Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian to Scott Disick: Propose, Or We"re THROUGH!

In retrospect, we should have known Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick would get back together.

They clearly just don’t know how to quit each other.

They’re like Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain, except instead of gay Montana cowboys, they’re spray-tanned SoCal narcissists.

Despite the fact that their time apart has been less than amicable (Kourtney slept with Justin Bieber, which is pretty much the ultimate low-blow.), Kourt and Scott recently decided to take a Mexican vacation together.

And it seems that even though Scott was barred from downing any margaritas, the trip went better than expected:

“Kourt’s been impressed with how hard he’s worked to get back into her good graces, and she fell in love with him all over again during their Mexican vacation,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Kourtney’s allowed Scott to move back in with her and the kids, but she also hit him with the ultimatum that it’s time they got married.”

Wow … how romantic.

Scott sort of went into a tailspin when they spilt, so not surprisingly, insiders claim he’s accepted Kourtney’s conditions.

Unfortunately, it looks as though the rumored Kourtney-Khloe double wedding will not come to pass.

Sources say Skourt is planning to break with family tradition and tie the knot in an intimate affair with a very small guest list.

“They’re plotting a quiet wedding at home with only immediate family — not even friends will be allowed.”

So do E! camera crews count as family?

Come to think of it, they probably should at this point.

Look, we believe just about every part of this story except for the bit about Kris Jenner allowing one of her kids to get married and not forcing them to televise it.

Well, we kind of struggle with the whole “Scott staying sober for an entire week in Mexico” part, too, but that’s a conversation for another time.

The point is, we actually we can actually swallow the fact that these two are back on, and we definitely believe they’re willing to get hitched.

We know Scott’s not huge on commitment, but after you’ve had three kids with someone, that ship has sort of sailed, anyways.
