Showing posts with label Bates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bates. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Detroit Lions LB Trevor Bates Arrested for Stiffing Cab Driver ... Then Punches Cop!!!

A relatively unknown NFL linebacker just made a name for himself in the worst way … by allegedly flying off the handle and punching a cop in the face!
According to law enforcement sources … Lions LB Trevor Bates was arrested around 3 AM Saturday morning at a Hampton Inn in Queens,...
Detroit Lions LB Trevor Bates Arrested for Stiffing Cab Driver ... Then Punches Cop!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Anna Duggar: Getting Friendly With Lawson Bates Behind Josh Duggar"s Back!

It’s been three years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls while still living under his parents’ roof.

In that time, very little has changed for his siblings and parents, who seemed to have no trouble rebuilding their lucrative media empire.

However, a great deal has changed for Josh, whose life really couldn’t be more different than it was in 2015

Yes, three short years ago, Josh was a Washington lobbyist and reality TV star with dreams of running for office.

These days, his career trajectory couldn’t be more different.

But at home, Josh’s life remains largely unchanged.

Despite his many, many indiscretions, Josh still controls his wife, Anna, to the point that he tells her who she’s allowed to be friends with.

And not surprisingly, it seems that arrangement has led to some very tense situations.

Josh is mostly cut off from the rest of the Duggars these days, and longtime friends of the family reportedly want nothing to do with him.

The situation reached the point where the father of five rarely ventures into his hometown of Tontitown, where he’s known as “Josh the molester,” one source tells us.

But lots of folks who want nothing to do with Josh have maintained close ties to the rest of the family — including the Bates family of Bringing Up Bates fame.

Yes, it’s possible that there’s no family in America who has more in common with the Duggars than the Bates.

They’re also a massive clan of fundamentalists who starred in their own reality show — and they also want nothing to do with Josh.

Which is why fans are so intrigued by the fact that Anna Duggar and Lawson Bates have been interacting on social media.

Lawson recently tweeted the above photo of himself holding Josh and Anna’s youngest son, Mason.

But while he was happy to visit the Duggar clan during his time in Arkansas, Lawson reportedly avoided Josh like the plague.

Interestingly, however, it seems he got along quite well with Josh’s wife and children.

As In Touch Weekly points out, Anna was quick to comment on Lawson’s photo, tweeting:

“Great to have you in town! Mason enjoyed getting to hang out with you :).” 

It may not seem like Anna and Lawson are going to any great lengths to hide their friendship.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Josh’s social media use is closely monitored, and he’s only allowed to use Facebook.

So he might never catch wind of Anna and Lawson’s back-and-forth.

Fans have been pushing for Anna to file for divorce from Josh, so they couldn’t be happier about this development.

Unfortunately, it’s extremely unlikely that Anna will leave Josh for Lawson.

Divorce is strictly forbidden in the Duggars’ community, and Anna clearly has every intention of sticking by her man.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, March 23, 2018

Jana Duggar: Is She Being Forced Into Dating Nathan Bates?!

For years now, Jana Duggar courtship rumors have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Generally, fans want what they feel is best for Jana, but at times the tone of the discussion can get more than a little overbearing.

Case in point, the current obsession with Jana and Nathan Bates.

The Duggars have been close friends with the Bates family for several years, and the two clans share an awful lot in common.

The Bates also star in a reality series that focuses on their fundamentalist lifestyle and the difficulties they experience as a family of 21.

The Bates may have never reached the same level of fame as the Duggars, but it’s not hard to see 

As you may recall, fans were previously obsessed with the idea of Jana dating Lawson Bates.

Lawson and Jana are slightly closer in age, but both parties long ago made it clear that they’re not romantically involved.

And so, fans have shifted their focus to Lawson’s younger brother, 24-year-old Nathan, and the Duggar discussion boards on Reddit are currently buzzing with speculaiton about the potential couple.

The talk comes on the heels of reports of Jana courting Caleb Williams.

That relationship never materialized, so now fans are forcing Jana and Nathan together.

There’s no rhyme or reason to it, and it’s hard to imagine that Jana isn’t at least a little creeped out by the whole thing.

Nathan Bates Photo

Some fans have skipped right over the hope that Jana and Nathan will get together and proceeded directly to expressing their disapproval of the relationship.

A relationship that, again, doesn’t actually exist in the real world.

“He’s younger and most likely less mature,” said one Reddit user.

“I think Jana is too smart for Nathan Bates. He seems like a nice guy, but not the brightest bulb,” commented another.

It’s enough to make you wonder if Jana has anything to say about her own love life.

While she hasn’t spoken on Nathan directly, she recently made it clear that she’s unattached.

“There have been different guys come along and ask but yeah it’s just not… they haven’t been the right one,” said Jana.

“I’m not just out to get married to the first one that comes along.”

So there you have it.

That should be enough to silence the rumors on social media … for about 15 minutes.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Jana Duggar is She REALLY Courting Lawson Bates?

For almost two years now, fans of the Duggar family have been eagerly anticipating official word that Jana Duggar is courting Lawson Bates.

The rumors first surfaced back in the summer of 2015, and the family’s silence on the subject led many to believe that Jana had finally found herself some suitable husband material.

(We say “finally” by Duggar family standards. Jana’s only 27, but three of her younger sisters are already married and a fourth is courting.)

Earlier this week, rumors about Jana and Lawson courting resurfaced, with some fans claiming the Duggars inadvertently posted evidence of the relationship to their Facebook page on Valentine’s Day.

The alleged proof shows Jana receiving a bouquet of roses.

Fans say the flowers are from Lawson, but insist that because Duggar obsessives have awaited news of a Jana courtship for so long, the family wants to make sure the relationship will stick before they announce it.

The courtship murmurs got louder after Lawson posted a pic poking fun at engagement photos on April Fools’ Day:

Sadly, it seems we have some bad news for all the Jana-Lawson ‘shippers.

Addressing the questions about a possible courtship in a recent blog entry, Lawson’s mother, Kathy Jo Bates had this to say:

“I think that probably Lawson and Jana would both be shocked by that news, although we have heard that rumor.”

Yes, if any courtship exists, it’s apparently news to Jana and Lawson.

Another reason to be skeptical is a recent interview that Jana gave with Crown of Beauty magazine, in which she discussed the challenges of remaining single in a family where all of her sisters are getting hitched:

“I know how it feels to wait for ‘Prince Charming’ to come along. I’m still waiting. Waiting is not always easy,” Jana said.

“Especially in those times when all the married siblings are getting together and you can’t go along because your not part of ‘that’ group,”

Certainly doesn’t sound like someone who’s happy in a new relationship to us.

But hey, Jana clearly wants a relationship, and her parents obviously want more grandkids, so we’re sure it’ll happen eventually.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online to remind yourself of how poor, put-upon Jana earned the nickname “the Cinderella Duggar.”


Jana Duggar: Courting Lawson Bates?!

Jana Duggar has long been the odd woman out.

While her younger sisters marry and start families, the beautiful, maligned eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle toils away at their behest.

Is that finally, blessedly, about to change?!

As long as there have been Duggar courtship rumors, Jana Duggar has been the one who fans would probably most like to see marry.

Yet at 27 years old, she remains single.

That’s not abnormal in most families, but her sisters Jill, Jessa, Jinger are already married. Joy-Anna is only 19 and she isn’t far behind.

One can see why speculation about Jana’s love life has always piqued the interest of Duggar Nation, and why recent reports got us excited.

A male counterpart has been whispered about in the past few months, especially after someone sent Jana flowers on Valentine’s Day.

There was even talk of Jana being forced into courting by her parents, who were finally releasing her from de facto indentured servitude.

Who is the alleged mystery man, though?

To those who watch Counting On online, and who have followed the famous family on social media over the years, he may be a familiar face:

Lawson Bates. Yes, the one and only.

One of the stars of TV’s Bringing Up Bates, Lawson also has 18 siblings and comes from a Christian family well acquainted with hers.

A handsome, aspiring country / bluegrass / gospel singer, the 24-year-old Tennessee native has been tight with Jana Duggar for years.

As well as with some of her siblings.

Rumors of Jinger Duggar courting Lawson in secret set the web on fire back in 2015 after they were cozying up at Amy Duggar’s wedding.

Obviously, Jinger went on to marry Jeremy Vuolo and not Lawson, but has her sister Jana officially found love with this great catch?

According to the Bates Family Blog, which is run by friends of the family, parents Gil and Kathy Jo said that would be news to them.

Kelly Jo Bates said, “I think that probably Lawson and Jana would both be shocked by that news, although we have heard that rumor.”

“They are very good friends,” Lawson’s mom added in her brief statement, “but no courtships that either of our families are aware of.”

The Duggar family trip to see the Bates last month in Tennessee likely sparked the rumor, as both sides have been sharing many photos.

Lawson personally posted an April Fools’ Day pic of himself wearing a suit and a wedding ring with the caption, “If guys acted like girls.”

None other than Jana’s twin brother John David appears to be in that photo with him, so it’s easy to see how this whole thing got started.

Alas, Jana is still single, which she admits is hard.

“When all the married siblings are getting together and you can’t go along because you’re not part of ‘that’ group,” she recently lamented.

“I know how it feels to wait for ‘Prince Charming’ to come along. I’m still waiting. Waiting is not always easy. Especially in those times.”

“But waiting doesn’t mean sitting and literally waiting. “My parents have always encouraged each of us to serve those around us.”

“No, we need to be busy with where God has us and being content and joyfully serving Jesus there,” Jana told Crown of Beauty magazine.

The biggest takeaways there, besides the fact that Crown of Beauty magazine is apparently a thing that exists, are as follows:

1. Jim Bob and Michelle still call the shots;

2. The whole “being content” serving others bit feels like something one tells one’s self when one is not actually content doing it.

Some even felt that young Joy-Anna Duggar’s dating advice implicitly called out this viewpoint for not being proactive enough.

In any event, on behalf of all Duggar and Bates fans throughout the Ozarks, Apalachia and beyond … can we get these two together!?

Seriously, even if they aren’t courting right this second, there’s got to be a change (dot) org petition we can circulate to make it happen.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Gil Bates: Bringing Up Bates Dad Accused of Covering Up Sex Crimes

Last week, we reported Institute for Basic Life Principles founder Bill Gothard is being sued by five former employees who claim they were sexually harassed by Gothard during their time with the IBLP.

Gothard is best known to the public as a friend and mentor of the Duggar family. Now, another close Duggar associate is being implicated in the scandal:

Gil Bates

According to Radar Online, Bringing Up Bates star Gil Bates is also being sued for allegedly helping to cover up the abuse.

Bates is reportedly one of six defendants to be named in the suit for assisting Gothard with his systematic abuse of dozens of female employees over the course of several decades.

Like Gothard, Bates is best known as a longtime friend of Jim Bob Duggar and a famous follower of the controversial Quiverfull movement that’s espoused by the Duggar clan.

Like Jim Bob, Gil Bates is both the patriarch of a family of 19 and the star of a basic cable reality show. The Bates family’s Bringing Up Bates currently airs on UP TV.

In recent months, it’s been rumored that Gil’s son Lawson Bates is “courting” Jinger Duggar – Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s 21-year-old daughter.

The Duggar family has yet to respond to the accusations against Bates.

Though they are not directly involved in Bates’ alleged wrongdoing, it’s certainly an unwelcome situation for a family that’s been repeatedly rocked by scandal this year.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jinger Duggar Spotted on a Date With Lawson Bates?!

Last week, we reported that Jinger Duggar and Lawson Bates are courting.

If you’re not familiar with the name, Lawson is an aspiring singer and star of the reality series Bringing Up Bates, which centers around his life with his 18 siblings.

Needless to say, he and Jinger have a lot in common, and it seems almost inevitable that a Duggar will hook up with a member of the equally large Bates clan, but thus far, the Duggars have refused to comment on Lawson and Jinger’s budding romance.

However, the family did acknowledge that Jinger traveled to Tennessee over the weekend to spend some time with Lawson.

Naturally, she was joined by sister Joy-Anna and brother John David who were on hand to chaperone, but witnesses say it was still evident that Jinger and Lawson were on a date.

The couple (along with a sizable entourage tasked with ensuring that they don’t go any farther than hand-holding) attended the Tennessee Volunteers-Arkansas Razorbacks football game at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville on October 3.

Perhaps anticipating that they’d be recognized and rumors would begin to fly, the Duggars posted about the Tennessee trip, but didn’t acknowledge that the purpose was for Jinger to spend time with Lawson:

“They were able to hang out with the Bates, attend the game and see their brother Joseph who attends Crown College. Lovely day!” Michelle and Jim Bob wrote on the family’s official Facebook page.

Maybe the families want to make sure that a Vols fan and a Razorbacks fan can overcome their differences before they make this courtship official!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lawson Bates: All the Info on Jinger Duggar"s New Man!

Word on the street is that Jinger Duggar and Lawson Bates are courting.

If you"re not familiar with Duggar family terminology, that means they"re not quite engaged, but they"re doing something more serious than dating.

(But not physically, mind you. The young adults are limited to hand-holding and side-hugs, per the Duggar rules of courtship.)

If you"re not familiar with Lawson – he"s a 22-year-old aspiring country singer who has an awful lot in common with Jinger.

They both have 18 siblings; they"ve both starred on reality shows (Lawson currently appears on Bringing Up Bates on the Up network), and they both come from deeply religious backgrounds.

You might say it"s a match made in heaven. Of course, if the rumors turn out to be bogus, something tells us Lawson won"t have much trouble finding a different duet partner:


1. Lawson Bates Selfie

Lawson bates selfie

Lawson’s family is much more laid back than the Duggars when it comes to social media. The 22-year-old was allowed to have his own Instagram account even before he began courting.

2. Lawson Bates: Another Selfie

Lawson bates another selfie

Lawson enjoys taking selfies. We’re sure Jinger Duggar and his other female admirers enjoy them, too.

3. Lawson’s Niece

Lawsons niece

As with Jinger, family comes first for Lawson. Here he is posing with his niece.

4. Lawson Bates: Pirate Day

Lawson bates pirate day

Lawson exercises his right to bare arms. Like the Duggar clan, the Bates family recently dressed up for “Pirate Day.”

5. Lawson Bates: "The End Down Here"

Lawson bates the end down here

Bates is an aspiring country singer. Naturally, all of his songs are spiritual in nature.

6. Tennis, Everyone?

Tennis everyone

Lawson enjoys playing tennis with his 18 siblings. Fortunately, the Bates compound is equipped with multiple courts.

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