Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wendy Williams: SLAMMED for Defending Haters of Jesse Williams" BET Speech

A little more than a week ago, Jesse Williams delivered an impassioned speech on racism at the BET Awards that people are still talking about today.

Unfortunately, Wendy Williams is one of them.

In case you missed it, Jesse’s controversial speech went into detail about the Black Lives Matter movement, cultural appropriation and the plight of black women.

While applauded by most, it sparked an outcry among a small group of citizens who denounced the speech as racist and called for the actor’s dismissal from Grey’s Anatomy.

Now, the divisive talk show host is throwing in her two cents, as she does.

“I must say to you, he was on BET. His speech was very poignant,” Williams said on her talk show.

“On the other hand, I would be really offended if there was a school that was known as a historically white college.

“We have historically Black colleges. What if there was the National Organization for White People, only? There’s the NAACP.”

Sadly, Wendy doesn’t get it. We don’t have white organizations and colleges because we don’t need them. We already have them. It’s called the Ivy League. And Congress. 

Unsurprisingly, the host incurred the wrath of Twitter.

“I can no longer accept ur privileged ignorance @WendyWilliams. Using your platform to degrade #HBCUs & #JesseWilliams. You’re Black, BLACK,” wrote one angered user.

Many fans compared her to Stacey Dash, who after his speech dismissed Jesse as a “Hollywood plantation slave” who was “just spewing hate and anger.”

“How can blacks fight against racism when we can’t even work together…We got Jesse Williams. They’ve got Stacey Dash and Wendy Williams,” another frustrated fan tweeted.

Dash is eviscerated by Black Twitter pretty much every time she opens her mouth, and Wendy seems to be heading in the same direction.