Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Amber Rose: Mocking Kim Kardashian at Worst Time Possible?

Here"s even more "fingers in the booty-ass bitch" business for you. 

Amber Rose reportedly mocked Kim Kardashian"s ugly situation, all while Kanye West is hospitalized, prompting everybody and their mothers to think that the feud between her and Kim is back on in full-force. 

Amber shared the video below, announcing that she was taking off from social media for the remainder of the year, and would return after 2016 ended … not unlike Kim"s self-imposed hiatus. 

Fans even pointed out that Amber went bare-faced like her nemesis did back when she was posting on social media.  

Things that make you go "Hmm …" 

Kim and Amber have a long track record of being crazy at one another, and it all started over — you guessed it! — Kanye West. 

If you recall, Rose and West dated long before Kim Kardashian came into play, and after the two broke up, there was a lot of contention. 

Amber and Kanye broke up in 2010, and Amber moved to jumpoff, Wiz Khalifa, while Kanye moved onto Kardashian. 

Both couples had babies in 2013 — Kim and Kanye had North, and Amber and Wiz had Sebastian — and that"s when things started to get real ugly. 

This was around the time that Tyga and Kylie started hooking up, and the bad blood between Kylie and Blac Chyna — who"s Amber"s BFF — began boiling. 

After Amber called Tyga a cradle-robber, essentially, Khloe Kardashian slammed Amber and told her not to throw rocks, "cause glass houses and all that. 

Amber then called Kim a whore (?) and the rest is history. 

That being said, if Amber is dragging Kim … it"s petty beyond belief. 

Especially since the two were said to have mended fences by sharing a photo taken together which Kim captioned, "Tea anyone?"  

What tangled webs we they weave. 

Check out the video — is Amber reigniting the feud at a real bad time?

Amber rose heartlessly mocks kim kardashian is the feud back on