Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ashley Graham to Amy Schumer: What"s Wrong with Being Plus-Size!?

Ashley Graham has a bone to pick with Amy Schumer.

And it comes down to this:

The model would like to know why the comedian is not more accepting of her big-boned frame.

In April, Schumer took issue with Glamour after the magazine included her in its special edition on plus-size figures.

The cover itself even promoted the Trainwreck star, screaming for all to see:

Women Who Inspire Us: Melissa McCarthy, Adele, Amy Schumer & Ashley Graham.

However, Schumer never agreed to be among those featured in the special issue, responding negatively on Instagram and calling out Glamour for its labeling of her body.

“I think there’s nothing wrong with being plus size,” she wrote. “Beautiful healthy women. Plus size is considered size 16 in America. I go between a size 6 and an 8.”

Added Schumer at the time:

“@glamourmag put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn’t feel right to me.

“Young girls seeing my body type thinking that is plus size? What are your thoughts? Mine are not cool glamour not glamourous.”

In the August issue of Cosmopolitan, meanwhile, Graham fired back.

Considered the most famous plus-size model out there, the brunette says Schumer missed out on a chance to serve as a role model.

“I can see both sides, but Amy talks about being a big girl in the industry,” Graham explained, adding:

“You thrive on being a big girl, but when you’re grouped in with us, you’re not happy about it? That, to me, felt like a double standard.”

That is sort of true.

Schumer jokes all the time about having a less than ideal body. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would object to Glamour’s classification.

Graham, however, rejects the notion that she’s a “plus-size” model.

She just wants to be known as a model.

So… is she really one to talk?!?

“Just because I’m not calling myself plus size doesn’t mean I’m not representing a woman who is,” she explains.

“I’m giving curvy women a seat at a table that we’ve never been invited to before – a table with high-end fashion people who have never considered us beautiful.”

What do you think? Do you take a side in this debate?

Or are the women really just arguing over harmless semantics in the end?