Showing posts with label Commit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commit. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Alabama"s Top Commit Says Kaepernick Ad Could Help Tide Win Recruiting Wars

Alabama’s top commit says Colin Kaepernick’s Nike ad could actually HELP the Tide roll … with Pierce Quick telling TMZ Sports some recruits could be swayed even more to the Nike-sponsored program now. As we previously reported … Kaep inked a…


Friday, August 10, 2018

L.B. Bonner: What May Have Led the Reality Star to Commit Suicide?

We may have some new information on what drove L.B. Bonner to commit suicide last week.

As previously reported, the former 600-lb Life cast member took his own life via gunshot wound outside of his home in Lexington, South Carolina.

According to the official autopsy report, Bonner was discovered dead in a ditch.

What could have driven the 30-year old to make such a drastic decision?

That’s the most frustrating aspect of suicide in many ways: we’ll never know the answer.

But Bonner had to have his led amputated after getting into a severe car accident in 2013 and a friend tells Radar Online that the experience left Bonner not just physically scarred…

… but mentally scarred as well.

Following this incident, Bonner turned to food and alcohol, eventually climbing to 650 pounds before joining the cast of this TLC series and shedding the weight via diet, exercise and lap band surgery.

Still, the aforementioned friend, who is also an amputee, explains why losing one’s limb can leave a dangerous and lasting impression.

“I knew him when I lived in South Carolina,” this person tells Radar, explaining;

“He was a bouncer at night clubs we used to go to. Also, both of us are amputees.

“Both of us are also or were also members of the support group where you can speak to other issues that you’re going through.”

This friend says she lost touch with Bonner in recent years, but still feels as if she knew him well enough to speak on this tragedy.

“A lot of amputees think that they can’t do everything they used to do or get depressed or feel like someone would never want them. I’ve been lucky.

“I’ve always had the mentality that if someone tells me I can’t do something then I’m going to do it anyway with or without two legs.

“I think he tried to have that mentality, but with everything else he was dealing with…”

In March, Bonner started a GoFundMe page with a goal of earning $ 7,500 to pay for a new leg.

It does seem clear that the ex-reality star was affected tremendously by his amputation.

“My insurance won’t cover a new leg and I’ve gotten to the point where just walking is becoming very painful, let alone going to the gym and working out hard like I was before,” Bonner said this spring.

Still, he worked to lose over 300 pounds a few years ago and was considered a My 600-lb Life success story. He was also a fan favorite.

Viewers have taken his suicide very hard.


In the wake of Bonner’s passing, TLC issued the following statement:

On the show, viewers saw LB struggle with obesity following a tragic accident that claimed his right leg.

Even though he once weighed 650 pounds, LB’s hard work and dedication helped get him in the 200-pound range.

His spirit and determination as displayed through his story, quickly made LB a fan-favorite, and family & friends have taken to LB’s Facebook page to commemorate his life.

TLC was deeply saddened to hear of LB’s passing and is honored to have shared his honest and courageous story on My 600-lb Life.

May he rest in peace.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Avicii Update: Did the DJ Commit Suicide?

The family of Avicii has issued its second statement of the week.

And this latest message appears to shed some revealing light on just what happened to the late DJ.

First, as previously reported, it’s worth mentioning that Avicii was found dead last Friday at the young age of 28.

The Swedish musician was in Muscat, Oman the time and the details surrounding his passing have been shrouded in mystery ever since the sad news was broken by his publicist.

Was Avicii’s death related to a former diagnosis of pancreatitis?

Was it related to the DJ’s hard-partying lifestyle, which prompted Avicii to take a hiatus from touring a couple years ago?

We still don’t know for certain.

Now, however, the aforementioned statement from Avicii’s loved ones makes it seem as if the artist took his own life.

“Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions,” opens this statement, which then continues as follows:

“An over-achieving perfectionist who travelled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.

“When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most – music.

“He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness. He could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace.”

We need to stop right there for a minute.

The last thing we want to do is speculate on the Avicii cause of death here, but he could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace​?

It’s difficult to interpret this part of the statement as anything other than an admission that Avicii committed suicide.

The statement concludes:

Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight.

Tim, you will forever be loved and sadly missed.

The person you were and your music will keep your memory alive.

Two days ago, these same family members issued their first statement since Avicii passed away.

It read:

“We would like to thank you for the support and the loving words about our son and brother.

“We are so grateful for everyone who loved Tim’s music and have precious memories of his songs.

“Thank you for all the initiatives taken to honor Tim, with public gatherings, church bells ringing out his music, tributes at Coachella and moments of silence around the world.

“We are grateful for the privacy during this difficult time. Our wish is that it continues that way.”

The DJ was known as an early support of the EDM movement, bringing that type of music to clubs all around the world.

His most successful hits included singles such as  “Levels,” “Wake Me Up” and “Hey Brother.”

We continue to send our thoughts and prayers to his loved ones.

And we promise to update this site with the artist’s official cause of death once it is made public.

May Avicii rest in peace.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Taylor Swift Inspires Fan to Commit Bank Robbery

Taylor Swift’s beauty allegedly pushed a man with a crush on her to a life of crime all in the hopes of — ready for it? — impressing her … seriously.  Bruce Rowley was arrested last week in Ansonia, CT after cops say he confessed to robbing…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Charlie Rose Says He Didn"t Commit "Wrongdoings" Amid Harassment Accusations

Charlie Rose seemed the worse for wear as he walked home Monday after getting benched from all of his gigs, and he seemed to take issue with the characterization that he did something wrong. A photog got Rose entering his New York City apartment…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Teen Accused of Urging Boyfriend to Commit Suicide in "Sick Game"

Death-by-text sounds like the plot of a mediocre police procedural episode, but there’s a real criminal trial on the subject right now.

Both the victim and the defendant were teens when this took place … this is pretty rough.

Michelle Carter stands accused of sending Conrad Roy III, who was her boyfriend at the time and who had just recently graduated from high school, a series of text messages in which she encouraged him to follow suicidal impulses and end his life.

The criminal charge is involuntary manslaughter, which might sound pretty steep for a series of verbal messages sent by a teenage girl.

But Conrad’s death was very real.

And anyone feeling sorry for her might change their minds by the end of this post.

She’s being tried in juvenile court, even though she is now 20.

Michelle has waived her rights to a jury trial, and honestly, we’re no legal experts, but that sounds like the best decision that she’s made in a very long time.

Juries are made up of everyday strangers who are usually no more qualified to render a verdict than, say, a reality star is to become President of the United States.

Sometimes, they’re still your best bet, especially if the judges where you live are elected officials or if you want to appeal to a jury’s sympathies.

But in this case … it sounds like Michelle’s best bet is the letter of the law protecting her.

Some of the texts in which Michelle allegedly encourages Conrad to commit suicide are especially damning.

Here’s one:

“You’re so hesitant because you keeping over thinking it and keep pushing it off. You just need to do it, Conrad. The more you push it off, the more it will eat at you.”

As horrible as that is, that particular message doesn’t end there.

“You’re ready and prepared. All you have to do is turn the generator on and you will be free and happy. No more pushing it off. No more waiting.”

Like … it’s so hard to read that.

It’s even harder to imagine someone sending that to a loved one.

The conversation in which it appears that Michelle is actively pushing the already suicidal Conrad to act on his self-destructive impulses and end his life took place across multiple days.

And you can bet that the prosecutor is not going to let the judge or anyone else forget any provable detail of the case.

In their opening statements on Tuesday, prosecutors argued that Michelle craved attention from her peers, and that appearing to be grief-stricken after her boyfriend’s tragic suicide would satisfy that need.

“The defendant needed something to get their attention. She used Conrad as a pawn in her sick game of life and death.”

We don’t know if we’d characterize it as a game, but we’re certainly sickened.

There are a number of issues at play in this case.

First of all, Michelle did not magically make Conrad suicidal.

The best analogy for messages or imagery that seem to encourage suicide — remember when 13 Reasons Why was accused of glorifying suicide and being dangerous for teens? — is an allergy.

It’s the same thing as with triggers and PTSD, actually.

Basically, certain people, for mental health reasons, are specifically “allergic” to certain things.

So we could see someone arguing that a person egging on a someone who’s suicidal is killing them just as surely as someone who slips peanut oil into the food of someone with a deadly allergy.

They’re not the same, but either the allergy sufferer or the suicidal teenager decided to be that way or can somehow choose to stop being vulnerable.

The lack of any physical presence by Michelle during these conversations could make her look less culpable.

After trans teenager Leelah Alcorn’s tragic death, many people wanted her parents brought up on charges.

They argued passionately that her parents had created a miserable environment for her that caused her death.

If Michelle Carter is guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter for sending text messages, then one might argue that parents — with far more impact — would also be culpable.

It’s important to remember that many facts of Michelle’s case are still in dispute, with her attorney arguing that she had previously attempted to discourage him from taking his life during previous attempts to take his own life.

Suicidal depression is complicated as hell.

We won’t know everything until the trial concludes — if then.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lakers" Magic Johnson "Excited" About #2 Pick, Won"t Commit to Lonzo Ball (VIDEO)

Magic Johnson tells TMZ Sports he’s “very happy” with the L.A. Lakers locking up the #2 pick in the NBA Draft at Tuesday night’s draft lottery … but he’s making it clear Lonzo Ball is NOT a lock.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tee Martin"s 13-Year-Old Son Won"t Commit to Lane Kiffin Yet, But Flattered

Tee Martin tells TMZ Sports he’s “extremely proud” that his 13-year-old son already got a football scholarship offer from FAU coach Lane Kiffin … but the QB prodigy ain’t ready to commit yet.  We spoke with Tee who says he’s convinced his…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Gareon Conley Says Rape Allegations Are "Completely False, I Did Not Commit a Crime"

Gareon Conley says he is NOT a rapist — and says he has video evidence that will help him prove the allegation against him is “completely false.” The ex-Ohio State cornerback — and projected 1st round NFL Draft pick — just issued a…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Johnny Manziel Recruited By Spring League ... Other NFL Stars Commit (DOCUMENT + VIDEO)

Johnny Manziel has officially been invited to join an independent pro football league in April — a league that already has commitments from ex-NFL stars like Greg Hardy and Kellen Winslow Jr. TMZ Sports spoke with a rep for The Spring League…


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Demi Lovato: Did She Really Commit Copyright Infringement?

Demi Lovato has been accused of copyright infringement.

On what grounds? And by whom? Read on for the answer…

The artist was slapped with a lawsuit this week by a band called Sleigh Bells because that group believes Lovato used its track “Infinity Guitars” as the inspiration for her 2015 hit “Stars.”

Not just as the inspiration, the band argues. But as the entire basis.

She basically committed an act of larceny in Sleigh Bells’ eyes.

E! News has obtained court documents in which the Sleigh Bells allege that the two singles are “virtually identical content” that “transcend the realm of coincidence.”

In other words: they think Demi totally knew what she was doing.

According to the lawsuit, “a comparison of the two songs reveals that, at the very least, the combination of the hand claps and bass drum, structured as 3 quarter beats and a rest, with the bass drum providing a counter-rhythm to the hand claps, is at least substantially similar in both works.

“This infringing material repeats throughout the Defendants’ song.”

Along with Lovato, the document names UMG Recordings and Carl Falk and Rami Yacoub as defendants.

Last year, when this same controversy was raised, Yacoub spoke to Rolling Stone about the allegations.

He defended both himself and Lovato at the time.

“We did not use any samples in Demi Lovato’s song Stars,” he said. “Demi was also not involved with the production. She only wrote top line.”

For those wondering about the similarities here, take a listen below to Stars.

Got it? Grooving to it?

Okay, good.

Now take a listen to Infinity Guitars.

Sleigh Bells did not comment on this same issue shortly after Lovato released “Stars” last year.

“Flattered you guys sampled ‘Infinity Guitars’ and ‘Riot Rhythm’ for ‘Stars’ but we were not contacted. Gotta clear those,” they wrote in a Tweet.

As someone known for keeping it real (see below), it would definitely be a black mark on Lovato’s record for her to gank any song material from another group.

Then again, it could have been an honest mistake.

Or it could just be that musicians are influenced by other musicians all the time.

It doesn’t mean they are purposely going out of their way to steal source material.