Sunday, April 3, 2016

Harry Styles & Chelsea Handler: HOOKING UP?!?

We thought we’d heard about the weirdest couple of the week yesterday, when we reported that Snoop Dogg and Brandi Glanville might be a thing.

But then came Harry Styles and Chelsea Handler, who we just learned were seen “lying in bed together” at a house party in Los Angeles last year, according to The Sun

“They seemed to think nothing of the commotion they caused by plonking themselves together side by side in such an intimate setting,” a source told the paper.

“They were on a bed as people rushed around them and they were being pretty flirty.”

By “flirty,” we assume Chelsea flashed her boobs and called him a brat while Harry flipped his hair and blew a bubble.

“Being wild is Chelsea’s natural default behaviour and Harry is a free spirit who doesn’t care how his actions look to others, but it certainly was the talk of the bash,” the source added.

The 22-year old One Direcction singer is known for his affinity for older women. He has been romantically linked to Caroline Flack 36, Kimberly Stewart, 36 and Erin Foster, 33. 

He broke with tradition late last year when he had a fling with Kendall Jenner, but it seemed to fizzle out rather quickly.

On the other hand, Chelsea, 41, doesn’t seem to have a type. She’s dated everyone from 60-year-old NBC exec Ted Harbert to rapper 50 Cent.

Perhaps she felt it was time to dip her toe in the baby pool, and hey, we ain’t mad at her.

This isn’t the first time the two have hung out. Last year, the comic shared a pic of herself with the boy bander as she sported bikini bottoms with his name splayed across the bum.

Guess that’s one way to express affection.

The pair reportedly met through mutual business associates; Chelsea’s manager Irving Azoff is the father of Harry’s manager and friend Jeffrey.

As excited as you may be about this unconventional pairing, a second source close to them both insists they are just friends.

“Harry and Chelsea are friends through Jeff and love to mess around,” the source said. “Any suggestion they have taken things any further than friendship is incorrect.”

Sure, because messing around in bed is totally something “just friends” do. We’ll be keeping a close eye on these two.