Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lawson Bates: All the Info on Jinger Duggar"s New Man!

Word on the street is that Jinger Duggar and Lawson Bates are courting.

If you"re not familiar with Duggar family terminology, that means they"re not quite engaged, but they"re doing something more serious than dating.

(But not physically, mind you. The young adults are limited to hand-holding and side-hugs, per the Duggar rules of courtship.)

If you"re not familiar with Lawson – he"s a 22-year-old aspiring country singer who has an awful lot in common with Jinger.

They both have 18 siblings; they"ve both starred on reality shows (Lawson currently appears on Bringing Up Bates on the Up network), and they both come from deeply religious backgrounds.

You might say it"s a match made in heaven. Of course, if the rumors turn out to be bogus, something tells us Lawson won"t have much trouble finding a different duet partner:


1. Lawson Bates Selfie

Lawson bates selfie

Lawson’s family is much more laid back than the Duggars when it comes to social media. The 22-year-old was allowed to have his own Instagram account even before he began courting.

2. Lawson Bates: Another Selfie

Lawson bates another selfie

Lawson enjoys taking selfies. We’re sure Jinger Duggar and his other female admirers enjoy them, too.

3. Lawson’s Niece

Lawsons niece

As with Jinger, family comes first for Lawson. Here he is posing with his niece.

4. Lawson Bates: Pirate Day

Lawson bates pirate day

Lawson exercises his right to bare arms. Like the Duggar clan, the Bates family recently dressed up for “Pirate Day.”

5. Lawson Bates: "The End Down Here"

Lawson bates the end down here

Bates is an aspiring country singer. Naturally, all of his songs are spiritual in nature.

6. Tennis, Everyone?

Tennis everyone

Lawson enjoys playing tennis with his 18 siblings. Fortunately, the Bates compound is equipped with multiple courts.

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