Showing posts with label Fleeing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fleeing. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Kendall Jenner Accused of Fleeing the Scene After Her Dog Bit a Child!

Kendall Jenner has come under fire after leaving a restaurant … after a woman accused Kendall’s dog of allegedly biting a small child.

Oh no! That is, for the record, much worse than her boyfriend Blake’s ex scoring a major child-support win.

The case has been referred to animal control, but Kendall is implying that the world doesn’t know the whole story.

TMZ reports that Kendall Jenner had the police called on her over an alleged dog bite over the weekend.

According to reports, Kendall and her hunky boyfriend Blake Griffin stopped by the Beverly Glen Deli in L.A.

They ate on the patio of the restaurant.

While they were there, there was allegedly (and this is disputed) and incident in which Kendall’s doberman pinscher “bit” a young girl.

That’s a scary situation!

There are a couple of things that people should note.

First of all, Kendall’s dog was reportedly harnessed during this, so we probably shouldn’t be imagining her letting her furbaby wander here and there.

Second of all, the alleged bite — even when first reported — did not leave any detectable puncture wounds.

According to reports, since the restaurant itself was unable to find a clear indicator of an injury, they gave the child some ice.

The mother claimed that Kendall and Blake simply paid their bill and left instead of addressing it with her, which is apparently why she elected to dial 9-1-1 over the incident.

On Monday, however, TMZ updated the story.

According to sources close to Kendall, she didn’t leave until she made absolutely sure that the “dog bite” had not resulted in any injuries.

Only when she was sure that everything was okay did she and Griffin hit the road.

We don’t know exactly what happened, of course, but the insider says that the dog was startled by the small child.

Whatever did happen, TMZ says that their source reports that the dog did not bite the girl and may have not even touched her.

As to what did go down … well, Kendall can’t comment just yet.

Kendall Jenner with Doberman

A writer and editor linked to a Cosmopolitan article about the incident, and wrote some very inflammatory words on Tiwtter.

“Add this to the growing list of reasons why @KendallJenner is a disturbingly despicable, entitled, unsympathetic, sadistic, uncharitable and self-absorbed human being,” the tweet reads.

The tweet goes on to describe Kendall as someone “who doesn’t deserve to be idolized. (Yes, I went there.)”

Kendall saw that tweet, and quoted it with a very gentle reply.

“Oof i’m sorry you feel that way,” Kendall writes.

“Hope to meet you one day to show you the real me,” Kendall continues.

“Maybe i’ll tell you a little bit about the story too,” Kendall concludes, adding: “God bless.”

She followed those words with the emoji of two hands with their palms touching.

Some may believe that Kendall is lying and that her dog bit a child — even if there are no visible injuries.

Others may believe that this mother saw an opportunity to try to get some money out of one of a famous and wealthy family.

We would suggest that there may be a middle ground.

If a child approached Kendall’s dog in a startling way and the dog barked or snapped in alarm, the child may have been scared and the mother may have overreacted.

But we still don’t know all of the facts. Perhaps there are other witnesses or, better yet, security footage.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Lil Pump Sued for Allegedly Fleeing Scene of Car Accident

Lil Pump and his crew got into a nasty car accident, and left the guy in the other ride at the scene in very bad shape … according to a new suit. A California man claims he was driving his Nissan Pathfinder in L.A. around 2:20 PM on October 11,…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Craig Carton Allegedly Considered Fleeing to Costa Rica, Changing Name

Craig Carton’s partner in an alleged ticket fraud scheme was so concerned about the million in debt they allegedly owed … he considered fleeing the country and assuming a new identity.  At least, that’s what investigators say they learned…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump -- It"s FLEEING Day for a Ton of Celebs (PHOTO GALLERY)

The Oscars, Grammys and Emmys might wanna think about moving next year — IF people like Miley Cyrus, Neve Campbell, Ne-Yo and a ton of others stick to their guns. Take a look at the celebs who vowed to pack their bags — for the Great…


Friday, August 19, 2016

Malia Obama: Spotted Fleeing House Party Before Police Raid?!

If the tabloid headlines are to be believed (a big “if,” if ever there was one) Malia Obama is having a summer that might best be described as “lit” by her peers and “a hellish, never-ending PR nightmare” by her parents.

First, Malia was spotted “twerking” (modestly dancing for several seconds at a music festival), and the Breitbarts of the online world absolutely lost it.

Shortly thereafter, much to the squealing delight chagrin of far-right pundits, video that purported to show Malia smoking pot surfaced online.

Put on your pearls and prepare to clutch them, as the sight of an 18-year-old maybe, possibly smoking pot at a concert is sure to shock you to your very core.

You’ve been warned:

Scandalous, right?

It’s like if someone combined the Zapruder film with footage of Ryan Lochte peeing on a gas station.

Anyway, there’s a new Malia non-scandal, and this one involves her father’s surprisingly controversial vacation in Martha’s Vineyard.

The Obamas are currently enjoying some sure much-needed downtime on the Massachusetts island that’s been a favorite destination of presidential families since the JFK administration.

President Obama has been urged to cut his vacation short due to historic flooding in Louisiana.

His aides say he’s being kept abreast of the situation  with several updates a day, but journalists and public officials in Louisiana say that’s not enough.

Meanwhile, a second controversy has erupted on the tony island, this one involving news that Malia Obama fled a raucous house party just moments before the place was raided by police. 

According to Radar Online police arrived at the party in response to a noise complaint, and Malia was ushered out the backdoor by Secret Service agents in order to avoid a confrontation.

One insider claims the President issued a stern lecture to his daughter the morning after:

“This is the president’s worst nightmare!” the source tells Radar.

“The end of his term is in sight — and the carefully crafted image of a world-beating family is unraveling right before his eyes!

The insider adds:

“I’m sure he had some choice words for his daughter during that walk they took.”

Look, we get that people can care about multiple issues at the same time, and sometimes you just want to take a break from “real” news and unwind with a little tawdry gossip.

In fact, if anyone understands that, it’s us.

But perhaps in the midst of one of the wildest presidential elections the nation has ever seen, devastating flooding and fires in wide swaths of the country, and daily reminders of the staggering human toll of the conflicts in the Middle East, we should all just worry a bit less about what a recent high school grad is doing with her gap year.

Just a thought.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Leah Messer Buys New Home! Is She Fleeing Nosy Neighbors?

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know the show hasn’t portrayed Leah Messer in the most flattering light this season.

Of course, that may have nothing to do with the way the show is edited and everything to do with the Hot Messer being the Hot Messer.

Right off the bat there was the controversy over Leah’s failure to feed her daughters before rushing them off to school.

As the season draws to a close, she’s embroiled in a conflict with her first husband and his new wife after publicly accusing Miranda Simms of neglect.

For once it looked as though Leah might be in the right, but Miranda promptly put her in her place, and fans on social media seem to be overwhelmingly Team Simms.

It’s been a season full of downs and more downs for Leah.

In fact, she’s been wrapped up in so many feuds and mini-scandals that it’s easy to forget the controversies began weeks before this season of Teen Mom 2 kicked off.

Back in March a rumor that Leah is a hoarder began to make its way around the Internet.

Messer denied it, but the photo evidence posted online by a neighbor made a compelling case.

The neighbor also reported that Leah was secretly back together with T.R. Dues, whom she claimed to have broken up with several months prior.

Now, it looks like Leah is using her MTV cash to put some distance between herself and her nosy next door friend.

“I’m extremely ecstatic to announce The girls and I just sealed the deal on our new house! #GodIsGreat Everything is falling into place!!” Leah tweeted yesterday.

Several fans pointed out that Leah moves quite frequently, which can be psychologically problematic for young children.

The going theory seems to be that Leah is attempting to get away from her neighbors and their surprisingly high-resolution cameras.

Unfortunately, we’re guessing the public’s interest in her life will follow Ms. Messer wherever she goes.