Friday, June 15, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Snubbed By Maxim: Sofia Richie Is Hotter Than You!

There weren’t many surprises on this year’s Maxim Hot 100 list.

Kate Upton topped the list, and in the crowd of runners-up, there were many familiar faces, including Emily Ratajkowski, Demi Lovato, and a whole slew of Kardashians and Jenners.

In fact, the only member of the Kard clan that was left off the list was Kourtney Kardashian.

Now, Kourtney’s hotness is undeniable, so we doubt she’s too torn up about it.

In fact, she’s assumed a role as sort of the thinking man’s Kardashian, the sister for individuals of discerning taste and sophistication — but not so much sophistication that they’re above devoting serious thought to which reality star’s butt they like best.

When you claim Kourtney as your favorite, it’s like when everyone at the party is debating Beatles vs. Stones, and you bust in like, “Nah. Zeppelin.”

The point is, Kourtney is probably okay with her sisters being judged as hotter than her by the editors of Maxim, who are probably just four guys named Chad who discuss these matters during beer pong tournaments.

But the inclusion of Sofia Richie on the list has gotta sting just a bit.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Sofia is dating Scott Disick, the man who spent the better part of a decade making Kourtney’s life more obnoxious.

And what was initially dismissed as just a fling has recently and unexpectedly developed into a serious relationship.

The couple just celebrated their first anniversary, and there have even been rumors that Scott and Sofia are planning to get married.

Scott never proposed to Kourtney despite ten years and three kids together.

We’re not saying that’s what she wanted, and obviously, she dodged a bullet by never becoming Mrs. The Lord.

But still … it can’t feel great to see the father of your children turn his life around for his future teen bride in a way that he never would for you and your kids.

And it can’t feel great to see her dude’s new boo rated objectively more attractive by a panel of Chads.

There are older honorees on the list (like Heidi Klum) and there are other mothers of three (hey there, Kim Kardashian!), so no one is claiming that Kourtney has been discriminated against.

And we’re sure at the end of the day Kourt really couldn’t give a sh-t about how she stacks up against Sofia.

We’re just pointing out that these lists are all about exclusion, and it’s a little weird they still exist in 2018.

Oh, and the Chad Selection Committee’s definition of hotness is sorely lacking.

These are the guys at the party arguing for Nickelback.
