Thursday, July 7, 2016

Taylor Swift Stalker Arrested at Singer’s Home, Is Very Sad She’s Dating Tom Hiddleston

Taylor Swift really gets a steady amount of unwanted visitors at her home. 

The most recent person to show up unannounced is a deranged fan who is not impressed about her relationship with Tom Hiddleston

There’s no denying that Swift’s relationship with Hiddleston came out of nowhere. 

She was in a relationship with Calvin Harris mere weeks ago, but one fan seemed to think that the end of her relationship with Harris meant that he’d be her next dude. 

The man showed up at her Rhode Island home and was allegedly distraught about her relationship with 35-year-old Hiddleston.

This new pairing has been literally everywhere. The whole world probably knows about it at this stage. 

They’ve been jet-setting around the globe with one another. Their relationship appears to be moving along at a brisk pace. 

The deranged fan was caught by security, but they knew that something wasn’t quite right when he claimed that he was meant to get married to the singer. 

That’s when alarm bells started ringing and the authorities got involved. 

The man was ultimately taken to a local hospital for a mental evaluation. 

His car was towed away from the scene when he was taken away.

There’s word that Taylor was not in the residence at the time of the incident. 

This is not okay. This is the sort of things that celebrities fear the most. 

There’s a line and this fan most certainly crossed it. 

Taylor is believed to be in Australia at the moment with her man, who is filming Thor 3.

She has yet to address the event at her Rhode Island residence, but she must be so glad that she wasn’t there at the time. 

What do you think about this?

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