Friday, September 2, 2016

Jared Fogle Files World"s Most Despicable Lawsuit

It has been proven in a court of law that Jared Fogle participated in a child pornography ring.

A little over a year ago, in July of 2015, the former Subway spokesman had his home raided by federal agents, with evidence eventually leading to 14 charges of sex solicitation from minors.

In legal documents, Fogle was accused of traveling between Indiana and New York City in order to pay for sex with a multitude of teenage girls between 2010 and 2013.

In November, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with his attorneys trying to argue (in his favor, mind you) that Fogle was only guilty of “mild pedophilia.”

That may be the biggest oxymoron since the term “plastic silverware” or “clothed Kim Kardashian.”

In other words: Jared Fogle is a terrible human being.

There is no denying this fact.

Yet, incredibly, Jared Fogle managed to plummet to a new low this week.

Fogle has actually gone ahead and filed a federal complaint against the parents of an alleged victim who sued the ex-Subway pitchman after he supposedly received secret recordings of her changing her clothes and bathing.

Yes, as part of Fogle’s sordid history, he paid for videos and photos of young teenagers in states of undress.

Last March, parents of one of these teenagers filed a lawsuit against Fogle for emotional distress.

They are seeking $ 150,000 in damages.

In the lawsuit, the parents allege that Russell Taylor – the former head of Fogle’s charity – secretly filmed their underage daughter and other kids while they were changing clothes and bathing at Taylor’s house.

He then passed along the footage to Fogle.

In a motion filed Thursday, however, Fogle tried to turn the legal tables.

He argued that the girl’s parents “through their actions, caused or significantly contributed to the injuries and damages alleged by Jane Doe in her Complaint against the Defendants.”

Fogle isn’t denying his heinous actions here.

He’s just having the balls to say the parents deserve blame for messing up their child, the one he grossly and illegally ogled.

Fogle claims the parents were responsible for their daughter’s depression, anxiety and emotional distress due to their “hateful and abusive relationship toward each other, which included, but was not limited to, engaging in frequent fighting and arguing between themselves; abusing alcohol and getting drunk; and engaging in frequent fighting, physical abuse, and arguing with Jane Doe.”

He also says these parents’ abuse and neglect caused their daughter’s alcohol and substance abuse, self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts.

Earlier this summer, Fogle tried to argue that he isn’t that disgusting of a person.

In an attempt to reduce his prison sentence, he filed a document with the U.S. Court of Appeals that claimed he only child porn to one person while in a hotel room.

So, come on, he basically said! Give me a break!

Fortunately, the judge wasn’t hearing it.

He refused to shorten Fogle’s prison term, stating that Fogle clearly has an “obsession with child pornography and having sex with minors.”

This guy sucks so much.