Friday, June 24, 2016

Demi Lovato Wonders: What is Wrong with the World?!?

Demi Lovato is not just back on social media.

Demi Lovato is back on social media… and better than ever!

Earlier this week, the opinionated singer quit Twitter and Instagram.

She was a bit vague at the time regarding the basis for her departure, but it seemed to come down to idiot trolls saying stupid things and ignoring all the good work Demi has been doing, such as the foundation she started for mental health care.

It’s not difficult to see Twitter users laying into Lovato for being fat or something instead of caring about such an important cause.

A mere 24 hours later, however, Lovato said f-ck this, she’s returning to the online platforms… “more honest than ever.”

Demi tweets

And she wasn’t kidding.

Late on Thursday, Lovato made Kanye West proud by going on a rant against pretty much all of society.

She made it clear that she thinks most people have their priorities out of order, caring more about celebrity gossip than politics or world peace.

“The world is weird,” Lovato Tweeted.

“I bet our country knows more about celebrities than they know about what’s happening over seas or global warming.

“We complain about how unfair paparazzi and tabloid rumors are but still buy the magazines to find out who’s f–king who and who wore it best.”

From there, Lovato shared an actual poll on her Twitter page.

“How many people can name someone on the FBI’s top 10 most wanted list?” it asked, listing the following three options:

Demi poll

“Is it our fault though?” Demi wondered.

“Has society fed into it or is this just easy business with everyone from blogs to magazines trying to cash in? Who’s fault is it that teens can name more celebrity feuds than wars?”

There are many points of view one could take on Lovato’s diatribe here.

On one hand, she’s right of course.

It’s hypocritical for anyone to think badly about Kim Kardashian for posing naked a lot… while then buying magazines about her or following her on Instagram.

There’s clearly demand for celebrity gossip, which is why so many stars supply it.

On the other hand, Lovato is biting the hand that feeds her a bit here.

She has 41 million Instagram followers. But her logic, they should be watching CNN instead of caring about her collection of photos, right?

It seems like Demi would be singing a different tune if this actually happened to her.

Still, all that said…itis refreshing to see a celebrity at least acknowledge that there are more important issues out there than celebrities, isn’t it?