Wednesday, August 3, 2016

William and Kate: 16 Times The Tabloids Got It Wrong

The weekly rags pride themselves on a really captivating cover, especially when it comes to covering the royals.  

If you use a gold sticker stating that either the Duchess of Cambridge or the palace confirms something, then it has to be real, right?

Don"t forget Photoshopping crowns on to William and Catherine to prepare the world for their ascension to the throne.  And imagine what the $ 100 million coronation will be like!


1. In Touch – May 2011

Kates baby heartbreak

William and Catherine hadn’t been married for 4 minutes before In Touch claimed she was battling fertility issues. Classy.

2. Life & Style – July 2012

Kate middleton humilitated

Around this time, Buckingham Palace gave a refresher course on protocol and rank within the royal family. Tabloids took this to mean that the Queen was getting revenge on Catherine for being popular. Her punishment required her to curtsy to Prince William’s cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie of York. HOWEVER, she only has to curtsy to the York girls if Prince William is not with her, because William outranks his cousins.

3. Star – September 2012

Kate middleton pregnant claim

Oooh, Star was so close to finally hitting its target. Prince George was presumably conceived in November of 2012, just two months after Star’s claims.

4. Life & Style – December 2012

Kate middleton twins

Yes, William and Catherine announced that she was pregnant around this time, but Catherine was only carrying Prince George. Just one prince. Single rider.

5. Star – December 2013

Kate middleton tabloid report

News is slow, everyone loves a holiday pregnancy announcement. And yet…no baby.

6. Globe – March 2014

Globe cover march 24 2014

Her Majesty was not “dying” at the time. In fact, she went on to break Queen Victoria’s record for longest reigning British monarch in history in September 2015.

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