Showing posts with label Wonders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonders. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Paris Hilton Calls Lindsay Lohan Out as a "Liar," Internet Wonders If It"s 2006

Paris Hilton is celebrating #ThrowbackThursday a few hours early.

But she isn’t doing it via some memorable or funny photos from several years ago.

She’s doing it by reigniting a decades-old feud with the one former celebrity who may be more irrelevant than she is these days.

Yes, Lindsay Lohan, we’re talking about you.

The former A-Listers, both of whom have seen their Q-Rating drop more precipitously than Hilton’s pants in her infamous amateur porn video, are evidently at odds once again as a result of something Paris wrote on Instagram.

This is all a little bit confusing and a whole lot random, but here we go…

A Paris Hilton fan account (yes, these actually exist!) on Instagram shared a montage of paparazzi videos of Lohan in the 2000s this week.

During her darkest period, of course, the ex-actress was involved prominently during this decade in many scandals and disagreements.

The first clip from the aforementioned video is from November of 2006; it features Lohan claiming that Hilton had hit her in the arm the night before at a friend’s house and also poured a drink all over her.

Then, in the second section of footage, Lohan takes this statement back and says she loves Paris.

“Paris is my friend. Everyone lies about everything. She’s a nice person…she never did that. She’s a good girl,” Lindsay tells photographers as she ducks into the car with Hilton behind the wheel in this snippet.

Then, there’s a third segment of the video in which Lindsay seemingly calls Paris a “cunt,” prior to immediately claiming she did no such thing,

(A certain President of the United States stand up and applaud Lindsay for her ability to tell fudge the truth, if you will.)

At some point, this video must have made its way into Hilton’s feed because actually left a comment on it that reads:


Lohan and Hilton go back a VERY long way.

Lindsay allegedly dated Hilton’s ex-boyfriend, Stavros Niarchos, about 12 years ago.

Lohan, meanwhile, once quipped that Paris is “very comfortable making videos,” a clear reference to her sex tape.

Then, in 2013, Hilton’s younger brother alleged that Lohan was actually behind a beating he took in Miami.

We haven’t heard much about their relationship since then; nor much from either star since then, period.

However, Lohan recently went after Kim Kardashian, indicating that she’s unafraid to stir things up with fellow celebrities just like she did in the old days.

Although she’d claim otherwise.

“I’m a normal, nice person. A good person. I don’t have any bad intentions. And my past has to stay in the past,” Lohan explained in a new interview, adding:

“People have to just let go of it and stop bringing it up because it’s not – it’s gone. It’s dead. And that’s the most important thing to me.”

Okay, fine. Fair enough.

But someone better pass that message along to Paris Hilton.

(At press time, Lohan had not responded to Hilton’s liar diss.)


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Matt Roloff Wonders: Should I Run for Office?!?

On the latest episode of Little People, Big World, tension once again ran rampant between Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff.

Over pumpkin season, as we witnessed a couple Tuesday nights ago?

Over Matt’s romance with farm manager Caryn Chandler, which has been awkward from the start?

Nope and nope.

Instead, the former couple argued last night on air about Matt’s potential run for political office.

We’re not kidding!

“Some friends in the legislature here think I’d be good candidate to run for State Senator,” Matt explained to the camera, prior to the installment flashing to footage of Oregon State Senator Bruce Starr telling Roloff:

“By you running and winning this seat, Matt, it brings balance to the state legislature that is seriously needed.”

Can’t say we saw this storyline or possibility coming, did you?

Matt was clearly drawn to the idea. He didn’t even try to hide it.

“I mean, Matt Roloff, State Senator, that has a pretty good ring to it. It’s a big honor,” he said, adding during the episode:

“I’ve dabbled in politics here and there, and I’m passionate about some of the issues, but it’s also a huge sacrifice. It’s a commitment that you can’t take lightly.”

Little People, Big World is not typically a political program.

Matt, however, did once garner some backlash for seemingly showing support for Donald Trump.

The Commander-in-Chief wasn’t mentioned on this new episode, however, but Amy did voice some concerns about her former husband heading in this direction.

Remember, she warned Matt, “with politics, you’re past comes up.”

“Can’t you just say, ‘Good idea’?” Matt responded, sort of annoyed.

“Well, just be prepared that your past will come up,” Amy reiterated.

How mysterious and intriguing, right? To what could Amy be referring?


In his 1999 memoir, Against Tall Odd: Being a David in a Goliath World, Matt actually opened up about his cocaine addiction.

“I never thought I’d be someone who used drugs, but it happened,” he wrote in that book, elaborating as follows:

“I thought I could just try it and get out of it, but I was wrong. It caught me like a bear trap. I almost didn’t escape.”

Then, in 2003, Roloff was arrested for driving under the influence after his car swerved into a ditch.

Despite an official convicted charge of drunk driving, Matt’s charges were dismissed the following year upon completion of an alcohol diversion program.

There’s actualy more on his record, too.

In 2007, Roloff was pulled over once more after police spotted him supposedly driving erratically after leaving a bar.

He pleaded not guilty to driving under the influence in this instance, which was eventually dismissed due to a combination of jury misconduct and failure to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the reality star had been driving under the influence that night.

So… nothing major in Matt’s past, no.

But definitely some questionable and dangerous.

Said girlfriend Chandler last night on this topic:

“I’m going to support you whatever you really, really want to do, but as long as you understand that the more you put on your plate, it takes a toll on all things.”

In the end, due to Caryn’s hesitance and due to his desire to spend a lot of time in Arizona, Matt passed on the opportunity.

“I feel very committed to Caryn and I don’t want to lose her,” he said. “I need to pass on it.”

Elsewhere on this installment, Amy pondered her own future, including whether she will continue to live on the farm; Zach worried about Jackson’s six-month checkup; and Jeremy and Audrey dealt with a major disaster.

Click on the video below to watch Little People, Big World online and to see these storylines develop:


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Meghan Markle Deletes Social Media Accounts, World Wonders Why

Meghan Markle has gone radio silent.

Or, to be more specific to the year 2018, Meghan Markle has gone Twitter, Instagram and Facebook silent.

The question this has prompted from the public is a simple one…


The former USA Network actress surprised her social media followers on Tuesday afternoon when she deactivated all three of her aforementioned accounts.

She did so after attending her first royal engagement of the year with Prince Harry.

Moreover, this social media blackout comes about nine months after she closed her lifestyle blog, The Tig, along with its corresponding social media pages.

What is the line of thinking here?

It may be that Markle is sick of trolls harassing her about every little thing, but it also may just be due to how significant her life has already changed.

Come May 19, Markle will officially be a member of The Royal Family.

She can’t just share random photos or even inspirational messages at that point.

Those are a part of this unique clan are basically always spoken for by Kensington Palace, which does have a Twitter account and which shares such pertinent information as Markle and Harry’s wedding date.

Wrote Markle upon ending The Tig:

“After close to three beautiful years on this adventure with you, it’s time to say goodbye.

“What began as a passion project (my little engine that could) evolved into an amazing community of inspiration, support, fun and frivolity.

“You’ve made my days brighter and filled this experience with so much joy.”

The beautiful star founded the website in 2014, with her favorite red wine inspiring its name: Tignanello.

“Keep finding those Tig moments of discovery, keep laughing and taking risks, and keep being ‘the change you wish to see in the world,” Meghan wrote at the time, concluding:

“Above all, don’t ever forget your worth. As I’ve told you time and time again: you, my sweet friend, you are enough.”

Since agreeing to be Mrs. Prince Harry in a few months, Markle has retired from acting and talked excitedly about her next step in life.

Not just as Harry’s wife, but as a very public figure on a mission.

Meghan has said she plans to focus her attention on charitable initiatives, even if acting will always have a place in her heart.

“I don’t see it as giving anything up. I just see it as a change,” she said in a BBC interview after announcing her engagement.

She added:

“It’s a new chapter, right? And also, keep in mind, I’ve been working on [Suits] for seven years. We were very, very fortunate to have that sort of longevity on a series…

“I’ve ticked this box, and I feel very proud of the work I’ve done there, and now it’s time to work with [Harry] as a team.”


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Audrey Roloff Wonders: What Actually Is Love?!?

Audrey Roloff is in a contemplative mood.

Okay, granted: when is Audrey Roloff ever not in a contemplative mood?!?

We say this without a hint of judgment, of course.

It’s just pretty much a fact that this Little People, Big World star is often pondering the bigger questions in life.

Just consider what she wrote last month on Instagram, along with a precious photo of her and daughter Ember Jean.

“I want to be someone who spends more time reading truth, engaging wisdom, and listing for His still small voice, than sharing my own incomplete oversimplified perspectives.”

Audrey was saying at the time that she needs to spend less time on social media and more time soaking in every aspect of life.

Ironically now, however, Roloff has returned to her Instagram page in order to hone in on perhaps the most important aspect of said life:


“Love. Have we lost grip on what it really is?” she asks her followers, elaboraring as follows:

“It’s so commonly mistaken for tolerance, or watered down to a feeling or desire. We are so quick to say we love this and love that… but have we cheapened the meaning?

“Sure, I “love” Christmas and “love” campfires, but then I also love Jeremy… So how do we reconcile this?’

We can safely say we’ve never thought about this emotion in such a way.

Color us intrigued, though.

“We must reclaim the definition of love,” Audrey believes, adding:

“True love is so much more than desire for something or someone. It’s patient, kind, compassionate, selfless, fervent, unconditional, honest, encouraging, enduring, and full of grace and truth.

“Love is not a feeling; it’s a sacrifice, a commitment, daily choice – a verb.”

Tell us more, Audrey.

You have our attention…

I love Timothy Keller’s words, “In any relationship, there will be frightening spells in which your feelings of love dry up. And when that happens, you must remember that the essence of marriage is that it is a covenant, a commitment, a promise of future love.

So what do you do? You DO THE ACTS OF LOVE, despite your lack of feeling.

You may not feel tender, sympathetic, and eager to please, but in your actions you must BE tender, understanding, forgiving and helpful.

What will happen if we follow this advice?

As time goes on you will not only get through the dry spells, but they will become less frequent and deep, and you will become more constant in your feelings. This is what can happen if you decide to love.”


Well…okay then!

Do you agree with Audrey’s take? 

Do you understand Audrey’s take?

Are you looking forward to new episodes of Little People, Big World?

They are expected to delve deeply into Audrey’s pregnancy and how she and Jeremy are doing as parents to Ember.

Look for these episodes to premiere in March…and look through adorable Roloff family photos below!


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Donna Karan Defends Harvey Weinstein, Wonders if Victims "Asking For It"

Oh no, Donna Karan. This is not the way.

Allegations of Harvey Weinsteins decades of sexual harassment have been exposed, and it looks like that’s just the beginning. He’s been condemned by people who once considered him a friend, including living legends like Meryl Streep.

Donna Karan has spoken out in his defense, however … in the worst possible way.

For years, Harvey Weinstein has been dogged by the occasional rumor of sexual harassment. One of the rumored victims is Ashley Judd, and we knew that years ago.

Well, after the New York Times published a massive expose that alleged a wildly disturbing pattern of sexual harassment, in which Weinstein allegedly promised to boost women’s careers if they did as he asked — and, in some accusations, he didn’t even ask — it looks like the cat is out of the bag.

In fact, Harvey Weinstein has been fired from his own company.

Harvey has issued a weak-ass apology.

“I came of age in the ’60s and ’70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then.”

Yeah, that is literally no excuse. You’re an adult. Even if this were the 1500s, the time period wouldn’t be an excuse. At best, it would be an explanation.”

“I have since learned it’s not an excuse, in the office — or out of it. To anyone. I realized some time ago that I needed to be a better person and my interactions with the people I work with have changed.”


“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go. That is my commitment.”

The general public reaction has been that this is too little, too late.

But Donna Karan, legendary designer and friend of Weinstein’s, was asked while on the red carpet and she gave quite an answer.

“I think we have to look at ourselves. Obviously, the treatment of women all over the world is something that has always had to be identified.”

“Certainly in the country of Haiti where I work, in Africa, in the developing world, it’s been a hard time for women.”

Women have a hard time everywhere, but that’s a great way to plug your own humanitarian work.

“To see it here in our own country is very difficult, but I also think how do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women?”

“What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and all the sexuality?”

The short answer is: no.

The longer reply is: what the hell is wrong with you?

No one ever ‘asks for it.” You could walk down the street naked and no one would have the right to touch you. (Well, police might arrest you, but other than that)

“And what are we throwing out to our children today about how to dance and how to perform and what to wear? How much should they show?”

If an adult is sexualizing a child, that is 100% on the adult. Obviously.

“You look at everything all over the world today and how women are dressing and what they are asking by just presenting themselves the way they do. What are they asking for? Trouble.”

Women who wear clothing aren’t asking for trouble, Donna Karan.

But women who say idiotic things that blame victims of sexual harassment sure are.

She’s been blasted for these comments on Twitter, by the general public and by major celebrities.

Donna Karan is aware of the backlash and issued a statement via JustJared:

“Last night, I was honored at the Cinemoi Fashion Film Awards in Hollywood and while answering a question on the red carpet I made a statement that unfortunately is not representative of how I feel or what I believe.”

“I have spent my life championing women.”

We have to wonder how in the world one accidentally slips up and says that.

You can say the wrong name or get something else wrong, sure, but rambling on about how sexual harassment is the victim’s fault for being so darn irresistible is … not an accident.

“My life has been dedicated to dressing and addressing the needs of women, empowering them and promoting equal rights.”

“My statements were taken out of context and do not represent how I feel about the current situation concerning Harvey Weinstein.”

Ugh, the old “taken out of context” line. Which makes the whole apology just about worthless.

“I believe that sexual harassment is NOT acceptable and this is an issue that MUST be addressed once and for all regardless of the individual. I am truly sorry to anyone that I offended and everyone that has ever been a victim.”

If she had said just this last part, it would have been better.

We don’t know if Donna Karan’s apology will be accepted, particularly given that she tries to throw up the “taken out of context” excuse.

There are real quotes that are taken out of context, but unless Donna Karen actually said “the worst thing that a person could say is,” before she said what she said, what context could possibly make what she said okay?

To make matters worse, following that initial New York Times expose, the New Yorker has come out with horror stories from a few of Weinstein’s accusers.

We’re not longer just talking about allegations of sexual harassment, though that alone is unacceptable.

When it comes to Harvey Weinstein, we’re now talking about accusations of sexual assault.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Kim Kardashian Breaks Down, Wonders: Am I Safe?!?

It"s been several months since Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris.

But these sorts of scary incidents can leave more than just a mark. They can leave a scar.

And that much is obvious in the following clip from this Sunday"s brand new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

On vacation with sister Kourtney and friends such as Larsa Pippen, Kim suddenly has a break down when she wonders whether or not she and her loved ones are in danger.

Staying at a villa owned by Joe Francis, Kardashian calls the Girls Gone Wild founder in a full-blown panic attack and asks for his reassurance.

"I just have anxiety. Are you sure it"s safe here?" she cries on the phone, to which Francis replies:

"Yeah, Kim it"s safe there, I promise. I promise you it"s safe. I have my kids there. It"s safe."

Kardashian later addresses the camera and explains herself further.

It does all go back to the aforementioned incident in France.

"Ever since Paris I just like go through this worst case scenario mode in my head," she says in a confessional, adding:

"I was so excited to come on this trip and I had no idea that I was gonna end up feeling this way.

"But it hit me right as we were getting off the plane that all of these people at the airport are gonna see 17 or 18 girls all with our Chanel bags, you know Louis Vuitton this and it just like hit me.

"We"re the biggest target ever."

That"s sort of true.

It would be easy for Kim to just NOT carry expensive handbags, but then where would be the TV drama in that, right?

In another sneak peek (above) at the upcoming installment, Kim freaks out for a different reason:

Paparazzi members have snapped photos of her on this same vacation and they aren"t exactly flattering.

"I"m just like, ‘Why did I come?!"" Kim tells Francis in the clip below.

Our guess? Because the Keeping Up with the Kardashians script called for it.


Kim kardashian breaks completely down wonders am i safe

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s Flu Diet is Really Working Wonders on Her Body (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kim Kardashian made a joke about the flu helping her drop some poundage … but these pics prove a little temp can do a body good. Paps got Kim out and about in L.A. Tuesday night in a bralette, skin-tight pants and a very loose coat that let…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Bachelor Winner Wonders: Oh, God, What Did I Do?!?

According to a bombshell new report, Nick Viall has a lot in common with the drinking of milk on a sweltering day.

That is, The Bachelor star is a bad decision that a certain young women immediately regrets choosing as her mate.

An insider tells In Touch Weekly that the suitor who earned Viall’s final rose on this season of the ABC competition will watch The Bachelor online from home, jaw dropped all the way down to the floor, and basically ask herself:


The Bachelor, of course, was filmed several weeks ago.

This is why you can find out the identity of the victor in our section of The Bachelor spoilers and this is why the woman who emerges victorious is in an unusual, unenviable position:

She can actually see Nick’s actions on television every week, learning what he said or did with other women prior to asking for her hand in marriage.

And the In Touch Weekly source claims the winner “started to cry” during a recent episode upon seeing Viall “get a little too intimate” with one of his contestants.

“Not only was she hurt by what she was seeing, but she was so embarrassed by his behavior,” the tabloid writes.

This mole does not come out and confirm that the person with whom Nick was getting intimate and acting all inappropriate was Corinne Olympios… but come on.

We just know it was Corinne Olympios.

Viall, of course, was a controversial selection as The Bachelor.

He had previously appeared on two seasons of The Bachelorette and one season of Bachelor in Paradise and had built up a reputation as quite a ladies man.

By which we mean he had slept with SEVEN women from The Bachelor franchise before even landing the featured gig himself.

This number could climb to as high as 10 after the Fantasy Suite portion of Season 21 airs.

But In Touch says the winner knows a very different side to Viall. She developed feelings for him based on the ways in which she got to know him away from set. 

“Nick is very sweet and loving toward the winner in private, but she’s starting to see how much of a playboy he is, thanks to the show,” the insider alleges.

“She’s starting to think that maybe she made a huge mistake. She’s having second thoughts about spending the rest of her life with him.”

She really need not have that concern.

The odds of a Bachelor or Bachelorette and his or her actually getting married are about as high as the odds of Donald Trump giving up on Twitter.

Wasn’t the winner aware of Nick’s reputation prior to falling for him? Wasn’t this a common topic of conversation around the mansion?

Yes, this tabloid wrote. But the Viall’s unidentified fiancee just chalked up all that chatter to jealousy from the other women.

But she now sees it as a warning she ought to have heeded.

“The winner had heard from the other girls in the house that Nick was trying to sleep with all of them, but she always brushed it off as them just being dramatic,” this know-it-all tells In Touch, adding:

“But after having watched these first few episodes, she’s starting to think the girls weren’t exaggerating.

“Watching the show each week gets harder and harder for the winner because his behavior gets shadier and shadier.”

And only four episodes of The Bachelor have even aired!

We have a long way to go until the finale, leaving the show’s eventual champion in a difficult place.

Will she continue to tune in on a weekly basis? Will she make the unprecedented move of dumping Nick before she’s even been revealed as the winner on television?

“It’s so bad right now, the winner doesn’t even like to admit that Nick is her future husband,” concludes this report.

Fortunately, she’s actually not allowed to admit that at the moment. She signed a non-disclosure agreement that makes it illegal for her to discuss what happens on the show in public.

Or even in private, we’re guessing.

But that doesn’t change the fact that this woman has to look in the mirror everyday. She has to lie in bed every night.

She has to admit that she’s engaged to Nick Viall to the only person that truly matters, to the person whose life will be most affected by this decision:



Monday, November 28, 2016

Rosie O"Donnell Wonders If Barron Trump is Autistic

We have no doubt that Rosie O’Donnell is going through a rough period these days.

Think you’re upset that Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States?

Imagine being O’Donnell, who has feuded endlessly with the real estate mogul and who has often been on the receiving end of his gender-shaming and fat-shaming insults.

It can’t be fun.

But that’s no excuse for the random and inappropriate rant Rosie went last week.

Via Twitter, O’Donnell shared a seven-minute video that was comprised clips from the Presidential debates, the Republican National Convention and Trump’s acceptance speech.

These pieces of footage featured 10-year old Barron exhibiting behaviors that the video noted might be signs of autism.

“Barron Trump Autistic?” Rosie wrote along with the video. “If so – what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic.”

We suppose that would be true, if Barron Trump actually had autism.

But there’s no proof that he does and no real reason to believe that he does…. and it certainly isn’t O’Donnell’s place to wildly wonder in public about such things.

In response to the backlash she understandably received over this video and its affiliated question, O’Donnell wrote a poem.

No, really, that’s how she often rolls. She wrote a poem.

It was shared on her website this past Saturday and it revealed that her three-and-a-half year old daughter, Dakota, was diagnosed with high functioning autism in September.

As a result, Rosie has immersed herself in literature to try to learn more about the condition.

This is what the poem said:

as we try to grab onto / anything to keep us standing / the knowledge we r not alone / there r others living this too. when i saw the anti bullying video / that mentioned barron / it spoke to the symptoms many ASD kids have / it was educational and informational.

O’Donnell went on to emphasize that she had responded to the speculation because she believed that if it were true that Barron suffered from the condition, it “would help so much with the autism epidemic,” adding:

1 in 55 kids is an epidemic / donald and i agree on that / and not much else. i feel he is a clear and present danger / but this autism subject — / had nothing to do with donald / though i admit / he does trigger me in all ways.

He triggers a lot of people in all ways.

But no one else is accusing his son of having a disease. Sheesh, Rosie.

In conclusion, the former View panelists said that she has “no ill will for his children” and that, if anything, her anger remains directed toward President-Elect Trump, who she made a point of calling a “madman who thinks OUR country is his.”

You may agree or disagree with that statement certainly.

But as long as Rosie’s focus is on Donald and not on Barron, O’Donnell won’t get in much more trouble.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Demi Lovato Wonders: What is Wrong with the World?!?

Demi Lovato is not just back on social media.

Demi Lovato is back on social media… and better than ever!

Earlier this week, the opinionated singer quit Twitter and Instagram.

She was a bit vague at the time regarding the basis for her departure, but it seemed to come down to idiot trolls saying stupid things and ignoring all the good work Demi has been doing, such as the foundation she started for mental health care.

It’s not difficult to see Twitter users laying into Lovato for being fat or something instead of caring about such an important cause.

A mere 24 hours later, however, Lovato said f-ck this, she’s returning to the online platforms… “more honest than ever.”

Demi tweets

And she wasn’t kidding.

Late on Thursday, Lovato made Kanye West proud by going on a rant against pretty much all of society.

She made it clear that she thinks most people have their priorities out of order, caring more about celebrity gossip than politics or world peace.

“The world is weird,” Lovato Tweeted.

“I bet our country knows more about celebrities than they know about what’s happening over seas or global warming.

“We complain about how unfair paparazzi and tabloid rumors are but still buy the magazines to find out who’s f–king who and who wore it best.”

From there, Lovato shared an actual poll on her Twitter page.

“How many people can name someone on the FBI’s top 10 most wanted list?” it asked, listing the following three options:

Demi poll

“Is it our fault though?” Demi wondered.

“Has society fed into it or is this just easy business with everyone from blogs to magazines trying to cash in? Who’s fault is it that teens can name more celebrity feuds than wars?”

There are many points of view one could take on Lovato’s diatribe here.

On one hand, she’s right of course.

It’s hypocritical for anyone to think badly about Kim Kardashian for posing naked a lot… while then buying magazines about her or following her on Instagram.

There’s clearly demand for celebrity gossip, which is why so many stars supply it.

On the other hand, Lovato is biting the hand that feeds her a bit here.

She has 41 million Instagram followers. But her logic, they should be watching CNN instead of caring about her collection of photos, right?

It seems like Demi would be singing a different tune if this actually happened to her.

Still, all that said…itis refreshing to see a celebrity at least acknowledge that there are more important issues out there than celebrities, isn’t it?