Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cardi B: Yes, I Considered an Abortion

As previously detailed, Cardi B is pregnant.

And, based on the baby bump the singer displayed while performing this past weekend on Saturday Night Live, she’s pretty far along.

However, in a new interview, the popular artist admits that she at least contemplated never reaching this point in her pregnancy.

That is, she considered an abortion.

Asked on Power 105.1’s “The Breakfast Club” by Charlamagne tha God whether she she ever thought about “not having the baby,” Cardi B did not shy away from the topic.

She conceived this child at the height of her fame and just prior to her album’s release, neither of which made it an ideal time to procreate.

“Kinda, sorta,” the rapper admitted, saying she did at least think about terminating the pregancy.

“I just didn’t want to deal with the whole abortion thing,” she continued. “I’m a grown woman, I’m 25 years old, I’m gonna say this in the most humblest way: I’m a schmillionaire.

“I’m prepared for this.”

Gotta admire the honesty, right?

Cardi B wore a tight white dress on stage this past weekend during her second SNL performance, making it clear that a baby isn’t just in her womb…

… it’s gotta be fairly close to coming out.

In this same sit-down, the singer confessed that the pregnancy was not planned.

But at least she’s committed to fiance Offset, who does have three kids with three other women, but who seems psyched to have another with Cardi.

“The love I’m receiving is overwhelming!” Cardi wrote this week in reply to the responses she’s received since sharing her big news with the world, adding:

“I can’t thank you enough for always finding the time to share your support!!”

Like many other women, meanwhile, it also angers Cardi that people think a woman can’t be a mother AND a professional success.

“It just really bothers me and it disgusts me,” she said in this interview, elaborating as follows:

“Because I see a lot of women online like, ‘Oh, I feel sorry for you, your career is over,’ and it’s like, ‘Why can’t I have both? Why do I have to choose a career or a baby?”

It’s a fair question, right?

Cardi B sounds very intent on balancing her home life and her work life and continuing to make her fans happy.

Just consider her response to how much time she’ll take off and whether she’ll record new music soon.

“I have been working and thinking about album and thinking about what I gotta do next,” she said on Tuesday.

“I gotta take my time to nest and think … I’m hoping to [take] a month, three weeks [off].”

In conclusion?

“I have to prove [to] people that a baby won’t stop me …

“I just wish that I had a little bit more time for me to think for me. I didn’t like that people [were] harassing me,” she said. “I had a whole bunch of friends calling me like, ‘Why did I have to find out [about your pregnancy] on the internet?’ …

“It’s something so precious and private to me, and I didn’t even get to keep that for myself.”

We send Cardi B and Offset our best wishes.
