Showing posts with label Feminists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feminists. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2017

Kellyanne Conway: Feminists are Man Haters and Abortion Lovers!

Kellyanne Conway is back to doing what Kellyanne Conway does best: letting words fall out of her mouth with little to no thought as to what they actually mean.

It"s starting to feel like home, isn"t it?It"

This time, we"re talking about a little sit-down interview Kellyanne did yesterday morning at CPAC.

An interview in which she discussed her absolute hatred for feminism.

See, Kellyanne refuses to call herself a feminist, and that"s fine, obviously. She can call herself whatever she wants, she can believe whatever she wants — this is America and all that.

But the weird thing about her stance is the way she doesn"t seem to understand anything about feminism.

In the interview, she says that she doesn"t call herself a feminist because feminism as a movement is "very anti-male" and "certainly very pro-abortion."

She also made a confusing statement about how protests like last month"s Women"s March are about women who "just have a problem with women in power."

So according to Kellyane, feminists hate men, love abortions — they aren"t pro-choice, they specifically love abortions — and even though many of them supported Hillary Clinton"s campaign, they take issue with women in power.


Bizarrely enough, she then went on to advise women to demand equal pay in the workplace — but sure, to hell with feminism, right?

Watch Kellyanne"s ridiculous interview below:

Kellyanne conway feminists are man haters and abortion lovers

Monday, September 14, 2015

Topless Feminists -- Crash Muslim Conference In France (VIDEO)


Two topless women from the feminist group, FEMEN, stormed the stage of a Muslim conference during a “wife beating” discussion in France Sunday.

The conference about Islam’s teachings took place in Pontoise, France … with one topic discussing whether men are allowed to beat their wives.

During the discussion, two FEMEN activists jumped on stage and pulled the microphone away from the shocked speakers. Security guards quickly pulled the 2 women off stage … appearing to kick one of them as she was dragged away.

FEMEN naked protests, which was originally founded in 2008 in Ukraine, have popped up in many different countries … normally with messages painted across their bodies.

During this protest one message painted across one of the activist’s chest is reported to have read “nobody makes me submit.”

The womens identities are not yet known.