Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Khloe Kardashian to Scott Disick: Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself!

Khloe Kardashian is so over Scott Disick and his negativity.

In a preview clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe vents to Kourtney and Kim Kardashian about Scott"s attitude.

The outspoken sister complains that Scott showed up to a birthday dinner honoring her father, Robert Kardashian, with a sour puss.

"This is what I really dislike about Scott," Khloe begins.

"So like, the Armenian dinner for dad"s birthday… he is ahhhh," she continues, imitating a sullen Scott.

"Moping," chimes in Kourtney.

"The most negative, depressed victim. He acts like he tries so hard to actually play it straight for even a month. But like he comes and plays this victim, "I lost my family, you guys gave up on me."" Khloe continues.

"How are you trying? I was like, Scott, I"m gonna punch you in your f**king jugular because of your depressed, negative energy."

Kourtney then tries to stick up for her ex.

"Well, he"s depressed," she says, but Khloe doesn"t buy that excuse.

She believes Scott could make a little more effort into changing his behavior, and at the very least, act a little more chipper at family celebrations.

Khloe also complains that while she texts Scott all the time, he doesn"t respond because he says he"s "just not in a good place," and when they do talk, he whines about getting Kourtney back.

"And the same conversation, "What can I do to get Kourt back?"" she explains.

"I go, Scott, you"re not trying at all," she adds.

Khloe"s right about that.

While depression is not simply a state one can just snap out of, Scott has been filling the void by hooking up with women left and right, out-of-control partying and basically acting like a frat boy.

And we know for certain that"s not what it takes to win back your ex.

Watch below:

Khloe kardashian to scott disick stop feeling sorry for yourself