Showing posts with label Tabloids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tabloids. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chrissy Teigen: Tabloids are Dumb, John Legend Still Loves Me!

It would be hard to name a celebrity couple more lovable than John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

Because, come on … it’s John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

John is so talented and adorable, Chrissy is so beautiful and so real. They’re a truly wonderful match.

Who could forget that delightful moment when Chrissy revealed that she didn’t realize John could see her butthole in certain sex positions?

Or what about the time that he told us all that she’d been teaching their adorable daughter, Luna, how to mock him?

And speaking of their adorable daughter Luna, seriously, have you even seen her?

They’re just the best, the very best, and that’s why it was so upsetting earlier this week when we heard that there may be some trouble over there in that lovely paradise.

According to that tragic new report from In Touch, Chrissy and John “are having real marriage problems.”

So many problems, in fact, that “They have been in marriage counseling for the last six months.”

Their alleged issues include Chrissy’s admitted drinking problem, as well as her struggle with postpartum depression.

Because if we’re to believe this report, John is willing to end their marriage and tear their family apart because of issues Chrissy developed after carrying and giving birth to their child.

See why we called this mess “tragic”?

“They are fighting nonstop,” the report continued.

But, on the bright side, “They’re trying very hard to make their marriage work.”

The whole thing is very depressing, and while we wouldn’t imagine it to be true, we wouldn’t have imagined many celebrity splits that have happened this year.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris? Fergie and Josh Duhamel?

It’s a bad time to be a long-lasting celeb couple.

However, before you get too upset, know that Chrissy has addressed this rumor not once, but twice.

And both statements are, in typical Chrissy Teigen fashion, simply delightful.

First, she shared a photo of the In Touch cover on Instagram — the cover that advertised an “exclusive” about “Chrissy & John: On the Brink of Splitting.”

“Oh in touch go f-ck yourselves, you exclusively dumb pieces of trash,” she wrote in the caption.

Then yesterday, paparazzi got video of Chrissy and little Luna leaving LAX, and they managed to get a few colorful comments out of her.

First, a photographer told her that if she and John did ever split, he’d “lose all faith in love.”

In response, she laughed and said “We’re not even close!”

He asked her why people are writing things about their split then, if they’re so happily married, and she said “Well, In Touch is f-ckin’ stupid.”

She also said that she has “no idea” where they get their stories from, but maybe “They’re bored. No news. Slow news day.”

Chrissy, gem that she is, then revealed the secret to successful Hollywood relationships: “I think enjoying yourself, having fun, realizing it’s all bullsh-t.”

Oh, girl. Never change.

Not that you would.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

William and Kate: 16 Times The Tabloids Got It Wrong

The weekly rags pride themselves on a really captivating cover, especially when it comes to covering the royals.  

If you use a gold sticker stating that either the Duchess of Cambridge or the palace confirms something, then it has to be real, right?

Don"t forget Photoshopping crowns on to William and Catherine to prepare the world for their ascension to the throne.  And imagine what the $ 100 million coronation will be like!


1. In Touch – May 2011

Kates baby heartbreak

William and Catherine hadn’t been married for 4 minutes before In Touch claimed she was battling fertility issues. Classy.

2. Life & Style – July 2012

Kate middleton humilitated

Around this time, Buckingham Palace gave a refresher course on protocol and rank within the royal family. Tabloids took this to mean that the Queen was getting revenge on Catherine for being popular. Her punishment required her to curtsy to Prince William’s cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie of York. HOWEVER, she only has to curtsy to the York girls if Prince William is not with her, because William outranks his cousins.

3. Star – September 2012

Kate middleton pregnant claim

Oooh, Star was so close to finally hitting its target. Prince George was presumably conceived in November of 2012, just two months after Star’s claims.

4. Life & Style – December 2012

Kate middleton twins

Yes, William and Catherine announced that she was pregnant around this time, but Catherine was only carrying Prince George. Just one prince. Single rider.

5. Star – December 2013

Kate middleton tabloid report

News is slow, everyone loves a holiday pregnancy announcement. And yet…no baby.

6. Globe – March 2014

Globe cover march 24 2014

Her Majesty was not “dying” at the time. In fact, she went on to break Queen Victoria’s record for longest reigning British monarch in history in September 2015.

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Kate Middleton Pregnant Again, Because The Tabloids Said So!

If breaking news like this come from a magazine in the supermarket checkout line, then it has to be true.

Kate Middleton Pregnant, According to Life & Style

LIfe & Style‘s cover declares that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her third child.

Her Royal Highness and the Duke of Cambridge, the reports claims, told their family over the holidays.

“Prince Harry couldn’t contain is excitement and was jumping up and down and cheering,” an insider revealed.

“Kate and William have always wanted to have a large family.

“But they didn’t think they would be expecting baby No. 3 quite so soon.”

Pregnancies so close to one another happen all the time, and Catherine is no exception.

However, unless it’s coming straight from Kensington Palace via a lovely press statement, it’s just gossip.

Speaking of which, how fun was that cover of OK! Magazine declaring the Queen handed William and Catherine her crown?  And a coronation is scheduled for this spring!

Goodness, me.  What a busy season the Cambridges will have.

JK this is all bullsh–

The pregnancy report is on the latest attempt to get a “scoop” on a royal birth, something the tabloids have been doing since the couple married in 2011.

So, mom, if you’re reading this, Kate isn’t pregnant.  I don’t know what the sex is because the story isn’t true.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jessa Duggar Reports: I"m Still Pregnant! Tabloids Are Dumb!

Over the weekend, Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald celebrated their first wedding anniversary, but the festivities didn’t go quite as they’d planned.

You see, Jessa’s due date was November 1 (the same day she and Ben tied the knot), but the big day has come and gone and Jessa is still knocked up. In case that wasn’t clear, she decided to post some photographic evidence on Instagram:

Apparently, Jessa was in a Wal-Mart (natch) when she spotted an amusing tabloid cover.

She posted the pic above along with the following caption:

“Cracking up over this one! Ben and I were surprised to find out that #BabySeewald was already born last week! I must say, it was certainly a relief for me to find out that all that labor and delivery work is already behind me.  

“Oh, and A+ on the cover picture. I never imagined I’d get my pre-baby body back so soon! Haha! We both had a good laugh over this!”

Well, at least Jessa has a sense of humor about the situation. Of course, she can call out the tabloids all she wants, but that won’t stop the rumor mill from churning.

In addition to claiming that she already gave birth, Life & Style claims Jessa was “terrified” of giving birth at home without the support of her sister Jill, who’s currently serving as a missionary in Central America.

We guess think it’s safe to assume L&S is full of BS on this one.