Showing posts with label Sorry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorry. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Clemson"s Trevor Lawrence Sorry For Violent Shove On Court ... "Probably Unnecessary"

Breaking News

Clemson superstar QB Trevor Lawrence says he’s sorry for shoving a fellow student to the ground during a heated intramural hoops game … admitting it was “probably unnecessary.”
Of course, 19-year-old Lawrence — 6’6″, 215 pounds —...
Clemson"s Trevor Lawrence Sorry For Violent Shove On Court ... "Probably Unnecessary"

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Game Raps About Rough Sex with Kim K ... Sorry, Ye!!!

The Game gets very graphic about his sexual history with Kim Kardashian West on a new track, and even includes an apology to Kanye.
The rapper held a listening party Thursday night for a new album which includes a song with these lyrics — “I held Kim Kardashian by the throat, n***a. ...
The Game Raps About Rough Sex with Kim K ... Sorry, Ye!!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Trump to Jeff Bezos Sorry to Hear Bozo"s Divorcing Great Work, Nat"l Enquirer!

President Trump had time to reflect on Jeff Bezos‘ divorce drama — and he let it rip on Sunday by trashing the Amazon honcho … while praising the National Enquirer. 
Trump just tweeted, “So sorry to hear the news about Jeff Bozo being taken down by a competitor whose ...
Trump to Jeff Bezos Sorry to Hear Bozo"s Divorcing Great Work, Nat"l Enquirer!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Director Peter Farrelly Sorry I Flashed My Penis at Cameron Diaz ... "It Makes Me Cringe Now"

Acclaimed director Peter Farrelly is apologizing to Cameron Diaz and others for repeatedly flashing his penis on movie sets back in the day, which he now calls a poor attempt at humor. 
Peter’s public apology comes after Cameron’s interviews from 20 years ago resurfaced. The ...
Director Peter Farrelly Sorry I Flashed My Penis at Cameron Diaz ... "It Makes Me Cringe Now"

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Sorry For All Those Insane, Control-Freak Meltdowns!

Ten years after Kate Plus 8 debuted on TLC, Kate Gosselin looks back on the last decade with no regrets … well, except one pretty big one.

And what would that be, exactly?

“Needing to be so in control.”

“If I could go back, I wouldn’t spend so much time worrying about the messes and the obsessive compulsiveness,” Gosselin, 41, tells People.

“I would spend more time nibbling little feet and cuddling up … I worried about so many things I just didn’t need to be worrying about.”

She concedes this may have impacted not only her marriage to Jon Gosselin (obviously), but her own mental health and her children’s.

“When they were still so young, I came on way too strong. I should have just rolled around on the floor some,” Gosselin laments now.

“I wouldn’t have melted down as much.”

It’s hard to believe that on May 14, 2006, Gosselin and her then-husband Jon first opened up their home to viewers around the world.

The Jon & Kate Plus 8 tandem became instant stars, what with their day to day trials and tribulations and cute kids … all eight of them.

Raising twins Mady and Cara, then five, and 16-month-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Leah and Joel, was never easy.

Still, times were good for them … or at least relatively stable. Then Kate and Jon divorced in 2009, in incredibly ugly and public fashion.

Jon got the chop from the show, which was later rebranded as Kate Plus 8 as both parents fell apart physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Scandals, drama and bickering made the duo a non-stop source of tabloid fodder for more years than their show was on in its heyday.

Despite all that she’s been through, Gosselin remains encouraged, believing that she’s come out of the last decade stronger than before.

“When you’re younger, you may have more energy, but when you’re older, you’re wiser,” she says. “We’ve been through so much.”

“From the divorce to issues with Collin,” she adds, “now I see that the other things I thought were important are just not.”

Perspective. It’s a valuable thing.

As for Collin’s issues … 

Kate tells the celebrity news magazine that she’s enrolled her 12-year-old son in a program away from home to help him reach his full potential.


“Collin has special needs,” Kate says.

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things.”

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this.”

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted.” 

That’s incredibly vague, but the warning signs go all the way back to 2010, when Collin was expelled from school.

There were also child abuse accusations against Kate as recently as March 2015, when she allegedly manhandled Collin.

In any case, we hope he’s getting whatever help he needs, and that the family – mom, dad and kids – are all in a better place lately.

Goodness knows they haven’t always been.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Amy Robach: Sorry for That Racial Slur!

Amy Robach fell victim to the dangers of live television on Monday.

Co-hosting a segment about Zendaya Coleman reportedly in the running to portray Mary Jane in an upcoming Spider-Man reboot*, the Good Morning America anchor set off a social media firestorm when she used the phrase “colored people.”

(*How are they rebooting Spider-Man again?!?!?!?!?!)

Here is the exact way Robach used the term, just so you have some context:

“Now we all know Hollywood has received recent and quite a bit of criticism for casting white actors in what one might assume should be a role reserved for colored people,” she said while seated alongside George Stephanopoulos.

Robach was citing what other people have said about this type of casting, but it was those last two words that got her in trouble.

Colored people was a label used during segregation. It was uttered at the time in derogatory fashion and still has a negative connotation today.

Not long after the mistake went viral and the backlash ensured, Robach issued an apology.

“This morning during a segment about Hollywood casting, I mistakenly said “colored people” instead of “people of color,” she said.

“I sincerely apologize. It was a mistake and is not at all a reflection of how I feel or speak in my everyday life.”

To some, the use of colored people versus people of color may seem like semantics.

But try telling that to African-Americans who were alive in the 1950s and 1960s.

For whatever it’s worth, Mary Jane is a character traditionally filled by white actresses, and Zendaya has a mixed-race background.

Here is footage of Robach making her snafu:

Zendaya, meanwhile, somehow continues to find herself in these racially-charged situation.

She received criticism in 2014 for taking on the role of Aaliyah in a biopic because idiotic critics didn’t think she was black enough.

In 2015, meanwhile, Giuliana Rancic got into major trouble for comments she made regarding Zendaya’s Academy Awards dress.

Rancic criticized the young star’s look at the time by saying it appeared as if the 18-year old “smells like patchouli oil… or maybe weed.”

To her credit, Zendaya has always taken the high road when this incidents occurred.

In response to Rancic, for instance, she said in a statement:

“There is a fine line between what is funny and disrespectful. Someone said something about my hair at the Oscars that left me in awe. Not because I was relishing in rave outfit reviews, but because I was hit with ignorant slurs and pure disrespect.

“To say that an 18-year-old young woman with locs must smell of patchouli oil or “weed” is not only a large stereotype but outrageously offensive.

“I don’t usually feel the need to respond to negative things but certain remarks cannot go unchecked.”

In this case, we don’t think Zendaya needs to say anything.

Robach simply misspoke and then apologized right away.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ryan Lochte: Sorry I Twisted The Truth About Getting Robbed At Gunpoint!

Ryan Lochte issued a statement today addressing the story that he and his teammates were held at gunpoint on August 14th.

Unfortunately, Lochte and the four other American swimmers – Jimmy Feigen, Jack Conger, and Gunnar Bentz – fabricated a story that simply didn’t make sense.

And while Lochte was able to escape interrogation (he landed back home in the US as Rio officials began their investigation), his teammates were not so lucky.

Conger and Bentz were taken off a plane that was leaving the country, while as of press time, Feigen’s passport has not yet been returned.  In fact, he has to pay nearly $ 11,000 to avoid charges.

Just under an hour ago, Lochte explained himself via a statement on Instagram.  

Though he did not admit that he lied, he apologized for letting this whole ordeal spin wildly out of control.

I want to apologize for my behavior last weekend — for not being more careful and candid in how I described the events of that early morning and for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics. 

I waited to share these thoughts until it was confirmed that the legal situation was addressed and it was clear that my teammates would be arriving home safely.

It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country – with a language barrier – and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave, but regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night, I should have been much more responsible in how I handled myself and for that I am sorry to my teammates, my fans, my fellow competitors, my sponsors, and the hosts of this great event.

Ryan Lochte Brazil Gunpoint Statement

I am very proud to represent my country in Olympic competition and this was a situation that could and should have been avoided.  I accept responsibility for my role in this happening and have learned from valuable lessons.

I am grateful for my USA Swimming teammates and the USOC, and appreciate all of the efforts of the IOC, the Rio ’16 Host Committee, and the people of Brazil who welcomed  us to Rio and worked so hard to make sure that these Olympic Games provided a lifetime of great new memories.

There has already been too much said and too many valuable resources dedicated to what happened last weekend, so I hope we spend our time celebrating the great stories and performances of these Games and look ahead to celebrating future successes.

This is a case of too little, too late for many American fans, who were charmed by Lochte’s goofball antics up until this point.  

Now he’s nothing more than some overhyped athlete that will do just about anything to avoid being held accountable for his actions.

Lochte and Loaded: 23 Times Stars Were Oh So Sorry

So… are you buying it?

Are you buying what these actors, singers and athletes are selling?

Over the years, a number of celebrities have messed up and these same celebrities have issued supposedly heartfelt apologies in response to these scandals.

We"ve collected some of the most memorable mea culpas below and we want to know: Who do you believe most?

1. Ryan Lochte

Ryan lochte

Oops, Ryan Lochte’s bad! He’s very sorry he lied about getting held up at gunpoint during the Rio Olympics. Click on the his name above to read his full statement.

2. Ariana Grande

Ariana grande apology video

Ariana Grande is VERY sorry for slamming America while inside a California donut shop. She issues a mea culpa in this video.

3. Kobe Bryant

Kobe bryant

Kobe Bryant immediately addressed sexual assault charges in 2003. Seated alongside wife Vanessa, he tearfully said he was guilty of adultery, not rape.

4. John Mayer

John mayer eyes closed

John Mayer told Playboy in 2010 that he gets a “n-gger pass” because African-Americans like him. He apologized via Twitter with: “It was arrogant of me to think I could intellectualize using it, because I realize that there’s no intellectualizing a word that is so emotionally charged.”

5. Christian Bale

Christian bale at dark knight rises premiere

Christian Bale was caught on tape, exploding during the filming of Terminator: Salvation. But he called himself a “punk” during an apologetic radio show appearance and admitted he was “way out of order.”

6. Kanye West

Kanye west

It took awhile, but Kanye West finally admitted that interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Awards was “very rude, period.” Of course, years later, he would go after her again.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez: Take Your Sorry and Shove It!

Forgive the obvious opening here, but Justin Bieber has a message for Selena Gomez:

Yes, it’s too late to say you’re sorry now.

On Tuesday morning, Selena tried to reach out to her ex-boyfriend.

She apparently felt bad about starting a public dispute with Bieber and shared a message aimed in his direction on Snapchat.

“What I said was selfish and pointless,” it read.

Here’s a look at that very basic message:

Selena Apology Snapchat

To what was Selena referring? Well…

Bieber shared a number of photos last week of him and Sofia Richie, his new girlfriend who accompanied him on a trip to Tokyo.

Soon afterward, the Internet did what the Internet so often, hating on Richie and even threatening her life on a few occasions.

Therefore, in response, Bieber spoke out.

“I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand,” Bieber captioned a photo of himself with Richie.

“If you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.”

It actually seemed like a noble gesture at the time. Bieber was standing up for his new girlfriend, coming down on trolls who were clearly out of line with things they said to her.

But Gomez didn’t take it that way.

She left a comment on Bieber’s Instagram page that reads as follows:

“If you can’t handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol – it should be special between you two only. Don’t be mad at your fans. They love you.”

It was unclear at first whether Gomez actually left this comment.

It didn’t come directly from her social media account and it’s very, VERY unlike her to comment publicly on any Justin Bieber romance.

Selena message?

But then Selena left the Snapchat apology we shared at the outset of this post and it now seems like she really did mix it up with Bieber online.

The back-and-forth between singers eventually led to Bieber leaving Instagram after he accused Selena of cheating on him with Zayn Malik.

Seriously. It got UGLY between Justin and Selena.

According to TMZ, meanwhile, Gomez has tried to reach out personally to Bieber in order to apologize… but he isn’t having it.

Bieber thinks Selena talks a good game in public about wanting to distance herself from him.

But then she goes ahead and gets all up in his personal business again and again.

Bieber is especially amused and annoyed because Gomez dissed him for threatening to quit Instagram, even though … well… she did the same exact thing earlier this year.

Case in point:

selena post

Justin makes a pretty good point here.

HOWEVER, this is worth noting:

TMZ also claims Bieber never once fired back at Gomez.

The site says Bieber did not allege she cheated on him and never once replied to her Instagram comments.

Those were edited on to the Internet by trolls with Photoshop. Interesting, huh?

Where do you stand on this feud? Should Selena have apologized? Should Bieber accept?

Or should both sides just leave each other the heck along until their inevitable reconciliation?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Tyler Posey: Sorry for Saying I Was Gay!

Tyler Posey is not gay.

But it would be very understandable if you believed for a bit there that the actor was attracted to men.

Over the weekend, the actor – best known for his role as Scott McCall on MTV’s Teen Wolf – confused and excited fans when he posted a Snapchat video.

It feature him standing near a sign for Gay Street and yelling on camera:

“This is me. I am this and this is me. I’ve never felt more alive. I’m gay!”

Take a look at the footage in question below:

Except here’s the thing: Tyler Posey is not gay.

His bad for making the rather strong insinuation that he was!

The actor later addressed his comments on social media in a series of Tweets, explaining that by exclaiming “I’m gay” he was attempting to simply show support LGBTQ community.

The 24-year-old also made clear that he’s really a heterosexual and he feels bad if he offended anybody who has been struggling to come out.

“I am a big proponent of love over hate, and standing together during divisive times,” Posey wrote, adding:

“[Part 2]: Although I’m not gay, I fully support the LGBTQ community. This was a moment intended to reflect that.”

The star concluded as follows:

“And everyone, I am truly sorry to the people I’ve offended or lessened how big coming out is. I just want to spread love in this world.”

On Sunday night, meanwhile, Teen Wolf won Choice Summer TV Show at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards and Posey accepted the surfboard along with castmates Shelley Hennig and Cody Christian.

He appeared to acknowledge his mistake and send a similar theme in his brief speech as he did in the aforementioned Tweets.

“I’m so full of love, and we love each other so much,” Posey said. “We truly do love every single last one of you.”

For whatever it is worth, Posey’s former co-star, Colton Haynes, is gay.

He came out to the world in May of this year and we wonder how he feels about Posey’s Snapchat video.

Tyler Posey: Sorry for Saying I Was Gay!

Tyler Posey is not gay.

But it would be very understandable if you believed for a bit there that the actor was attracted to men.

Over the weekend, the actor – best known for his role as Scott McCall on MTV’s Teen Wolf – confused and excited fans when he posted a Snapchat video.

It feature him standing near a sign for Gay Street and yelling on camera:

“This is me. I am this and this is me. I’ve never felt more alive. I’m gay!”

Take a look at the footage in question below:

Except here’s the thing: Tyler Posey is not gay.

His bad for making the rather strong insinuation that he was!

The actor later addressed his comments on social media in a series of Tweets, explaining that by exclaiming “I’m gay” he was attempting to simply show support LGBTQ community.

The 24-year-old also made clear that he’s really a heterosexual and he feels bad if he offended anybody who has been struggling to come out.

“I am a big proponent of love over hate, and standing together during divisive times,” Posey wrote, adding:

“[Part 2]: Although I’m not gay, I fully support the LGBTQ community. This was a moment intended to reflect that.”

The star concluded as follows:

“And everyone, I am truly sorry to the people I’ve offended or lessened how big coming out is. I just want to spread love in this world.”

On Sunday night, meanwhile, Teen Wolf won Choice Summer TV Show at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards and Posey accepted the surfboard along with castmates Shelley Hennig and Cody Christian.

He appeared to acknowledge his mistake and send a similar theme in his brief speech as he did in the aforementioned Tweets.

“I’m so full of love, and we love each other so much,” Posey said. “We truly do love every single last one of you.”

For whatever it is worth, Posey’s former co-star, Colton Haynes, is gay.

He came out to the world in May of this year and we wonder how he feels about Posey’s Snapchat video.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Adam Lind: Definitely Engaged To Stasia Huber (Sorry, Ladies)

All the good ones are taken!  What a bummer!

Adam Lind is probably, definitely, almost certainly engaged to his girlfriend, Stasia Huber.

“Adam and Stasia have actually been engaged for a few months, but only told close friends and family,” a source told Radar of the Teen Mom 2 star and his beloved.

“They plan to go public with the news soon.”

Huber has hinted at an engagement on Instagram in recent days, taking selfies that feature the faintest outline of a ring on her left hand.

Huber has been a good influence on Lind as of late.  He even dedicated a sweet Facebook post to his lady back in May.

“I don’t even know where to start…” the protein bro wrote.

“Stasia Lynn Huber has saved my life more than once … Mentally and yup … Physically too … “

“For all the stupid mistakes I’ve done and caused I don’t even deserve her… I’ve cheated … I’ve lied … I’ve hid things from her that should’ve been told … After friends and family have told us countless times to move on …

“Well I can’t … And she can’t ….I haven’t exactly lived a normal life from the age of 16-25 …. I’ve been handed 100s of thousands of dollars and blown it … Could’ve been a better father and friend and man … 

“But ya know what .. Its made me who I am today .. After all the shit I’ve been through the ups and downs … She’s always been there .. Always..

“I’ve finally got my shit mostly together … Own a nice 4bdrm house for me and my girls and her…

“Just landed a bomb ass job representing Bpi Sports/Cutler Nutrition… I don’t do much anymore but gym work and focus on getting custody of Aubree so she can finally be with her sister and myself ..

“Stasia has been through it all with me … She loves my children and they love her..

“Big things coming in the rest of 2016 … I love you Stasia Lynn…”

Lind has threatened to quit Teen Mom 2 on more than one occasion, which is the dumbest mover ever if he wants to provide for his future wife and his kids.

Just take the paycheck, brosef.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Beyonce Debuts "Sorry" Music Video, Twerks With Serena Williams

"Ashes to ashes, dust to side chicks."

It"s been two months since Beyonce"s "visual album" Lemonade debuted on HBO, and the music world is still reeling from one of the most artfully provocative surprise releases from a major artist in recent memory.

And of course, the celebrity gossip world is still buzzing from the incendiary lyrics of Bey"s searing torch songs.

In case you somehow missed it, Beyonce seemed to accuse Jay Z of infidelity in a series of tracks every bit as scathing as any lines the hip hop pioneer spit at former rival Nas during the height of their feud.

The allegations led to countless rumors about the trouble in paradise for the Carters.

And the speculation about the identity of Becky With the Good Hair continues all these weeks later:

Despite the title, "Sorry" is not Beyonce"s musical apology to her husband.

(Nor is it a cover of a Justin Bieber song.)

In fact it"s quite the opposite – a scathing takedown of an unfaithful spouse that opens with a haunting bit of spoken word poetry about being "killed" by infidelity.

The clip below – one of the most talked-about in the days that followed the debut of Lemonade – features a cameo from tennis great Serena Williams, who does some somber twerking next to Queen Bey"s throne.

It"s possible there was no such thing as somber twerking before Serena broke new ground in the world of booty shaking.

Lemonade has sold 1.6 million copies since it dropped on April 23.

Bey"s latest world tour is in full swing, and the music video for "Formation" has been viewed nearly 50 million times on YouTube.

Sorry, Jay, but it looks like you"re gonna be hearing these lyrics for a while.

Beyonce debuts sorry music video twerks with serena williams

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Khloe Kardashian to Scott Disick: Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself!

Khloe Kardashian is so over Scott Disick and his negativity.

In a preview clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe vents to Kourtney and Kim Kardashian about Scott"s attitude.

The outspoken sister complains that Scott showed up to a birthday dinner honoring her father, Robert Kardashian, with a sour puss.

"This is what I really dislike about Scott," Khloe begins.

"So like, the Armenian dinner for dad"s birthday… he is ahhhh," she continues, imitating a sullen Scott.

"Moping," chimes in Kourtney.

"The most negative, depressed victim. He acts like he tries so hard to actually play it straight for even a month. But like he comes and plays this victim, "I lost my family, you guys gave up on me."" Khloe continues.

"How are you trying? I was like, Scott, I"m gonna punch you in your f**king jugular because of your depressed, negative energy."

Kourtney then tries to stick up for her ex.

"Well, he"s depressed," she says, but Khloe doesn"t buy that excuse.

She believes Scott could make a little more effort into changing his behavior, and at the very least, act a little more chipper at family celebrations.

Khloe also complains that while she texts Scott all the time, he doesn"t respond because he says he"s "just not in a good place," and when they do talk, he whines about getting Kourtney back.

"And the same conversation, "What can I do to get Kourt back?"" she explains.

"I go, Scott, you"re not trying at all," she adds.

Khloe"s right about that.

While depression is not simply a state one can just snap out of, Scott has been filling the void by hooking up with women left and right, out-of-control partying and basically acting like a frat boy.

And we know for certain that"s not what it takes to win back your ex.

Watch below:

Khloe kardashian to scott disick stop feeling sorry for yourself

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Justin Bieber SUED for Ripping Off Smash Hit "Sorry"!

Did Justin Bieber steal the main riff for his mega hit, "Sorry"?

White Hinterland, an indie musician, says yes.

Hinterland, whose real name is Casey Dienel, has filed a lawsuit against the Biebs, alleging that he stole her vocal loop, reports TMZ.

According to the songstress, the "unique characteristics of the female vocal riff" of her song "Ring the Bell" are identical to those featured in the Bieber pop hit.

Bieber"s producer Skrillex, plus the writers on the track, are also named in the suit.

While the riff is only eight seconds long, Hinterland says it can be heard in the track six times.

Additionally, she points out that other similarities exist between the two songs, including the use of keyboard synthesizers, samples, synth bass, drums, and percussion.

Hinterland claims that she asked Bieber to stop playing "Sorry" in December, but was ignored.

In fact, Bieber recently performed the hit during the Billboard Music Awards earlier this week.

Hinterland wants the star to cease playing the song and has requested an undisclosed sum of money.

The lawsuit is sure to put unwelcome stress on Bieber, who seems to be going through some kind of quarter-life crisis of late.

He has gone on several rants on social media, with the latest one taking aim at the vapidity of awards shows like Billboard.

"A lot of people in the audience there to be seem worried about how much camera time they will get or who they can network with," he wrote on Instagram.

"When I’m doing a regular show I feel they are there for the right reasons and to strictly have a good time! But these award shows seem so hollow," he continued.

Earlier this month, sources close to Bieber revealed that he thought he"d "lost his center" and wanted to reconnect with religion and nature.


Listen to the Hinterland track below. Do you think Justin ripped her off?

Justin bieber sued for ripping off sorry

Friday, May 13, 2016

Kendra Wilkinson on Holly Madison Rant: Sorry For Being Harsh ... But I"m Not Wrong!

Kendra Wilkinson railed against Holly Madison in a series of crazy NSFW tweets this week, and while she’s sorry for having done that …

That’s not the same as taking back what she said. FYI.

This week saw the renewal of one of Hollywood’s most heated and long-running beefs between two of Hugh Hefner’s former girlfriends.

Short version: Holly Madison has come out with a book, and a massive press blitz, in which she portrays Hugh and Playboy unfavorably.

K-Dubs, meanwhile, remains firmly on #TeamHef.

After hearing that Madison lived in fear at the Playboy Mansion (according to Madison), Wilkinson took to Twitter and just went OFF.

Holly, who was with Hefner from 2001-08 and spent much of that time as his “#1” girl, is just bitter and yearning to cash in, says Kendra.

Wilkinson has long maintained this in defense of Hef, whom she also dated. But she went a whole hell of a lot further this time around.

In Kendra’s view, Holly is Hef’s hoe and just bitter about being the “clean up girl” who was responsible for having to “get Hef hard again.”

Seriously, she said this. Word for word and many more too.

“Holly’s job was to get Hef hard again and clean him up with her mouth,” Wilkinson tweeted. “That bitch is in fear now.”

“Knowing so many of us saw her doing some nasty s–t.”

“She’s embarrassed and in shame. She was the clean up girl.” 

“Now Holly is on cover of People mag sayin she lived in fear at the mansion,” Kendra’s social media diatribe continued.

“She wasn’t in fear with that d–k in her ass for a paycheck.” 

Wow. Kendra, who previously said Madison took it in the wrong hole, deleted these tweets and apologized, but didn’t take it back either.

Rather, she continued to defend her ex with zero regrets.

“I felt the need to respond because I feel like she thinks … she can just get away with it [being just] her side,” Kendra tells Us.

I have a right to respond to what I believe. I saw her everyday with Hef and what is being told is not what I saw. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“No one is going to stick up for Hef. … I have to be the one. I don’t really care what she says about me, but it’s how she paints the mansion.

“It’s making me mad. So many women, thousands of women, are so appreciative of Hef and so happy that Hef gave them their chance.”

“It just makes me mad that she wants to move on but she keeps writing stuff about the mansion. … I’m going to fight for Hef. That’s my job.

“She lived at the Playboy Mansion, people, not a church.”

Madison’s response? Saying she doesn’t wish to be in a fight where “one woman lives to demoralize and degrade another woman.”

“For those with unresolved issues, therapy works.”

Monday, May 2, 2016

Kit Harington on Jon Snow Shocker: Sorry For Lying!

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the show’s most shocking moment, as it was widely assumed [SPOILER ALERT!] that Jon Snow would be brought back from the dead by Melisandre.

Even so, the conclusion of last night’s episode of Game of Thrones packed an emotional punch, as we finally got to see the resurrection fans have been awaiting for the better part of a year.

As hard as the wait was for rabid Throners (Worst. Fan nickname. Ever.), the whole ordeal was even tougher on actor Kit Harington, who endured numerous press events in which he was basically forced to lie about his character’s fate.

In the above clip from Harington’s recent interview with Entertainment Weekly apologizes to fans for attempting (and failing) to throw them off the trail:

“Sorry!” Harington says. “I’d like to say sorry for lying to everyone. I’m glad that people were upset that he died. I think my biggest fear was that people were not going to care.

“Or it would just be, ‘Fine, Jon Snow’s dead.’ But it seems like people had a, similar to the Red Wedding episode, kind of grief about it. Which means something I’m doing — or the show is doing — is right.” 

With apologies to fans who were forced to DVR last night’s episode, the magazine revealed a super spoiler-iffic cover this morning:

Like we said, not exactly subtle, but by this point in the show’s run. even the most flaccid Throners should know to stay off social media the day after missing an episode.

(We’re gonna make that nickname happen, dammit!)

If you’re among the unlucky few who didn’t catch the episode live, we’ve got you covered:

Sure, you already know that Jon comes back from the dead, but that twist has overshadowed a number of much more genuinely shocking moments:

Ramsay found a way to become even more revolting! We got our first look at Jon’s possible mom, Lyanna Stark! Tyrion talked to the Khaleesi’s dragons! Best of all…


Oh…uh, is it too late to say spoiler alert?

It’s probably a good time to go watch Game of Thrones online before we ruin any other surprises for you.

Pay close attention to the scene where Robb wakes up and realizes the Red Wedding was just a dream. Just kidding!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Prince William: Family Before Royalty, Sorry Not Sorry

The Duke of Cambridge knows that you called him "workshy," but he doesn"t give AF.

Prior to his royal tour of India and Bhutan, Prince William sat down with the BBC"s Nicholas Witchell to honor the Queen on her 90th birthday.  

During the interview, William spoke of the wonderful example his grandmother has set in her 64+ years of being sovereign, and the challenges he faces as a duty-bound father of two young children.

“I’m concentrating very much on my role as a father," William said.

"I’m a new father and I take my duties and my responsibilities to my family very seriously and I want to bring my children up as good people with the idea of service and duty to others as very important.

"But if I can’t give my time to my children as well, I worry about their future.”

William is known for refusing to bend when it comes to the media"s opinion of how he lives his life, for which he will make no apologies.

"I love my children the same way any father does and I hope George loves me the same way any son does to his father," William said.

"They"ll be a time and a place to bring George up and understand how he fits in the world, but right now it’s just a case of keeping a secure, stable environment around him and showing him as much love as I can as a father."

Though Her Majesty will never abdicate the throne ("retire," so to speak and hand the crown to Prince Charles), there will certainly be a shift in workload.  It"s important to note, however, that she will remain the monarch until she passes, as the House of Windsor sees the position as a job for life.

"When the queen decides she’s going to hand down more responsibilities, I’ll be the first person to accept them," William explained referring to the digs several members of the media have made at him regarding his lack of royal appearances.

"There’s an order of succession and I’m at the bottom at the moment so there is the time and space and future to take on more and develop more.” “I think royal duty is extremely important," William continued.

"I take my responsibilities very seriously but it’s about finding your own way at the right time and if you’re not careful, duty can sort of weigh you down an awful lot at a very early age, and I think you’ve got to develop into the duty role." he explained.

"It’s something I take very seriously but with my family and with my role of air ambulance, for instance, I think there’s a number of things, I’ve got my fingers in many pies at the moment and want to keep an eye on [them]. That will change as life goes on and I’ll take on more."

tldr; William"s got the royal thing under control, and would like everyone to chill lout.

Prince william family before royalty sorry not sorry