Showing posts with label Fogle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fogle. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Jared Fogle Insists He Can Sue Donald Trump for Prison Release

Jared Fogle isn’t taking no for an answer when it comes to suing the Prez to get out of prison … but we get the feeling he’s going to hear it again very soon. The former Subway spokesman and convicted child pornographer is at it again, filing new…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Jared Fogle Sues Judges, Prosecutors for $57 Million

Jared Fogle wants a ton of cash from the judges and prosecutors who sent to him to prison for child pornography … TMZ has learned. Fogle’s failed to get out of prison with a slew of motions he’s filed in the last year, but now he’s going for the…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Jared Fogle: Maybe Trump Can Get Me Out of Jail!

You know how Jared Fogle lost his appeal? Well, the disgraced former sandwich spokesperson is trying a new strategy.

This time, he’s filed new documents that name … Donald Trump.

Is he trying to wrangle a pardon?

The New York Post reports that Jared Fogle called on Donald Trump in his latest bid for freedom.

This week, Fogle filed a write of habeas corpus.

Despite sounding like a Harry Potter spell, it literally just means “move the body.” It’s classic legal jargon.

Which means that he is claiming that he is being unlawfully detained.

Fogle claims that his 2015 guilty plea was unlawful … because it included a conspiracy charge that he believes was unwarranted.

This isn’t his first attempt to claim that he shouldn’t be in prison, and it won’t be his last.

The twist this time … is that in addition to naming the judge in his case and the warden of his prison, he also named Donald Trump.

Jared Fogle is a former spokesperson who is now serving a 15-year sentence for the distribution of child pornography.

Donald Trump is a reality star who is, like it or not, the current President of the United States.

Despite that, they do have some things in common:

Both are associated with fast food.

Both are over 6 feet in height.

Both were mildly interesting public personalities about a decade ago but now you wouldn’t leave them alone with your or anyone else’s daughter under any circumstances.

None of that, however, explains why Jared would name-drop Trump on his paperwork.

The New York Post speculates that Fogle is feeling desperate.

Donald Trump is famously capricious, and may say or do anything on a whim regardless of what his advisors or the American people or common sense might say about it.

Could it be that Jared Fogle is hoping that Trump might buy into his argument that his prison sentence is some sort of government overreach and that he deserves to be free?

He is imprisoned on Federal charges, and so his crimes are within Trump’s power to pardon.

Even in these mad years of the Trump administration, that would be a … sensational and shocking move.

Regardless of what the former Subway spokesman hoped to gain by naming Donald Trump, a magistrate shot down his paperwork.

Specifically, the magistrate says that his documents are missing some details.

Jared has 30 days to submit a revised version … that does not mention any orange Presidents.

You may recall that Jared tried to appeal in 2016 by arguing that his sentence was unfairly long and therefore too harsh for his crimes.

He lost.

It’s not really a surprise that Jared is trying everything. For one thing, he has nothing but time on his hands.

For another, he was brutally beaten in the prison yard just two years ago. Since then, he’s been reportedly paying for protection, but that cannot come cheaply.

Even though he’s reviled across the country, he would of course prefer to be just another disgusting human being walking free than to be behind bars.

But trying to get Trump’s attention isn’t likely to work. Besides, Trump is a little busy golfing, working at least an hour a day, and enjoying his miserable marriage

But, hey, maybe he’ll tweet about Jared at 5am, for whatever that’s worth. We’ll see.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jared Fogle Shouts Out President Trump in Latest Appeal for Prison Release

Jared Fogle’s making a new desperate attempt to be released from federal prison, and this time he’s calling on President Trump … even though he’s completely misguided. Fogle, that is. The convicted child pornographer filed a petition for a writ of…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jared Fogle Can"t Ask Judge to Recuse Herself Just Because She"s a Parent

Jared Fogle just got served another big L in court — his request to have a judge booted from his case just because she’s a mom was denied. An Indiana appeals court turned thumbs down on Fogle’s motion to have Judge Tanya Walton Pratt removed…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jared Fogle Thinks He Got Screwed and Larry Nassar Got Leniency

Jared Fogle might have his most ridiculous legal argument yet for a judge to undo his plea deal — and Larry Nassar is his exhibit A.  Fogle filed docs seeking to withdraw his guilty plea, and focuses on one of his many charges ……


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Jared Fogle Wants Judge Removed Because She Has Teenage Daughters

Jared Fogle wants the judge in his child porn case recused, because he thinks she’s prejudiced against him since she has teenage daughters. Fogle filed legal docs seeking to have Judge Tanya Walton Pratt booted because the case partially involves a…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jared Fogle: Judge Rejects New Appeal!

There are a lot of famous sex monsters walking free. But some are behind bars. Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and he’s just over two years in.

It’s pretty safe to say that he is not enjoying his prison stay. In fact, he has once again attempted to appeal his sentence — by drafting the appeal himself and claiming that the court lacked jurisdiction.

The judge … wasn’t impressed.

Jared Fogle rose to fame as a spokesperson for Subway, showcasing his weight loss. Though he was fired from that job when accusations surfaced, he is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to that company.

(I know that this is where there’s almost an obligatory jab at Subway’s products, but I actually love their food)

For 15 years, Jared was the spokesperson for Subway. And then he came under investigation for paying for sex with minors.

As you can imagine when we’re talking about a man accused of having sex with children, he was also investigated for receiving child pornography.

In 2015, he was accused, tried, and convicted. His currently estimated release date is July 11th, 2029.

Since going to prison, Jared Fogle has been a key example of the way that men who prey upon children often do not fare well in prison.

By which we mean that Jared was brutally attacked by another inmate.

Even though most of us can agree that the prison system needs to be overhauled so that people who serve sentences stand a chance at rehabilitation rather than facing potential violence, it’s hard to get too upset when the victim of violence is a guy imprisoned for preying upon children.

And Jared is apparently paying other inmates to protect him. So we guess that he’s a job-creator now, or something.

It’s pretty safe to say, though, that he’s not enjoying his stay behind bars. He wants out.

Jared appealed his sentence once before, claiming that he was being punished for his thoughts — his fantasies — rather than for his actions.

See, the judge directly referred to his fantasies that he expressed in secretly recorded phone conversations.

We totally agree that, disgusting though they may be, someone’s thoughts or fantasies shouldn’t get them arrested.

Jared’s appeal didn’t work, though. Probably because, though the judge did mention his fantasies, he was convicted of sex with minors and receiving child porn.

The court upheld Jared’s sentence.

This time, Jared came up with his own legal argument in the prison library. Well, he borrowed a legal argument that another inmate had unsuccessfully made. 

Jared filed documents claiming that the court in which he had been tried had no jurisdiction. That’s the legalese equivalent of “I don’t recognize the authority of this court.”

His argument was that he believed that the case against him hinged upon travel between states taking place, and apparently countered that he had only committed his sex crimes in a single state.

TMZ reports that Jared Fogle’s appeal was shut down. The judge was not amused, and though she told him that he was welcome to appeal her ruling on his “frivilous” argument, she said that the law specifically covered his crimes.

We guess that it’s not really a huge surprise that “actually I only preyed upon children in one state” didn’t fly for the appeal.

While we’re not legal experts, we can’t imagine that Judge Pratt is eager to be overturned on appeal. Judges rarely are.

Therefore it’s probably unlikely that Jared will see much success with this argument.

But you never know when someone will find a technicality and be able to worm themselves out of prison despite what seemed like an open-and-shut case.

If not, though, Jared will just have to wait until 2029. If, you know, he lives that long.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Jared Fogle Shut Down By Judge in Bid for Early Prison Release

Jared Fogle got no love from the judge who sentenced him to 15 years in prison … ruling his legal arguments were BS. Fogle had filed legal docs he prepared himself in the prison library, claiming Judge Tanya Pratt had no jurisdiction to even hear…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Jared Fogle Says Let Me Out of Prison!

Jared Fogle is making a play to get sprung from prison, because he says the judge who accepted his guilty plea had no jurisdiction to even hear the case. Fogle wrote the legal docs himself, and it’s convoluted for sure, but the essence is that the…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Jared Fogle Prison Attacker: The Pedophile Deserved It!

Approximately one year after he beat Jared Fogle nearly to death, the man responsible for bludgeoning this disgraced former Subway spokesman has finally spoken out.

In the following letter, he explains why Fogle deserved what happened to him.

First, however, a refresher:

In November of 2015, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after an investigation determined that he often partook in some truly reprehensible behavior.

According to authorities, Fogle texted over a dozen victims (all of them minors), offering to pay them money for various sex acts, often receiving illicit photos from several of the young girls.  

A raid of his home turned up child pornography on Fogle’s computer, while court documents stated he had traveled between Indiana and New York City several times between 2010 and 2013 to pay for sex with teenage girls.

Like we said: truly reprehensible behavior.

With such strong evidence against him, Fogle didn’t even go to trial.

He pleaded guilty in late 2015, hoping to reach a deal with prosecutors that would result in only five years in jail.

But a judge saw things differently. Hence the 15-year punishment.

Fast forward to January of last year and reports that Fogle was savagely beaten in the prison yard.

According to a TMZ report in March, James Nigg – a 60-year-old serving numerous year on a weapons charge – reportedly pushed Fogle while outside with him and then repeatedly punched him in the face.

Shortly after news of this assault went viral, family members of Nigg’s said they were not surprised by the confrontation.

Nigg had reportedly been complaining about the presence of child molesters in the minimum security prison for awhile… and he simply could not handle such a famous one being in his presence.

Now, in a letter obtained by TMZ, Nigg has basically confirmed this assertion.

In the message, Nigg says “Jared is [a] hero” to other pedophiles in prison, writing in disgust:

“You would not believe how arrogant Jared was. He hired bodyguards and the other child molesters looked at him as if he was a god.”

This perception was altered, briefly at least, when Nigg left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck early last year.

Following his pummeling of Fogle, Nigg was moved to an Oklahoma prison.

He says he’s since “lost good times [that is, time off his sentence] and spent many months in the hole, plus the loss of commissary and email” due to the actions he took against Fogle.

Still, “I have no regrets,” Nigg concludes.

We don’t want to ever encourage violence and we never want to take the side of someone in jail on a weapons charge.

So we’ll just stop writing words now in that case.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Fogle, Giudice and Dassey -- Inmates Chow Down on Thanksgiving Grub

Jared Fogle, Brendan Dassey and a bunch of other famous prisoners may have given up many of their inalienable rights, but not the right to get the bird on Turkey Day. We surveyed the landscape, and here’s what the joints are offering for…


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Jared Fogle: Ex-Wife Speaks Out, Details Worst Year of Her Life

The ex-wife of convicted sex offender Jared Fogle has opened up in a new interview with CBS This Morning.

In a sit-down with the news outlet, Katie McLaughlin says she had no idea that the man who fathered her two children was a pedophile.

She found out in the most dramatic, stunning way possible.

“You could look up every word in a dictionary or thesaurus for ‘horrible’ and none of them describe what this year has been like,” McLaughlin told Anna Werner.

She was married to Fogle for five years and is the mother of a five-year old and a three-year old she had with Fogle.

When did she know that Fogle was in trouble with the law? When did she learn about the heinous allegations against him?

When FBI agents knocked on the door of her home in July of last year, that’s when.

“I knew nothing about his involvement in anything. … They just walk in and you’re just in shock,” she says.

“I didn’t understand any of it to be honest. I mean, you just – you float out of yourself because the FBI shouldn’t be in your house.”

Fogle, the former Subway spokesperson, was sentenced to 15 years behind bars in November for ogling photos of underage children online and for soliciting sex from them.

In a new lawsuit filed against Subway by McLaughlin, she claims that the fast food chain was aware of Fogle’s illegal and disgusting activities while Fogle worked for it.

“As early as 2004, Subway’s then Senior Vice President of Marketing received a complaint that Jared had approached a young girl at a promotional event for a Las Vegas Subway franchise for a sex act,” reads a portion of the legal document, obtained by Radar Online.

It continues:

“Subway exploited his family despite knowing of allegations that Jared was a pedophile and failing to properly investigate those allegations.”

As part of this lawsuit, it came out that Fogle allegedly had sex with girls as young as nine years old.

Yes, nine years old.

A professor at the University of Ottawa in Canada who studied the ex-Subway spokesperson testified that his conclusion was Fogle suffered from mild pedophilia, hypersexuality and alcohol abuse and dependency, according to the Associated Press.

“I can’t even think about him at this point in my life,” McLaughlin told CBS when asked if she still loves the father of her kids.

“Of course there is anger there … he had two lives going on. He was home with the kids and I in one life, and he was out on the road in a different life. … He was able to keep them very separate in a way I can’t even fathom.”

Concluded McLaughlin in this interview:

“[He ruined] my ability to trust, my ability to think that things will be OK.

“I think I was always a pretty happy person who thought if everyone puts in their hard work, things will end up OK. And now I’m not so sure about that.”


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jared Fogle Had Sex With 9-Year-Olds, Wife Claims in Subway Lawsuit

It’s been almost one year since Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison on child molestation charges, but new revelations about the former Subway spokesman are still emerging. 

The latest comes from a lawsuit that Fogle’s ex-wife, Katie McLaughlin, recently filed against the Subway corporation.

McLaughlin claims that Subway execs knew about the allegations against Fogle, but instead of investigating, they aided in an effort to conceal his crimes from the public.

“As early as 2004, Subway’s then Senior Vice President of Marketing received a complaint that Jared had approached a young girl at a promotional event for a Las Vegas Subway franchise for a sex act,” reads a portion of the suit, obtained by Radar Online.

“Subway exploited his family despite knowing of allegations that Jared was a pedophile and failing to properly investigate those allegations.”

McLaughlin alleges that Subway questioned Fogle, but refused to have any contact with his victims, for fear of legitimizing their claims.

“A responsible corporation would take immediate action when hearing of this behavior,” McLaughlin reportedly said in a recent deposition.

Four years after the corporation first learned of the accusations, McLaughlin alleges, Fogle sent shocking text messages to a Florida Subway franchisee, who in turn alerted the company’s CEO, Jeff Moody.

The franchise owner reportedly informed Moody “that Jared had had sex with minors from age 9 to 16.”

 Moody allegedly replied:

“Please don’t tell me any more. Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will keep him grounded.”

“Subway exploited his family despite knowing of allegations that Jared was a pedophile and failing to properly investigate those allegations,” McLaughlin’s lawyers claim.

McLaughlin is seeking an unspecified amount in damages.

And if her claims hold up in court, Subway could find itself coping with a PR nightmare that it may never recover from.


Jared Fogle -- Ex-Wife Sues Subway ... They Knew He Was a Pedophile

Subway knew Jared Fogle was a pedophile more than a decade before he was arrested … so claims his ex-wife in a new lawsuit. Kathleen McLaughlin says in new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — back in 2004, a senior exec at Subway received a complaint…


Friday, September 2, 2016

Jared Fogle Files World"s Most Despicable Lawsuit

It has been proven in a court of law that Jared Fogle participated in a child pornography ring.

A little over a year ago, in July of 2015, the former Subway spokesman had his home raided by federal agents, with evidence eventually leading to 14 charges of sex solicitation from minors.

In legal documents, Fogle was accused of traveling between Indiana and New York City in order to pay for sex with a multitude of teenage girls between 2010 and 2013.

In November, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with his attorneys trying to argue (in his favor, mind you) that Fogle was only guilty of “mild pedophilia.”

That may be the biggest oxymoron since the term “plastic silverware” or “clothed Kim Kardashian.”

In other words: Jared Fogle is a terrible human being.

There is no denying this fact.

Yet, incredibly, Jared Fogle managed to plummet to a new low this week.

Fogle has actually gone ahead and filed a federal complaint against the parents of an alleged victim who sued the ex-Subway pitchman after he supposedly received secret recordings of her changing her clothes and bathing.

Yes, as part of Fogle’s sordid history, he paid for videos and photos of young teenagers in states of undress.

Last March, parents of one of these teenagers filed a lawsuit against Fogle for emotional distress.

They are seeking $ 150,000 in damages.

In the lawsuit, the parents allege that Russell Taylor – the former head of Fogle’s charity – secretly filmed their underage daughter and other kids while they were changing clothes and bathing at Taylor’s house.

He then passed along the footage to Fogle.

In a motion filed Thursday, however, Fogle tried to turn the legal tables.

He argued that the girl’s parents “through their actions, caused or significantly contributed to the injuries and damages alleged by Jane Doe in her Complaint against the Defendants.”

Fogle isn’t denying his heinous actions here.

He’s just having the balls to say the parents deserve blame for messing up their child, the one he grossly and illegally ogled.

Fogle claims the parents were responsible for their daughter’s depression, anxiety and emotional distress due to their “hateful and abusive relationship toward each other, which included, but was not limited to, engaging in frequent fighting and arguing between themselves; abusing alcohol and getting drunk; and engaging in frequent fighting, physical abuse, and arguing with Jane Doe.”

He also says these parents’ abuse and neglect caused their daughter’s alcohol and substance abuse, self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts.

Earlier this summer, Fogle tried to argue that he isn’t that disgusting of a person.

In an attempt to reduce his prison sentence, he filed a document with the U.S. Court of Appeals that claimed he only child porn to one person while in a hotel room.

So, come on, he basically said! Give me a break!

Fortunately, the judge wasn’t hearing it.

He refused to shorten Fogle’s prison term, stating that Fogle clearly has an “obsession with child pornography and having sex with minors.”

This guy sucks so much.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Jared Fogle: Shot Down in Court, Still Considered a Giant Pervert

Jared Fogle is going to have to keep paying inmates to protect him in prison.

Because the former Subway spokesperson isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Fogle had filed documents with the U.S. Court of Appeals to shorten his prison stay, having been sentenced last November to 15 months behind bars.

His argument?

That the punishment was too harsh because he isn’t that into child pornography.

It wasn’t as though he was going around distributing dirty photos and videos of young kids or anything.

Instead, Fogle argues, he merely showed one child porn video to one person he was dating, and he did so while they were in a hotel room.

(We’re not going to bother speculating what kind of relationship this was because… EWWWW.)

However, the U.S. Court of Appeals is not run by Judge Aaron Persky.

It has determined that one act of child pornography is enough to warrant Fogle’s original sentence, denying his attempt to lighten his punishment.

They also shot down his claim that he merely fantasized and thought about kids in sexual situation (again: EWWWWW) and that one should not be sent to jail for what is going on in one’s mind.

But the judges disagreed again with this notion.

They stated the court was correct at the trial when it considered his “obsession with child pornography and having sex with minors.”

It’s actually a somewhat interesting topic to debate, whether someone ought to be legally punished without having taken too many illegal actions.

But does anyone really want to defend an individual who fantasizes about child pornography and has evidence of it on his computer?

Neither do we.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Jared Fogle: Looking For Love From Prison, Shockingly Not Succeeding

As you’ve probably heard former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence.

Fogle’s crimes are disgusting in nature, so we won’t be discussing them here, because we want to make fun of him without getting all depressed first.

Click on the link above if you feel the need to go there, but be warned  – it’ll probably totally ruin five-dollar footlongs for you for life.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, Fogle’s wife left him after an investigation uncovered mountains of evidence that he’s a nasty pedo-predator. 

So now the 38-year-old is newly single and…well, not so much ready to mingle, since he’ll be in the clink til 2032. but that’s not stopping him from looking for a little female companionship.

In Touch has obtained a copy of a letter that Fogle wrote to a female friend whom he reportedly hadn’t spoken to in several years.

In the letter (which is peppered with smiley faces and other reminders that Jared is a creepy weirdo), Fogle claims he’s innocent and was framed by the director of his 

“It has been a very hard nine months for me. I made a couple of mistakes but nothing like the media reports have said. They are making me into some sort of monster which is absolutely not true.”

“I’m currently appealing my prison sentence and am hoping for the best with it. Bottom line, my director of my foundation and friend did some bad stuff and tried to throw me under the bus with him.”

Not surprisingly, Fogle also requests that the woman send him photos.

And we were just starting to feel bad for him for getting his ass kicked in prison

Actually, no – no we weren’t.