Showing posts with label Nosy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nosy. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Game says Nosy People Need to Get off Usher"s Nuts

The Game wants everyone to get off Usher’s back nuts. The rapper was leaving Ace of Diamonds Monday night when we asked his take on Usher’s mounting legal drama stemming from allegations he exposed several women to herpes. Game gets downright…


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Leah Messer Buys New Home! Is She Fleeing Nosy Neighbors?

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know the show hasn’t portrayed Leah Messer in the most flattering light this season.

Of course, that may have nothing to do with the way the show is edited and everything to do with the Hot Messer being the Hot Messer.

Right off the bat there was the controversy over Leah’s failure to feed her daughters before rushing them off to school.

As the season draws to a close, she’s embroiled in a conflict with her first husband and his new wife after publicly accusing Miranda Simms of neglect.

For once it looked as though Leah might be in the right, but Miranda promptly put her in her place, and fans on social media seem to be overwhelmingly Team Simms.

It’s been a season full of downs and more downs for Leah.

In fact, she’s been wrapped up in so many feuds and mini-scandals that it’s easy to forget the controversies began weeks before this season of Teen Mom 2 kicked off.

Back in March a rumor that Leah is a hoarder began to make its way around the Internet.

Messer denied it, but the photo evidence posted online by a neighbor made a compelling case.

The neighbor also reported that Leah was secretly back together with T.R. Dues, whom she claimed to have broken up with several months prior.

Now, it looks like Leah is using her MTV cash to put some distance between herself and her nosy next door friend.

“I’m extremely ecstatic to announce The girls and I just sealed the deal on our new house! #GodIsGreat Everything is falling into place!!” Leah tweeted yesterday.

Several fans pointed out that Leah moves quite frequently, which can be psychologically problematic for young children.

The going theory seems to be that Leah is attempting to get away from her neighbors and their surprisingly high-resolution cameras.

Unfortunately, we’re guessing the public’s interest in her life will follow Ms. Messer wherever she goes.