time she eagerly informed her audience of tittering shrews that Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman.

Or perhaps the time that Wendy claimed "Beyonce doesn"t know how to talk" stands out in your mind.

In any event, you"re surely aware by now that Wendy Williams is really just the worst.

But just in case that iron-clad fact somehow escaped your notice, please take some time to check out the below clip from Wendy"s show (beginning around the 10:40 mark), in which she addresses the rumored feud between Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilera.

Wendy begins by proclaiming that Gwen and Christina might as well be the same person because they"re both blonde. (Um…sure?)

She goes on to say that Christina won the informal "Who would you rather?" poll that she conducted with the male members of her staff.

Then comes the real doozy:

Wendy says that Gwen is better for the show because of the drama created by her relationship with Blake Shelton.

She then addresses Christina, saying that if the Ms. Aguilera wants to compete, she better "be on the treadmill as we speak."

Like we said, this is just your daily reminder that Wendy Williams sucks.

Wendy williams on christina aguilera hotter than gwen stefani bu