Showing posts with label Bashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bashes. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Waka Flocka Flame Bashes NFL"s Maroon 5 Pick For Super Bowl Halftime Show in Atlanta

Waka Flocka Flame is throwing penalty flags at the NFL for choosing Maroon 5 for the halftime performance at this year’s Super Bowl in Atlanta, because he believes the performers should be black. Waka tells TMZ Sports … he’s upset with the NFL’s…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Norm MacDonald Bashes #MeToo, Defends Louis C.K., Roseanne Barr

Well, folks, it turns out there’s more to Norm MacDonald than just live-tweeting play-by-play updates of whatever sporting event he happens to be watching at the moment.

It seems he also has other interests, such as pissing off the entirety of Twitter and torpedoing his own career.

Norm MacDonald

Despite the fact that his post-SNL television career has consisted of one flop after another, Norm is giving TV another shot with a new Netflix talk show.

And apparently, he’s dying to keep his cancelation streak going because dude just shot himself in the foot about a dozen times in a single interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Norm was asked a series of softball questions with very easy answers and he managed to strike out on each one.

Asked about the #MeToo movement, MacDonald had this to say:

Norm MacDonald Image

“I’m happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit. It used to be, ‘One hundred women can’t be lying.’

“And then it became, ‘One woman can’t lie.’ And that became, ‘I believe all women.’ And then you’re like, ‘What?’ Like, that Chris Hardwick guy I really thought got the blunt end of the stick there.”

As you may recall, Hardwick was accused of abuse by his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Dykstra.

Though no one really knows what went on in that relationship aside from those two, old Norm decided to take that leap for reasons that defy logic.

From there, Norm expressed some concerns about the perceived excesses of #MeToo:

“I do think that at some point it will end with a completely innocent person of prominence sticking a gun in his head and ending it. That’s my guess,” he said.

That led to a lengthy discussion of Roseanne Barr’s racism and Louis C.K.’s habit of masturbating in front of unsuspecting women.

“And Roseanne was so broken up [after her show’s reboot was canceled] that I got Louis to call her, even though Roseanne was very hard on Louis before that. But she was just so broken and just crying constantly,” MacDonald said.

“There are very few people that have gone through what they have, losing everything in a day. Of course, people will go, ‘What about the victims?’

“But you know what? The victims didn’t have to go through that.”

Yep. He went there.

Now, it’s worth pointing out that in no way did Louis C.K. or Roseanne lose everything.

In fact, they both enjoy lives of almost unimaginable wealth and privilege.

Comedians like to think of themselves as some sort of secret society that’s too dark and impenetrable for the rest of the world to ever understand, so Norm probably equates their inability to continue performing with death, or some such pretentious BS.

You’d think if MacDonald really feels that strongly about practicing his craft he’d be more careful about not stepping on landmines the week that his new show premieres.

But who knows, maybe this is some sort of Andy Kaufman-esque performance art piece and the whole world is too dumb to realize Norm’s not just being an assh-le.

We kid, Norm is definitely just being an assh-le.


Norm Macdonald Defends Louis C.K. and Roseanne Barr, Bashes #MeToo Movement

Norm Macdonald is no friend of the #MeToo movement … and the comedian is tired of seeing showbiz types like Roseanne Barr and Louis C.K. having their careers ruined by scandals.  Norm says he’s happy the #MeToo movement has “slowed down” ……


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Bashes Kylie Jenner for Glamorizing Young Motherhood!

Kailyn Lowry became pregnant as a teenager. So did Kylie Jenner. Both are reality stars, both are devoted mothers. Kylie’s even bringing Stormi on tour with Travis.

But in a new interview, Kail accuses Kylie of “glamorizing” young motherhood and possibly being a bad influence on her young, impressionable fans.

Before you accuse Kailyn of a hilarious amount of hypocrisy, take a look at what she has to say and see if you agree.

Speaking to Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on their podcast, Make Speidi Famous Again, Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry shares her thoughts on Kylie.

“I mean, I don’t want to hate her because obviously she’s so successful,” Kailyn says. If you sense a but coming, you’re right.

“But when you’re that young and you have that much money,” Kailyn begins.

Kail continues: “and you’re able to kind of have a nanny and have a lot of help and you still do all these things.”

“I think,” Kailyn confesses. “That shows that it’s kind of glamorous to have a kid so young.”

The difference between Kail (and so many of her costars) and Kylie is that Kylie was on top of the world, with no shortage of options and resources, well before her teenage pregnancy.

“With situations like Kylie,” Kailyn laments, thinking of young, impressionable fans. “They don’t realize that, you know, she has millions of dollars.”

They might know it, intellectually, but not make the connection to how much free time she has as a mother.

Kail points out: “and she has a ton of help and she, you know, she can still go out and party and do all these things.”

“So,” Kailyn expresses. “I think that makes it look slightly glamorous.”

Despite her stated concerns, Kail is quick to point out that she’s not hating on Kylie. In fact, parts of the situation are really unfair to her.

“I mean,” Kailyn admits. “She didn’t ask to be a role model.”

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kris signed up to be reality stars and to transform their family’s life forever. Kylie was just a kid. This situation was thrust upon her.

“It’s so hard,” Kailyn continues. “Because obviously I don’t want to mom-shame her at all.”

Kailyn knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that all too well.

“But just looking at the different scenarios,” Kailyn says. “They’re just completely different.”

Her experience with a teenage pregnancy and then motherhood, despite becoming a reality star, was very different.

“So it’s weird,” Kail says.

“But really,” she says of reality stars who are young mothers. “Nobody should look up to us in that aspect.”

Kailyn doesn’t want anyone to be inspired to follow in their pregnant footsteps, but acknowledges that it’s complicated, concluding with: “I don’t know.”

Obviously, Kailyn is not shaming Kylie for being pregnant. She is just discussing how complicated it is for someone with young fans to also live their life.

And she is cautioning Kylie’s fans to remember that motherhood is wildly expensive and, unless you are fabulously wealthy, will absorb almost all of your free time.

She cannot help but wonder what impact the world’s #1 influencer might have on the people who admire her brand enough that she’s almost a billionaire.

Could Kail have said it better? Sure. But we get what she’s saying.


Sunday, August 12, 2018

NASA Logo Designer Bashes Donald Trump"s Space Force

Donald Trump’s amateurish designs for potential Space Force logos are out-of-this-world bad … so says the artist who created an older NASA logo. Richard Danne — the designer of a NASA logo from 1975 — went off on Trump’s Space Force…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Chelsea Handler BASHES Jennifer Aniston: Stop Driving Your Husbands Away!

Not all that long ago Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler were the best of friends.

The relationship was irreparably damaged, however, when Aniston learned that Handler was sharing secrets about her personal life, and the former besties reportedly haven’t spoken since.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Aniston has separated from Justin Theroux after two and a half years of marriage.

While most of the world is eagerly awaiting the announcement that Jennifer is back together with Brad Pitt, Chelsea is apparently fixated on figuring out just what caused Aniston’s split from Theroux.

Apparently, Handler is of the opinion that Jen and Justin were all wrong for each other from the start.

She’s convinced that her former friend made a damaging decision when she decided to change herself in order to conform to Justin’s vision of the ideal woman.

Now that the marriage has come to an end, Handler is apparently getting her gloat on a big way:

“Chelsea didn’t think much of Justin, but she said from the get-go that Jen would need to readjust her expectations and treatment of him if they were to stand a chance,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“But Chelsea’s feeling pretty smug and ‘I told you so’ about it now, to the point where she feels she’s owed an apology.”

This is a far cry from Chelsea’s attitude after Jen split with Pitt.

At the time, the sharp-tongued comic repeatedly tore into Angelina Jolie, alleging that she “stole” Pitt away from Aniston.

(That stance doesn’t really jibe with Handler’s feminist persona, but that’s a discussion for another time,)

In the years, since she and Jen’s falling out, Handler has had a change of heart on that issue, declaring that she now believed the dissolution of Jen’s first marriage was also Aniston’s fault.

(Surely Brad is at least partially to blame for ditching his wife, right Chelsea? Sorry, we digress.)

Anyway, it sounds like Chelsea is one of those people who goes full scorched earth when she stops being friends with someone, and she’s taking thorough advantage of Jen’s vulnerable state.

That’s a disturbing mindset in, say, a queen bee-type sorority girl.

It’s downright terrifying in a 43-year-old millionaire.


Caitlyn Jenner Bashes Trump: He"s the Worst EVER for Trans Rights!

Last year, like so many Trump voters, Caitlyn Jenner expressed bewilderment at Donald Trump’s policies and behavior.

But at times, she seemed ambivalent, following up criticisms with wearing a MAGA hat.

Now, however, she’s speaking out in no uncertain terms that Trump is “the worst ever” for trans rights.

On Thursday night, Caitlyn Jenner spoke about Trump to Newsweek at the Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala.

“As far as trans issues, this administration has been the worst ever.”

After historic gains in the LGBT+ community’s civil rights during the Obama administration, there have been massive setbacks under Trump.

“They’ve set our community back 20 years, easily.”

Part of that, of course, being Trump rescinding protections that allow public school trans students to safely use restrooms that match their gender.

Under Trump, trans students just have to hope that they go to a non-discriminatory school district. And that’s just part of the Trump administration’s pushes against transgender rights.

“It’s going to be hard to change,” Caitlyn says. “But we’ve been through these types of things before, and we’ll continue to fight it.”

Civil rights setbacks are to be expected from Trump, the man who launched his campaign by demeaning Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and who went to great lengths to appeal to his base of ignorant and bigoted voters.

But to some, including Caitlyn, this is a surprise.

See, Trump’s history of racism is well documented and goes back for decades.

In terms of transgender rights, however, he’s been viewed as somewhat progressive. For years, he allowed trans women to compete in beauty pageants.

During the 2016 Republican Primaries, Trump stated that Caitlyn Jenner — by name — could use “any bathroom she chooses” at Trump Tower. She even took him up on that.

He also said that North Carolina, whose legislature and famously despised one-term governor Pat McCrory had pushed through HB2 which banned civil rights ordinances, should allow trans North Carolinians to use whichever public restrooms they feel are appropriate.

Caitlyn Jenner has been a lifelong Republican, so he hoped that the Republican party would wholly accept her.

She also felt determined to take Trump at his word, despite warnings from basically every trans woman she knew — including actress Candis Cayne — that Trump was a danger tot he LGBT+ community.

It’s true that Trump never showed a personal investment in destroying the LGBT+ community. He’s not Mike Pence.

But … she was forgetting that a large part of the Republican party’s base sees trans people as a threat, and that Trump would need to court their approval.

Particularly in an effort to win over socially conservative legislators and to distract his base from his basically daily scandals.

In other words, Caitlyn forgot that her own party’s values do not value her or her community.

(This tweet remains evergreen for a reason, folks)

In some ways, Caitlyn Jenner has been a powerful spokeswoman for the trans community, using her platform to raise awareness and even to indirectly help other trans folks come out to their families.

She epically shut down Piers Morgan’s inappropriate questions about her genitals, which are none of anyone’s business.

At the same time, others feel that by voicing support for Donald Trump and Ted Cruz over the years, politicians who are a threat to trans rights, she’s betrayed her own community.

When she was confronted and called a fraud last year, it was because she enjoys the lifestyle of a rich white celebrity and is wildly out of touch with the lives of most trans women who have to live under Trump.

In other words, if she thinks that Trump’s policies are bad, it’s all so much worse for countless others.

Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the military, a transparent appeal to his base of voters, has been rejected as discrimination.

The Pentagon is standing up for the troops.

But other things — like rescinding protections for trans students — will have to be undone by future Presidents.

Will Caitlyn Jenner put her foot in her mouth in future elections, and end up backing other anti-trans candidates because she thinks that, as a rich woman, they’ll represent her interests?

Or has she learned her lesson from Trump? Has America learned its lesson from Trump?

Only time will tell.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Jeremy Calvert BASHES Teen Mom 2 Co-Stars on Instagram!

Reality TV is a strange beast.

It turns regular folks into celebrities not because of their brains, abilities, or even their looks, but simply because of their willingness to allow viewers to access their private lives.

For some, that"s the primary appeal of the genre, while for others, it"s the chief drawback.

We think it"s safe to say Leah Messer"s ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert, belongs squarely in the latter camp.

Check out Jeremy"s latest rant against his co-stars in the gallery below and watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Calvert has a point.

1. Jeremy and Leah In Happier Times

Leah messer and jeremy calvert image

Jeremy is Leah’s second husband after Corey Simms. He’s also the father of her youngest daughter, Adalynn.

2. One Messy Breakup

Leah messer calvert family

Jeremy and Leah split in ugly fashion. While they’ve formed an amicable co-parenting relationship in the years since, it wasn’t an easy process.

3. Jeremy Doesn’t Want His MTV

Jeremy calvert on teen mom 2

Just about every one on Teen Mom 2 has complained about the way the show is edited. But perhaps no one has been as critical of the show itself as Jeremy Calvert.

4. The King of the Insta-rant

Jeremy calvert brooke wehr image

These days, Jeremy is dating Brooke Wehr and he seems to be pretty content, but he still takes to social media to vent his frustration now and then.

5. Tell Us What You REALLY Think!

Number calvertwehr

Calvert’s latest is a doozy. In the comments on his latest Instagram post the reality star went off on everyone from judgemental fans to his co-stars.

6. Not Exactly Subtle

Not exactly subtle

Jeremy posted this meme earlier in the week, and with that, he was off to the rant races.

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Chris Lopez BASHES Kailyn Lowry: Let Me See My Son!

It’s only been two months since Kailyn Lowry welcomed her third child, but the Teen Mom 2 star seems to live her life in a constant state of flux, so it should come as no surprise, that a lot has changed since the birth of little Lux.

The name of Kailyn’s baby has attracted a lot of attention on social media for a number reasons.

For one thing, Lux Russell is just not a name that you hear every day.

On top of that, Kailyn decided to give her baby the last name Lowry, a move that many interpreted as a diss directed toward the baby’s father, Chris Lopez.

Now, it looks as though Lopez is among those who believes Kailyn was throwing shade when she opted to give the kid her own last name.

Maybe it’s the fact that Kailyn is dating Dionisio Cephas these days, or perhaps relations between Kail and Chris simply deteriorated slowly over time, but Lopez’s recent social media posts make it clear that Lux’s parents are not getting along.

Earlier this week, Chris posted this photo, with a caption reading, “I guess this is a new chapter…”

That may seem relatively innocuous, but several fans have pointed out that he appears to be burning a copy of Kailyn’s memoir, Hustle & Heart.

The same day, Lopez posted a snippet from a music video by the rapper Don Trip.

The portion of the song on Chris’ Instagram page features the following lyrics:

“No pity for a G, even though I got a son that I barely get to see/I see him for a hour, after that he gotta leave/on top of that, I only get to see him once a week.”

In case there was any doubt that Lopez was indirectly referring to his situation with Kail, he captioned the clip “Isn’t this a great song,” along with the frog/tea emoji combo.

On top of all of that, Chris has been using the hashtag “YouALopezRegardless” on photos of Lux.

Interestingly, Kailyn was initially worried that Lopez wouldn’t want to play a role in his son’s life and that she would have to sue in order to get him to acknowledge paternity.

It looks like that certainly didn’t turn out to be the case.

In fact, it looks as though Chris wants to spend more time with his son than Kailyn is allowing.

We get the feeling that one way or another, these two will face off in court eventually.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the tumultuous life of Ms. Lowry.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Donald Trump Bashes NFL National Anthem Protesters, Fire Those SOB"s

Donald Trump says any NFL player who takes a knee during the National Anthem should be fired — and referred to them as son’s of bitches. “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘get that son…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Jenelle Evans Bashes Siblings in New Memoir

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you probably already know about Jenelle Evans’ new memoir, Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom.

Half of that title is completely accurate:

The book is largely made up of excerpts from the diary that Jenelle kept during her teen years.

The other half is a bit more misleading, as there’s really no need to read between the lines.

Just like on TV, Jenelle is nothing if not blunt on the page, and she lays out pretty much every traumatic episode from her adolescence in thorough detail.

You may have known that Jenelle struggled with substance abuse, but were you aware she once popped dozens of decongestant pills to get high and almost overdosed in the process?

You were probably aware that she’s struggled with emotional issues, but did you know that Jenelle contemplated suicide in her teens?

It’s all in the book, and it may cause you to come away with a more sympathetic view of one of the Teen Mom franchise’s most controversial figures.

But because this is Jenelle we’re talking about, she couldn’t hold court for the length of an entire book without slipping in some jabs at her dysfunctional family.

“We never had vacations or cozy holidays,” Jenelle writes of her experiences growing up.

“There wasn’t a gathering that didn’t end in a screaming match.”

We’ve known for some time that Jenelle’s father left the family when she was young and her relationship with her mother has always been either messy of non-existent.

In an excerpt from the book made public for the first time today, Jenelle goes in on her siblings, explaining that they contributed to her unhappy childhood as much as her mother or father did.

“I have no memories of my older sister comforting me in times of trouble or my older brother sticking up for me,” Jenelle writes.

“Ashleigh is older than both of us and she made sure we remembered it. She was snobby and b-tchy, and she no time for either Colin or me.”

She adds:

“I only wanted to hang out with my cool older sister, but no. Between her words and actions, she pushed me away as hard as she could.”

Jenelle describes Ashleigh as a “real stressed-out kid” who went through a lengthy “goth phase.”

“She also dabbled in witchcraft and other weird stuff,” Jenelle writes, adding that after her divorce, Ashleigh had a child with her ex-husband’s best friend.

She also recollects her brother’s “bursts of rage” and the time he started a fire in the attic that nearly burned down the entire house.

She adds that Colin later spent time in a “special group home” due to his emotional issues.

Sounds like Jenelle has a deeply troubled relationship with each of her two siblings.

We’re gonna go out on a limb and guess that publicly tearing them apart in a memoir probably won’t help.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s tumultuous past. 


Friday, July 7, 2017

MMA"s Gabi Garcia Bashes Tiny Old Lady"s Skull with Illegal Head-Kicks

Here’s what happens when you fight a chick that outweighs you by almost 100 pounds … and said giant lady doesn’t speak the same language as the ref. Brazilian jiu-jitsu star Gabi Garcia – who’s listed at 6’2”, 239 pounds –…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Tom Brady Gives Father MEDIA BAN ... After Dad Bashes Goodell

Tom Brady’s father is getting the muzzle — with the Patriots QB saying he’s giving his dad a media time-out after Papa Brady bashed Roger Goodell in a local news interview. Brady just called in to ‘Kirk & Callahan’ on WEEI 93.7 and weighed in…


Saturday, January 21, 2017

D.C. Clubs Host Pro, Anti-Trump Bashes

Some D.C. clubs are hosting parties for their peeps tonight … and whether your love or hate Donald Trump you can party hard. Kabin nightclub is offering complimentary admission for anti-Trump supporters Friday night and an open bar from…


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Donald Trump Bashes Beyonce, Jay Z as Profane, Pathetic

Donald Trump has really done it now.

Sure, you might think this ignorant, racist, anti-Semitic monster had ruined his chance to be elected President of the United States way back when he referred to Mexicans as “rapists.”

Or maybe you thought he doomed himself by picking a fight with a former beauty pageant winner… or telling Billy Bush that he just grabs the pussy of any woman he wants.

Or perhaps you believed his Presidential hopes were dashed when 12 women came forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.

But Trump committed his worst offense of all on Saturday: he insulted Beyonce.

After Beyonce and Jay Z campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton this weekend, performing a bit prior to bringing the Democratic nominee on stage, Trump told supporters in Nevada that he was aghast of their lyrics.

“I’ve never said what [Jay Z] said in my life,” Trump said in his speech, never specifically referring to any of the rapper’s lyrics.

“He used every word in the book last night,” Trump continued. “He used language last night that was so bad and then Hillary said, ‘I did not like Donald Trump’s lewd language.’ My lewd language. I tell you what, I’ve never said what he said in my life.”

Trump is using a similar argument here that some of his defenders tried out back after the Bully Bush video went viral.

He’s claiming that Clinton and other critics of his are hypocritical because he may have used some “locker room” type of language on various occasions..

… but Clinton is friends with celebrities who have said much worse things in their professional or personal lives.

Here. Take a look at the video below to see a hilarious example of a Republican defending Trump via this same warped logic:

Jay Z performed a number of his hit songs Friday night, and, yes, some of the lyrics uttered were the N-word, F-word and motherf—–, although he did self-censor at certain points. 

Let’s ignore the fact that footage exists of Trump himself dropping at least two of these words himself on the campaign trail.

And let’s focus on the fact that there’s a slight difference between Trump bragging about his own treatment of women – and an artist singing broadly about the opposite sex.

Must we really point that out?

Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, also accused Clinton of hypocrisy, referring Twitter followers to Clinton’s claim that “our children are listening” in her criticisms of the Republican nominee.

“Because our children are listening” right Hillary? Jay Z drops the n-word, f-bomb during concert for Hillary Clinton,” Conway wrote on social media yesterday, linking to a story about Jay Z’s use of profanity during the concert.

Elsewhere, Trump also noted during a rally in Reno that he didn’t bring any “so-called stars along” with him the trail.

“We didn’t need them,” he told the crowd at a rally in Reno on Saturday. “The reason Hillary has to do that is, nobody comes for her. She can’t fill a room.

“That’s almost like a form of cheating, right?”

No, wrong. 

Trump had Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. speaking out for him at the Republican National Convention this summer.

It’s not cheating just because Clinton’s supporters are more famous.

If Trump wants to call up any of the stars featured above, we’re guessing they’d be happy to jump on the campaign trail with him.


Monday, October 31, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Bashes Interractial Couple Critics: Who the Eff Cares?!?

Khloe Kardashian has dated many black men.

This, of course, is not a racist statement. It’s simply a fact.

Over the years, this reality television star has been married to Lamar Odom, while also making love on various occasions to French Montana, James Harden and Tristan Thompson.

Like so many other guys and gals out there, she has a type.

But this type has also exposed Khloe to the darker side of humanity at times.

Over the weekend, Khloe made her feelings known when it comes to idiots who still take issue with men and women of different color actually being boyfriend and girlfriend.

“Interracial dating in today’s society is still looked down upon by many people,” someone named Kelsey Wells wrote to Kardashian on the latter’s app, adding:

“I am a woman who dates a man. Why can’t it just be that simple?”

Wells went on to explain how she lives in the South and everywhere she and her boyfriend go, “there are always stares,” and “people often make rude comments and gestures toward us.”

Even so, she concludes: “I brush it off because I know the man I love is HUMAN.”

Kardashian took this sentiment and ran with it in a blog post.

“Thank you Kelsey for talking about this important issue,” the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star wrote.

“I don’t support racism or discrimination of any kind and I especially don’t understand why some people are still against interracial relationships.”

Khloe shared this viewpoint just as her relationship with Thompson (below) appears to be getting serious.

The E! star helped Thompson celebrate his NBA Championship ring ceremony this month by attending his season-opening game in Cleveland.

She’s been spending so much time with the power forward that sources claim LeBron James is concerned.

He’s worried about the Kardashian dating curse and Khloe serving as a distraction and has allegedly made it clear to Thompson that he better end the romance ASAP.

“So many guys in the NBA blame Khloe and the Kardashians for their role in destroying Lamar Odom, and Kim’s ex Kris Humphries’ career never recovered,” an insider told OK! Weekly last week, adding:

“James Harden, whom Khloe dated last, hit a slump. They’re all telling Tristan that he’s going to be next.”

Through three games this season, Thompson is averaging 9.3 rebounds in an average of 28 minutes per contest.

That’s pretty solid and, most importantly, the Cavs are 3-0.

Added Khloe in her angry blog post from Friday, when it comes to interractial dating critics:

“Like who the F cares anymore?! It’s so crazy because we’re all human beings capable of love so why does skin color have anything to do with it.”

It’s a great question, but remember: people are ignorant racists. It’s just a sad fact of society.

There’s been chatter of late that Kardashian is pregnant with Thompson’s baby AND that the two are engaged.

Oh, and that they will be getting married on TV and that they will have their own reality show.

We aren’t buying any of that chatter, but it’s clear there are serious feelings at work here.

“[We like to] just chill at home,” Khloe told Us Weekly of her and Thompson.

“That’s really what we do, mellow. We’re not that exciting. I feel like people think I’m, like, wild and like hanging from chandeliers.”


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Donald Trump Bashes Hillary Clinton for Attending Adele Concert

Throughout his run for President, Donald Trump has said some pretty zany things.

And by zany, of course, we mean misogynistic, racist and deceitful.

So, in the grand scheme of his campaign, what Trump said about Hillary Clinton in an interview with George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday night should barely even register.

But it’s worth noting nonetheless because it depicts the self-centered, illogical, whining nature of Trump’s view on this election… and life in general.

Trump took a break from the campaign trail yesterday to hold a press conference in promotion of his new hotel in Washington D.C.

Stephanopoulos, among others, took Trump to task for putting his business interests ahead of national interests, as he chose to personally open a new building instead of personally take his case to the American people for why he ought to be elected President.

Trump, of course, bristled at this criticism.

He initially said that opening the hotel was actually a political gesture, not a business one, because it proved he can complete a project on time and under budget.

You can go ahead and decide for yourself if this makes you want to vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton.

But then Trump complained about the negative attention his press conference received, especially in light of what Clinton herself did on Tuesday night:

She attended an Adele concert!

“I think it’s so unfair because Hillary Clinton goes to see an Adele concert last night and everybody says, “Oh, wasn’t that nice? Wasn’t that wonderful?’” Trump said to Stephanopoulos.

It’s probably worth noting that the Adele concert took place in Miami.

And that Miami is a city in Florida.

And that Florida is a key battleground state and that Clinton had spent the day campaigning there.

But Trump was probably unaware of these facts. He was probably trying to think of which mourning wife he can try to sleep with next.

Trump quote

“She has no energy. She’s got nothing going,” Trump added to Stephanopoulos.”

“She does one stop. And nobody complains about that. Nobody complains when she goes to an Adele concert all night long, while I’m making two speeches at rallies with, you know, massive crowds.”

One could wonder how Trump could argue in one breath that Clinton has “no energy” and in the next breath that she attended an Adele concert “all night long,” but one would then go legitimately insane trying to make sense of anything Donald Trump says.

Of course, we all know the real issue here.

At one point in her concert, Adele expressed support for Clinton.

Back in February, conversely, a spokesperson for the singer demanded that Trump stop playing “Rolling in the Deep” as he took the stage for various rallies, such as he did one time in Waterloo, Iowa.

This spokesperson said Trump did not have permission from the singer to do so.

So Trump is clearly just jealous of where Adele’s loyalties lie.

He should really Adele’s advice, and let this go. Come on, Donald. You both know you ain’t kids no more.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Rebel Wilson Bashes the Kardashians: What Did She Say?

At this point, most would agree that the Kardashians didn’t rise to fame because of talent (see: “Jam: Turn It Up”).  

We didn’t, however, expect Rebel Wilson to turn down an appearance with Kylie and Kendall Jenner because of it. 

Actually, we did.  And we love it.

“I got asked to present with Kendall and Kylie at the recent VMAs but I said ‘no, I’d rather do it by myself,"” Wilson told Australian radio hosts Kyle and Jackie O, according to Yahoo! News.

“It’s not that I hate any of them individually, but it’s just that everything they stand for is against everything I stand for. And they’re not famous for talent. I worked really hard to get where I’ve gotten to.

“I think I was going to dress up as Kim K if I was going to [present with Kendall and Kylie at the VMAs].”

Wilson explained that the family wasn’t really “about talent,” save for a home video and a reality show based on their already-privileged lives.

“I mean how Kim Kardashian got famous from the sex tape and I just went to acting school and worked really hard,” Rebel said.

“Fame is a tricky one. If you’re Amy Winehouse and famous for writing great songs, that’s great, but it blows my mind that so many people engage with someone like Kim Kardashian.”

Wilson would be totally fine with the Kardashians – any of them/all of them – going back under the rock from whence they came.

“She’s got nothing to say, no opinions on anything,” Wilson concluded.  “I’d hate teenagers to think that’s the way to be happy because it’s not – it’s fake.”

Point: Wilson