Showing posts with label Twisted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twisted. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

Jesse Meester: Darcey Silva is a Liar and a Sick, Twisted Person!

Of all of the 90 Day Fiance couples, none seems to thrive on constant fighting like Jesse Meester and Darcey Silva.

Recently, viewers saw them explode after Jesse told Darcey she’s an alcoholic. But that’s one incident among many.

Now, Jesse is exposing Darcey on social media — telling fans that she takes money from everyone, then lies about it.

Right now, 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days couple Darcey and Jesse looks like their terrible romance is on its last leg.

That’s on TV, and filmed months ago.

Right now, it looks like their quarreling is once again spilling over into social media.

After one of Jesse’s sycophantic fans (sorry, but it’s the truth) spoke about how she couldn’t stand the way that Darcey treats him, Jesse wrote back.

He thanked his fan — and then put Darcey on blast, painting her as a liar with some sort of pathological money problem.

“That she’s exploiting her ex-husband, now me and others is the least thing she should do to make herself look better,” Jesse says in slightly broken English.

“She’s adding fuel on her issues,” Jesse writes. “Especially after her restaurant situation last week.”

That would be the restaurant fight so intense that police were called. Classy.

“It’s not my problem anymore,” Jesse writes, though he’s said that before. “Although I kinda felt sad she was still dealing with the same issues.”

“But after people sent me screenshots of her behavior with the most disgraceful lies and classless statements,” he says.

Those screenshots were “about that we had sex in a hotel room I paid for, that I gave to her when she started drama.”

“And then say how she was not treated right and she payed for a trip? Lol,” Jesse writes. “My last bit of empathy is gone.”

“To claim you paid for a trip to Greece I paid for you is despicable,” he says. “That was a surprise I arranged for her.”

“Oh and the (business class) tickets and your free acces to my company’s guidance and so many more things I helped you with,” Jesse adds.

“And then acting like this is a total disgrace!” Jesse declares. “Just when you thought she couldn’t go any lower….”

“Just not over my back after doing everything for you and going above and beyond,” he writes.

One detail of Jesse’s comment really caught the attention of a number of 90 Day Fiance fans.

“When you sell my rings (which is totally fine) and complaint about not having money or not being able to pay off your debt,” he writes.

Jesse continues: “when a lot of people help you out financially there is something else going on you need to take a closer look at.”

In other words, he is accusing her of having some sort of underlying problem of spending money, asking for financial help, and then overspending again.

Jesse also notes that: “Her false accusations need to stop.”

“This is all I gotta say about this really,” Jesse says.

Anyone want to take bets on whether or not Jesse will talk about Darcey again in the future?

“Pure disgust how someone can go that low after all you did,” Jesse laments.

Again, he implies that she has some sort of pathology or compulsion.

Jesse concludes: “Like she just can’t stop it.”

Jesse Meester isn’t exactly the best guy in the world, either.

He and Darcey are toxic as a couple, but both are toxic as individuals.

(After all, this is the guy who shares private details, true or not, with random fans who say nice things to him)

To be brutally honest, folks, a lot of Jesse’s fans are older women who refuse to see past his hotness.

They despise Darcey but seeing him with an older woman makes them think that they could be so much better for him.

We’re not speculating — they write this out, more or less, in his Instagram comments. He knows this.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Trey Songz Sued by Female Fan Claiming He Twisted Her Arm

Trey Songz flew into a violent rage at 2 women trying to take a pic of him outside a strip club, leaving one of them with mental and physical injuries … according to a new lawsuit. According to docs, the singer went after the woman in the…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Producing New True-Crime TV Series on "Twisted Sisters"

Khloe Kardashian is taking another stab at television — but she’s doing it behind the cameras, and focusing on family with a sick twist … sisters who kill. The soon-to-be mother announced Monday she’s partnering with the Investigation Discovery…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Duggar Family: Secrets of Their Twisted Ministry Revealed

If you"re at all familiar with the Duggar family, then you"re no doubt aware that the Counting On clan is as well-known for its strict religious beliefs as for the massive size of Jim Bob and Michelle"s brood.

However, you may not be familiar with the specifics of the Duggars" controversial belief system.

The enormity of the family and the particulars of its members" worldview are not unrelated, of course, as the Duggars belong to a controversial non-denominational organization that encourages its followers to have as many children as physically possible.

But the bizarre and often dangerous teachings of the Quiverfull movement don"t stop there.

In the gallery below, we"ll explore the movement that informs so many of the Duggars deeply-held convictions.

Even if you count yourself among the diehard Duggar faithful, you may be surprised to learn exactly what drives reality TV"s most controversial family.

1. A Quiverfull of Duggars

The duggars in 2004

Many of the Duggars’ beliefs derive from the teachings of Bill Gothard, a disgraced and highly controversial minister who teaches, among other things, that it is the duty of all Christians to marry young produce as many offspring as possible.

2. Bill Gothard: Guru of the Duggars

Bill gothard

To say that Bill Gothard, founder of the Quiverfull movement and the affiliated Advanced Training Institute, is a controversial figure would be a massive understatement. Gothard is currently in hiding following a number of high-profile sexual assault allegations.

3. The IBLP: Condoning Abuse Since 1961

Jim bob and josh duggar picture

The first of Gothard’s many off-shoot organizations (like any conman worth his salt, Gothard knows when it’s time to abandon one shadowy venture for the next), the Institute in Basic Life Principles was founded in 1961 as a tax-exempt umbrella conglomerate for several ministries.

4. And Just What Does the IBLP/ATI Teach?

4 duggar sisters

The Duggar children were all homeschooled using materials and curricula provided by the ATI. The recently revealed contents of said materials shocked many fans who thought they were familiar with the Duggars’ beliefs.

5. Biblical Life Principles

Jim bob and michelle duggar kitchen hug

Not surprisingly, the ATI materials emphasize “biblical life principles.” This means that children are taught from a young age that whether the subject is history, math, science or language, the Bible is the only text you need.

6. What That Really Means

So many duggars

The idea of teaching a child geography from a several-thousand-year-old text written by people who weren’t aware of the existence of other continents is troubling enough, but it gets worse, as the ATI materials actually convey that it’s Gothard, not God, who serves as the ultimate authority and has the final word.

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Ryan Lochte: Sorry I Twisted The Truth About Getting Robbed At Gunpoint!

Ryan Lochte issued a statement today addressing the story that he and his teammates were held at gunpoint on August 14th.

Unfortunately, Lochte and the four other American swimmers – Jimmy Feigen, Jack Conger, and Gunnar Bentz – fabricated a story that simply didn’t make sense.

And while Lochte was able to escape interrogation (he landed back home in the US as Rio officials began their investigation), his teammates were not so lucky.

Conger and Bentz were taken off a plane that was leaving the country, while as of press time, Feigen’s passport has not yet been returned.  In fact, he has to pay nearly $ 11,000 to avoid charges.

Just under an hour ago, Lochte explained himself via a statement on Instagram.  

Though he did not admit that he lied, he apologized for letting this whole ordeal spin wildly out of control.

I want to apologize for my behavior last weekend — for not being more careful and candid in how I described the events of that early morning and for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics. 

I waited to share these thoughts until it was confirmed that the legal situation was addressed and it was clear that my teammates would be arriving home safely.

It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country – with a language barrier – and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave, but regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night, I should have been much more responsible in how I handled myself and for that I am sorry to my teammates, my fans, my fellow competitors, my sponsors, and the hosts of this great event.

Ryan Lochte Brazil Gunpoint Statement

I am very proud to represent my country in Olympic competition and this was a situation that could and should have been avoided.  I accept responsibility for my role in this happening and have learned from valuable lessons.

I am grateful for my USA Swimming teammates and the USOC, and appreciate all of the efforts of the IOC, the Rio ’16 Host Committee, and the people of Brazil who welcomed  us to Rio and worked so hard to make sure that these Olympic Games provided a lifetime of great new memories.

There has already been too much said and too many valuable resources dedicated to what happened last weekend, so I hope we spend our time celebrating the great stories and performances of these Games and look ahead to celebrating future successes.

This is a case of too little, too late for many American fans, who were charmed by Lochte’s goofball antics up until this point.  

Now he’s nothing more than some overhyped athlete that will do just about anything to avoid being held accountable for his actions.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: The Twisted Life of Jenelle Evans

We’ve seen the drama unfold all season long on MTV, but when the cast of Teen Mom 2 reunites with Dr. Drew Pinsky, all bets are off.

Kicking off Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 13, Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer sat down – with significant others – for a needed check-in.

Let’s begin with Jenelle, who told Dr. Drew that her boyfriend David Eason and mother Barbara Evans bonded during a night of drinking.

Looks like the two have squashed that beef, though Babs did admit she was super pissed at David that time he called the police on her.

“You do not call the cops on your girlfriend’s mother,” she said. “I don’t think it was appropriate because first of all, these are my grandchildren.”

“They all know that I yell.”

In other news, Barbara revealed that Jenelle’s son Jace was diagnosed with ADHD, for which he takes medication, and that she is on Tinder.

Barbara, not Jenelle.

As for the custody battle over Jace, Jenelle and Barbara are still fighting over that, while Jenelle and Nathan Griffith are a total train wreck.

Really. It’s even worse than you think, by a lot.

When you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’ll be shocked at just how bad this situation is – even though your expectations are likely terrible!

“All these boyfriends are supposedly abusing her, when she’s abusing herself,” he said, denying Evans’ accusations of domestic abuse.

“Might wanna show them the little cut on your wrist too,” he jibed, to which Jenelle’s responed? “So wait, you didn’t choke me?”

“You never put your hands on me? You never slapped me in the face when I poured water on your face while you were sleeping?”

“When you decided to crash on my house when you were drunk?” Evans added. “No? ‘Cause Tori was there … we all saw it.”

Nathan recoiled and snapped back hard, “Oh, you mean the time when she bit my back, and then you slit your wrist?” 

Then there were cheating allegations made, along with Nathan’s claims that Kaiser, his son with Jenelle, is at risk. Constantly.

“My son is in an unstable environment with two drug addicts, where you see weed in the background, smoking constantly.”

“Now you have this mysterious illness?” Griffith said. “You’re not capable of taking care of him. You are totally unstable.”

Accusations that David Eason is a drug dealer and/or abuser are nothing new, apparently, as Nathan called CPS about it once before.

Then it just got weird, as we learned that Nathan allegedly had his lawyer complain on record that sex with Jenelle Evans was “painful.”

Nathan then sort of tried to throw shade at Jenelle for chatting about sex, which was bizarre, but she got the last word and then some.

“I’m sorry it bothers you that I talk about my sex life,” she said, implying what his true motivations are. “Sorry I’m not with you anymore.”

Then he decided to insult Jenelle’s weight, saying, “I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, like, how much pounds have you gained?”

“You gained, like, 30 or 40 pounds, didn’t you?”

Oh, and last but not least … Nathan said he found Jenelle Evans banging Kieffer Delp – her infamous bad boy ex – after they’d broken up.

“[Nathan] climbs in my bathroom window at 4 a.m. and bursts in my bedroom at 4 a.m. after he moved out!” Jenelle said in her defense.

“It doesn’t matter, you moved on, I moved on.”

Barbara chimed in: “He started choking Kieffer so bad he almost, like, killed him, then Kieffer left the next day and we’ve never seen Kieffer again.”

Wow. Words fail us at this point.

David Eason, meanwhile, surprisingly said he wants Nathan and Kaiser to have a good relationship, due to his own negative experiences.

According to David, who has been in jail as we know, getting custody taken away while incarcerated is a fate worse than death. Real talk.

As for Leah Messer, she spent the majority of this season getting along great with her (most recent) ex, but now she expresses disappointment.

That’s because Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr are off going their own thing, leaving her holding the bag when it comes to Adalynn.

“He was doing great, but he just, like, moved in with his girlfriend to Ohio,” she said, adding that Jeremy waits weeks between visits.

“He said he got laid off because he asked to come out here [for this reunion],” Messer added in a somewhat dubious claim about him.

As for those feelings regarding her former spouse?

“At that time, I did still love Jeremy. I did,” she said.

“I mean, I’m over it. Completely over it, but that’s just recently happened. I’ve just recently accepted that I don’t think Jeremy and I are good together.”

Probably healthy. Ditto with Leah and Corey Simms, who haven’t always had the easiest relationship, but are now ready to move on.

In fact, Corey’s only beef is with … Dr. Drew.

“When you bring up stuff from the past, obviously it stirs up a bunch of emotions,” he said via video call, declining to attend in person.

“I felt like I was doing the best I could,” Simms lamented to the MTV host, “and you always [made it seem] like I was doing nothing.”

Dr. Drew told Corey that “if I came off as singling you out or harsh, I apologize,” while Corey explained his minimal screen time thusly:

“We didn’t like [last season], so we chose our own route and backed off a little bit,” he said, and honestly it’s difficult to criticize that.

Leah seems to be in a good place, too.

“Every time we’re all together I just feel so at peace. And my girls’ personality, they’ve just lightened back up,” she said of their relationship.

Fingers crossed that it continues.

Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: The Twisted Life of Jenelle Evans

We’ve seen the drama unfold all season long on MTV, but when the cast of Teen Mom 2 reunites with Dr. Drew Pinsky, all bets are off.

Kicking off Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 13, Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer sat down – with significant others – for a needed check-in.

Let’s begin with Jenelle, who told Dr. Drew that her boyfriend David Eason and mother Barbara Evans bonded during a night of drinking.

Looks like the two have squashed that beef, though Babs did admit she was super pissed at David that time he called the police on her.

“You do not call the cops on your girlfriend’s mother,” she said. “I don’t think it was appropriate because first of all, these are my grandchildren.”

“They all know that I yell.”

In other news, Barbara revealed that Jenelle’s son Jace was diagnosed with ADHD, for which he takes medication, and that she is on Tinder.

Barbara, not Jenelle.

As for the custody battle over Jace, Jenelle and Barbara are still fighting over that, while Jenelle and Nathan Griffith are a total train wreck.

Really. It’s even worse than you think, by a lot.

When you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’ll be shocked at just how bad this situation is – even though your expectations are likely terrible!

“All these boyfriends are supposedly abusing her, when she’s abusing herself,” he said, denying Evans’ accusations of domestic abuse.

“Might wanna show them the little cut on your wrist too,” he jibed, to which Jenelle’s responed? “So wait, you didn’t choke me?”

“You never put your hands on me? You never slapped me in the face when I poured water on your face while you were sleeping?”

“When you decided to crash on my house when you were drunk?” Evans added. “No? ‘Cause Tori was there … we all saw it.”

Nathan recoiled and snapped back hard, “Oh, you mean the time when she bit my back, and then you slit your wrist?” 

Then there were cheating allegations made, along with Nathan’s claims that Kaiser, his son with Jenelle, is at risk. Constantly.

“My son is in an unstable environment with two drug addicts, where you see weed in the background, smoking constantly.”

“Now you have this mysterious illness?” Griffith said. “You’re not capable of taking care of him. You are totally unstable.”

Accusations that David Eason is a drug dealer and/or abuser are nothing new, apparently, as Nathan called CPS about it once before.

Then it just got weird, as we learned that Nathan allegedly had his lawyer complain on record that sex with Jenelle Evans was “painful.”

Nathan then sort of tried to throw shade at Jenelle for chatting about sex, which was bizarre, but she got the last word and then some.

“I’m sorry it bothers you that I talk about my sex life,” she said, implying what his true motivations are. “Sorry I’m not with you anymore.”

Then he decided to insult Jenelle’s weight, saying, “I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, like, how much pounds have you gained?”

“You gained, like, 30 or 40 pounds, didn’t you?”

Oh, and last but not least … Nathan said he found Jenelle Evans banging Kieffer Delp – her infamous bad boy ex – after they’d broken up.

“[Nathan] climbs in my bathroom window at 4 a.m. and bursts in my bedroom at 4 a.m. after he moved out!” Jenelle said in her defense.

“It doesn’t matter, you moved on, I moved on.”

Barbara chimed in: “He started choking Kieffer so bad he almost, like, killed him, then Kieffer left the next day and we’ve never seen Kieffer again.”

Wow. Words fail us at this point.

David Eason, meanwhile, surprisingly said he wants Nathan and Kaiser to have a good relationship, due to his own negative experiences.

According to David, who has been in jail as we know, getting custody taken away while incarcerated is a fate worse than death. Real talk.

As for Leah Messer, she spent the majority of this season getting along great with her (most recent) ex, but now she expresses disappointment.

That’s because Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr are off going their own thing, leaving her holding the bag when it comes to Adalynn.

“He was doing great, but he just, like, moved in with his girlfriend to Ohio,” she said, adding that Jeremy waits weeks between visits.

“He said he got laid off because he asked to come out here [for this reunion],” Messer added in a somewhat dubious claim about him.

As for those feelings regarding her former spouse?

“At that time, I did still love Jeremy. I did,” she said.

“I mean, I’m over it. Completely over it, but that’s just recently happened. I’ve just recently accepted that I don’t think Jeremy and I are good together.”

Probably healthy. Ditto with Leah and Corey Simms, who haven’t always had the easiest relationship, but are now ready to move on.

In fact, Corey’s only beef is with … Dr. Drew.

“When you bring up stuff from the past, obviously it stirs up a bunch of emotions,” he said via video call, declining to attend in person.

“I felt like I was doing the best I could,” Simms lamented to the MTV host, “and you always [made it seem] like I was doing nothing.”

Dr. Drew told Corey that “if I came off as singling you out or harsh, I apologize,” while Corey explained his minimal screen time thusly:

“We didn’t like [last season], so we chose our own route and backed off a little bit,” he said, and honestly it’s difficult to criticize that.

Leah seems to be in a good place, too.

“Every time we’re all together I just feel so at peace. And my girls’ personality, they’ve just lightened back up,” she said of their relationship.

Fingers crossed that it continues.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Benicio Del Toro Defends Johnny Depp: Amber Heard is Really Twisted!

Benicio Del Toro and Johnny Depp first hit it off while filming the 1998 Hunter S. Thompson adaptation Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

The two screen icons have been tight ever since, and yesterday, Del Toro became the latest Depp associate to defend the actor against allegations of abuse from estranged wife, Amber Heard.

“What I know, there’s a lot of trouble from the girl that sounds a little manipulative,” Del Toro told the New York Daily News at an event sponsored by Heineken last night.

“It sounds a little bit like there’s something really twisted about that girl … but I don’t know the specifics.”

Del Toro went on to conclude that Heard must be lying because … she attended the Oscars with Depp?

“It seems the fact that his mom passed away and she filed for divorce two days later and then she wants money and she’s saying she got hit, it’s almost like, wait, I saw them not too long ago,” Del Toro said.

“Maybe it was January, a dinner for the Oscars or something like that. He was there with her and they were fine.”

Wait … what?

Granted, Del Toro didn’t go so far as to accuse Heard of blackmail like comedian and fellow Depp pal Doug Stanhope, but his comments are still pretty baffling. 

We don’t claim to know exactly what went on between Depp and Heard, but thus far, the bulk of the evidence seems to point to her side of the story being the most accurate.

Heard has filed assault charges against Depp, and the whole may soon play out in criminal court.

At that point, both sides will likely give their version of events under oath and an official verdict will be rendered.

Until then, maybe influential public figures can cool it with casting doubts on a woman who’s provided ample reason to believe that she’s telling the truth?

We can’t afford to lose respect any more former favorites this year.