Showing posts with label Harington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harington. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2018

"Game of Thrones" Stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie Wed in Scotland

The King in the North finally has his Queen … and we’re talking about real life here. Kit Harington, aka Jon Snow from “Game of Thrones,” married Rose Leslie, aka Jon Snow’s former wildling lover Ygritte, in a ceremony Saturday at Kirkton of Rayne…


Saturday, January 6, 2018

"Game of Thrones" Star Kit Harington Drunk and Disorderly During Pool Game

“Game of Thrones” star Kit Harington was into a different kind of game Friday night … pool — but he was so drunk and uncontrollable he was thrown out of the bar. The actor who plays Jon Snow in GOT was at Barfly in NYC and was 3 sheets for…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kit Harington Bends the Knee, Proposes to Rose Leslie!

To conclude Game of Thrones Season 7, Jon Snow bended the knee and pledged his loyalty to Daenerys Targaryen.

He then made sweet, sweet love to her on a boat.

Now, in a prime example of life imitating art, the actor who portrays Jon Snow on this HBO epic has gotten down on one knee and proposed marriage to Rose Leslie!

And she said yes!

So we can only presume some sweet lovemaking commenced following this exciting development as well.

(We can also presume that Leslie is NOT Kit Harington’s aunt, making their relationship far less sordid and controversial than the fictional one between Jon Snow and the Mother of Dragons.)

Harington and Leslie met on the set of Game of Thrones.

Leslie’s character of Ygritte was a Wildling who took Jon Snow’s virginity inside a cave and who was later killed off during a battle at The Wall on Season 4.

The stars themselves, meanwhile, have been dating for about five years now.

Speculation over their engaged status started in earnest over the summer, with The Sun now reporting that Harington and Leslie have been telling friends and loved ones that they are, indeed, betrothed.

Details on the proposal aren’t clear at this time, however.

“They’re yet to set a date, but told friends and family last week that they’ve got engaged,” an insider tells this British newspaper, adding of the actor:

“Kit’s known for ages he’s wanted to marry Rose but he wanted them to get a house and settle down a bit first.”

The couple recently moved in to a mansion in East Anglia, setting up this next logical move in their relationship.

“He felt it was the right time to take the next step,” a source says of Harington.

The handsome star, of course, has anchored Game of Thrones in the vital role of Jon Snow ever since the drama premiered on HBO.

Leslie, meanwhile, also appeared on numerous episodes of Downton Abbey and is now a series regular on The Good Fight.

Seeing as the pair shot down engagement rumors reported by Life & Style a few months ago, and yet have NOT denied this new round of chatter, we’re going to go ahead and assume it’s accurate.

In which case: Congratulations to Harington and Leslie!

Jon Snow may know nothing…

… but the man who brings him to life sure knows how to lock down a beautiful woman!


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Kit Harington: When Did He Lose His Virginity?!?

Jon Snow may know nothing.

But the actor who portrays Jon Snow apparently knows a little something about getting his rocks off at an early age.

Indeed, in an interview with Elle, the typically tight-lipped Kit Harington opens up about a number of personal issues, not the least of which is when he first inserted his penis into a woman’s vagina.

On Game of Thrones, of course, Harington’s character was famously a virgin until he was unable to resist the allure of Rose Leslie’s Ygritte inside of a cave.

How did this fictional experience compare to the actual way in which Harington first had sex with a woman?

“Mine was a little less left-field than in a cave,” the actor told Elle. “It was a typical sort of teenage thing, at a party. I was probably too young.”

Just how young, the magazine asked as a follow-up, 13 years old?

“No, but you’re not far off. I think the girl and I just kind of wanted to. You either hold on and do it right, or you’re young and decide to get the monkey off your back.”

At least that monkey probably didn’t have to hold on for too long prior to getting hurled off Harington’s back… if you know what we mean.

But while the Internet has focused on Harington’s virginity admission as the basis for its headline related to this interview, the exchange actually revealed something just as interesting about the handsome star.

Is it true that one of his ancestors invented the first flushing toilet for Queen Elizabeth I?

Yes! It is!

“That’s 100 percent true. It’s called “the John Harington,” Kit replied.

So you know what this means, right?

Many folks out there refer to the bathroom as “the john” because of Harington’s family!

“I’m glad it’s not called “the Harington,” Kit laughed when this topic was broached, adding:

“[My family] also wrote the queen a lot of bad poetry. I’ve inherited the bad poetry genes, but not the inventor genes.”

Among other Kit Harington revelations we learned from this fascinating interview:

  • He plays the board game Risk.

  • He was a “massive” Sesame Street fan as a child.

  • He often cries on airplanes because there’s “something romantic” about “being at that altitude.”

Game of Thrones returns with new episodes this summer.

We don’t want to say too much about what’s to come right here and now, but follow the proceeding link for an extensive look at the Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers that leaked online late last year.

Jon Snow is prominently involved in many key storylines.

On a similar note, the celebrities featured above were prominently involved in sexual intercourse at ages that might surprise you.

Click around to see what we mean!


Friday, June 3, 2016

Kit Harington Shaves Beard, Internet Loses Its Effing Mind!

It felt a bit anti-climactic when Jon Snow came back to life just as every single Game of Thrones fan on the planet expected, but the demise of actor Kit Harington’s famous beard clearly came as a total shock:

Yes, Kit took to the stage for a West End production of Doctor Faustus last night, and audience members who were lucky enough to grab a selfie with the retired Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch were shocked by his smooth-faced appearance.

As for the reaction online, picture the death of Hodor combined with the Red Wedding combined with the tragic (and thankfully untrue) reports that Emilia Clarke had stopped doing nude scenes.

Some choice tweets from heartbroken Snow Birds (our new term for ladies who love the Bastard of Winterfell) below:

“Nope nope nope. Kit Harington, you look hotter and sexier with a beard. You look like some…idk without it.”

“Kit Harington looks so emo scene with long hair and no beard.”

“Kit Harington shaved his beard and i could feel the tears in my eyes.”

Interestingly, Harington recently spoke out about his disgust with being judged by his appearance:

“If you said to a girl, ‘Do you like being called a babe?’ and she said, ‘No, not really,’ she’d be absolutely right. I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks,” Harington told a London newspaper.

“It’s demeaning. Yes, in some ways you could argue I’ve been employed for a look I have. But there’s a sexism that happens towards men. There’s definitely a sexism in our industry that happens towards women, and there is towards men as well.”

You know nothing about sexism, Jon Snow.

Anyway, the reactions haven’t been all negative.

One fan summed up the feelings of thousands of Snow Birds (We’re gonna make that work, dammit!) when she tweeted, “Even without his beard, Kit Harington is perfect.”

Well, he’d be more perfect if he lost the guyliner, but we understand he just got off stage.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Kit Harington on Jon Snow Shocker: Sorry For Lying!

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the show’s most shocking moment, as it was widely assumed [SPOILER ALERT!] that Jon Snow would be brought back from the dead by Melisandre.

Even so, the conclusion of last night’s episode of Game of Thrones packed an emotional punch, as we finally got to see the resurrection fans have been awaiting for the better part of a year.

As hard as the wait was for rabid Throners (Worst. Fan nickname. Ever.), the whole ordeal was even tougher on actor Kit Harington, who endured numerous press events in which he was basically forced to lie about his character’s fate.

In the above clip from Harington’s recent interview with Entertainment Weekly apologizes to fans for attempting (and failing) to throw them off the trail:

“Sorry!” Harington says. “I’d like to say sorry for lying to everyone. I’m glad that people were upset that he died. I think my biggest fear was that people were not going to care.

“Or it would just be, ‘Fine, Jon Snow’s dead.’ But it seems like people had a, similar to the Red Wedding episode, kind of grief about it. Which means something I’m doing — or the show is doing — is right.” 

With apologies to fans who were forced to DVR last night’s episode, the magazine revealed a super spoiler-iffic cover this morning:

Like we said, not exactly subtle, but by this point in the show’s run. even the most flaccid Throners should know to stay off social media the day after missing an episode.

(We’re gonna make that nickname happen, dammit!)

If you’re among the unlucky few who didn’t catch the episode live, we’ve got you covered:

Sure, you already know that Jon comes back from the dead, but that twist has overshadowed a number of much more genuinely shocking moments:

Ramsay found a way to become even more revolting! We got our first look at Jon’s possible mom, Lyanna Stark! Tyrion talked to the Khaleesi’s dragons! Best of all…


Oh…uh, is it too late to say spoiler alert?

It’s probably a good time to go watch Game of Thrones online before we ruin any other surprises for you.

Pay close attention to the scene where Robb wakes up and realizes the Red Wedding was just a dream. Just kidding!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kit Harington Drops Game of Thrones Bombshell, FINALLY Reveals If He"ll Be in Season 6!

The premier of Game of Thrones Season 6 is just a few weeks away, and though a few spoilers have already hit the web (Do not watch any interviews with Ian McShane if you enjoy surprises!) several big questions remain unanswered.

Number one on the list, of course, is the matter of whether or not Jon Snow is really dead.

Despite the fact that we saw him suffer numerous stab wounds and bleed out in the snow (an apt end, if ever there was one) in the Season 5 finale, logic dictates that the newly-minted Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch will return to brood another day.

After all, the barrier between life and death is quite porous in Westeros, and there might be no character more crucial to the resolution of the show’s main conflicts than Jon.

Sure, George R.R. Martin and his TV counterparts, D.B. Weiss and Devid Benioff, have demonstrated their willingness to kill off beloved and seemingly vital characters in the past, but with the possible exceptions of Tyrion and Denerys, no man, woman or dragon in Westeros is as important to the show’s many as-yet unconnected plot threads as Jon Snow.

And we won’t even get into the leading Game of Thrones finale theory, to which Snow is central.

All of this is just a long of saying that until today, the smart money would be on actor Kit Harington returning to the show that made him famous and ultimately uniting the Seven Kingdoms, which makes Kit’s recent comments to TimeOut London all the more shocking.

“Look, I’m not in the show any more. I’m definitely not in the new series,” Harington told the publication point-blank.

Asked if he’s filmed any scenes for the upcoming season, Harington replies, “Look, I’m not in the show any more. I’m definitely not in the new series.”

Sigh. We like to think you wouldn’t lie to us, Kit…but either you’re full of it, or you know nothing, Jon Snow. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kit Harington: Jon Snow is DEFINITELY Dead!

Unless you’ve been sentenced to take the black and join the Night’s Watch, and you just now figured out the wi-fi password at the Wall, you’re probably aware that Jon Snow was “killed” in the Game of Thrones Season 5 finale.

Naturally, in the months since, there’s been much speculation as to whether or not Snow is really dead.

After all, death takes many forms in Westeros, and even though we saw him get stabbed several times and bleed out in the snow (a fitting end, if ever there was one), it’s hard to believe a character who’s been so important to the proceedings thus far could really be gone for good.

The fact that Jon is featured prominently in the season 6 promotional materials seemed to basically confirm that he had somehow survived the attack, or would be brought back from the great beyond (perhaps by the otherworldly Melisandre).

This week, however, actor Kit Harington, who portrays Jon on the show, has been going around dashing hopes in a series of interviews:

“I think anyone who wants to know what happens in season six has to wait until it comes out,” he told E! News.

“All I can tell you is Jon Snow is dead. He died at the end of last season…. It’s going to be an exciting season. So I’m led to believe.”

Later in the week, Harington said the following during an interview with the BBC:

“People didn’t want me to die, but he’s dead. So there you go, everyone has to get used to it. I haven’t done Thrones in a while. I had quite a lot of time off last year. I’ve been taking it easy. And relaxing.”

Okay, Kit. Clearly you’re either lying to us, or like your signature character…you know nothing.

Either way, we’re guessing season six will feature more Snow than winter storm Jonas.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for the April premiere. And hurry – spring is coming.