Thursday, June 2, 2016

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: What Went Wrong?!?

It seemed like Taylor Swift had finally found her perfect man, didn’t it?

After all those songs… after all that heartbreak… Swift got together with Calvin Harris in early 2015 and we’d ever seen the star so happy.

So, why did Swift and Harris just break up?

What sort of shocking event caused this singer and this DJ to end their 15-month relationship?

It wasn’t like that, multiple insiders confirm.

“There was no drama. Things just don’t work out sometimes,” a source tells People. “No one cheated.”

But then what happened?

How did Swift go from reaching out in such a loving manner for Harris at Coachella in April to no longer being his girlfriend just a few weeks late?

“[Calvin] really liked Taylor,” another source tells E! News, explaining in more detail:

“She was not the type of girl he ever dates and he liked that. He liked how innocent Taylor was and that she had a good caring heart.

“Taylor’s heart was more in it then he was. He started to lose interest over the past few months, but really tried to not just break up.”

This source also emphasizes that Harris did not cheat on Swift.

“They were just not very compatible in different areas in their relationship,” E! writes.”The touring and traveling didn’t help. It seemed like they were more friends than lovers.”

It certainly is true that busy schedules and long distances play major roles in why so many famous couples don’t work out.

Swift has been in Nashville with her family since the split went down last week.

“Taylor and Adam had no big blowout fight, but the romance just was not there anymore for them,” another insider tells E!, using Harris’ real first name.

“Adam is the one that ended it. It was all done in a very mature fashion. Taylor is pretty upset but they are still in communication.”

We won’t make any jokes about how this will provide Swift with material for her next album.

We’ll just send her our very best and hope everything works out in the end for both parties.