Monday, September 18, 2017

Sean Spicer Crashes Emmys, Inspires Harsh Backlash

Stephen Colbert opened the 2017 Emmy Awards with a musical number, prior to welcoming the audience to the annual celebration of television and then calling out…

… Sean Spicer?!?

Yes, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

The ex-Donald Trump lackey has grown into somewhat of a minor celebrity party due to the many lies he told from the administration podium and partly due to Melissa McCarthy"s popular impression of him on Saturday Night Live.

He appeared in this case after Colbert lamented how difficult it is to gauge these days just how many people watch a show.

“Sean,” he called out, “do you know?”

Enter Spicer and his podium.

“This will be the largest audience to witness an Emmys, period, both in person and around the world!” Spicer announced, over hoots and hollers of the Emmy attendees.

This, of course, was a reference to Spicer’s own statement about PresidentTrump’s inaugural crowd size during his first White House press briefing in January.

Photos depicted a sparse gathering, but the Commander-in-Chief insisted otherwise.

“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe," said Spicer at the time.

Was this cameo unexpected? Yes.

Was it funny? To some.

Was it controversial? Heck yes.

Spicer was simply doing a job as Press Secretary, taking orders from his boss like so many others around the world.

But he also flat out lied to the American people and misled residents on issues of national importance… over and over and over again.

So now he just gets to enjoy the life of celebrity and even mock the type of manipulative, deceptive, shady, secretive administration that he played a major role in creating?

Many on the Internet were NOT having that…

Do you agree with these critiques?

Does Spicer deserve a second chance? Was he never especially guilty of anything in the first place, so there"s no need for any kind of second chance?

Are critics overreacting? Or was this an example of egregious impropriety on the part of Emmy producers?

Watch the segment and then decide for yourself:

Sean spicer crashes the emmys inspires endless backlash