Showing posts with label Rebel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebel. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Duggar Kids: Who"s the Biggest Rebel Against Jim Bob"s Ridiculous Rules?

When the Duggars rose to fame in the early 2000s, audiences were drawn to their reality shows primarily because Jim Bob and Michelle had already sired a massive brood, and they seemed to have no plans to put the breeding on hold anytime soon.

As time went on, however, viewers realized that their fertility was not the most unusual thing about the Duggars.

Instead, it was the family"s bonkers belief system that made for such compelling viewing.

From courtship rules to insanely strict dress codes, the Duggars controlled every aspect of their kids" lives, and it was only a matter of time before the offspring started to rebel.

Take a look:

1. Josiah Can’t Be Tamed

Josiah duggar and lauren

First, there’s Josiah Duggar. Sure, he recently settled down and got married, but we’re guessing his days as the main cause of Jim Bob’s migraines are far from over.

2. Heartbreaker

Josiah duggar marjorie jackson photo

Josiah is unique among his siblings in that he was involved in a different courtship BEFORE he met his wife.

3. The Mystery Deepens

Josiah duggar and marjorie jackson

There’s still no word on what caused Josiah and Marjorie to call off their courtship — a move that’s almost unprecedented in Duggar Land. Scandalous!

4. Still Rebelling

Josiah duggar and wife

After his relationship with Marjorie ended, Josiah continued to maintain an Instagram account in direct defiance of his parents’ rules.

5. What Courtship Rules?

Swanson and josiah duggar

He and Lauren Swanson also held hands, front-hugged and went on un-chaperoned dates before they were married. Someone arrest this man!

6. Four Can Play at That Game!

John david and abbie break the rules

But no one tossed the courtship rules right out the window quite like John David Duggar and his fiance Abbir Burnett.

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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson Dance in the Street for Upcoming Movie

Liam Hemsworth’s got moves — choreographed moves — as do a few of his costars in their upcoming romantic comedy. Liam was spotted dancing in front of a building with Rebel Wilson and other “Isn’t It Romantic” cast members in NYC Saturday morning.…


Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson Dance in the Street for Upcoming Movie

Liam Hemsworth’s got moves — choreographed moves — as do a few of his costars in their upcoming romantic comedy. Liam was spotted dancing in front of a building with Rebel Wilson and other “Isn’t It Romantic” cast members in NYC Saturday morning.…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Secrets & Scandals of the Family Rebel!

Jinger Duggar has always been something of an outlier in the Duggar family.

Even before Jinger distingushed herself by wearing pants (gasp!) and marrying a man her father didn"t approve of, she had already gained a reputation as the Duggar family"s resident rebel.

Check out the gallery below for  our rundown of some of her most memorable clashes with her stirct upbringing:

1. A Broken Courtship?

Jinger duggar and lawson bates

Long before she met Jeremy Vuolo, it was rumored that Jinger was courting Lawson Bates. Many fans still believe that Jinger and Lawson got together, but the relationship didn’t work out.

2. Restroom Rebels

Jana and jinger duggar picture

Back in 2015, Jinger and sister Jana were accused of hypocrisy when they used a men’s public bathroom after publicly speaking out against transgender rights.

3. Jinger Duggar: Future New Yorker?

Jinger duggar hair

Jinger once indicated that she’d like to live in New York City someday. Michelle Duggar was quick to publicly shut the idea down and many fans castigated Jinger for what they saw as her naivete.

4. Jinger & Jeremy: A Controversial Couple

Jinger and jeremy vuolo picture

Jinger’s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, is not your typical Duggar spouse. A former pro soccer player, Jeremy has admitted to drinking and partying in his youth, a major no-no in Jim Bob’s world.

5. Jeremy Vuolo: Not a Hit With the Duggars

Jim bob duggar and jeremy vuolo and

Jeremy has butted heads with his father-in-law on multiple occasions. Insiders say Jim Bob and Jeremy frequently clash over matters of religious doctrine.

6. Jinger Duggar: A Closet Calvinist?

Jinger duggar smiling

Jeremy preaches the doctrine of Calvinism, which Jim Bob staunchly opposes. Sources claim Jinger feels that she’s torn between two worlds, but has sided with her husband.

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Caleb Williams: Is Jana Duggar"s New Boyfriend a "Rebel"?!

Earlier this month, multiple new Jana Duggar courtship rumors began to make the rounds on social media.

First, fans claimed that Jana was courting Jacob Wilson, but the longtime Duggar family friend quickly took to debunk those reports.

Shortly thereafter, rumors of Jana courting Caleb Williams surfaced online, and they’ve proven a little bit harder to shake.

For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, fans really want to believe that Caleb and Jana are an item.

So naturally, Duggar fanatics have taken a tremendous amount of interest in Caleb’s past, as well as his personal life.

Like Jacob, Caleb is been an associate of the Duggars for quite some time, but little is known about him aside from that.

Fortunately, OK! magazine tracked down a longtime friend of Caleb’s who preferred to remain anonymous, but offered several interesting insights into the character of Jana’s mystery man.

Right off the bat, Caleb’s unidentified pal says the

“As a parent, he may not choose to do the things they chose to do,” the insider says.

That said, the friend believes Jim Bob and Michelle would be cool with Caleb’s differing views on child-rearing, noting that “parenting isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.”

(Caleb’s buddy should probably read up on Jim Bob’s cconflicts with his current sons-in-law. He’s not as chill as he seems, which is really saying something, as he doesn’t seem chill at all.)

As for Caleb’s past, the tipster says he’s a well-traveled, having been to several countries, and is currently planning to return to college after taking a hiatus for financial reasons.

“Right now, he’s getting some stuff paid off and will hopefully get back to a degree when all that’s finished,” says the source.

According to his Instagram page, Caleb’s current occupation is “business owner,” though he doesn’t go into any detail about the nature of his business.

As for the “rebel” label that seems to be following Caleb around these days, we’re guessing fans mean that he’s a rebel by Duggar standards, because he seems to keep things on the straigh-and-narrow.

“They have similar belief systems, but he’s a bit different in his thinking,” says the insider when asked about ideological differences between Caleb and the Duggars.

“He’s maybe somewhat more liberal.”

Yes, Caleb’s friend went and busted out the L-word.

If you thought Jim Bob gave Jeremy Vuolo a hard time, just wait until Jana brings Caleb around!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, July 31, 2017

Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson Swap Spit on "Isn"t it Romantic" Set

Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson’s makeout sesh got sloppy … even in a tux and gown. Liam and Rebel were on the set of “Isn’t it Romantic” in NYC … making out for a scene under drenching rain and a green screen as their backdrop. It’s unclear…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

L.A. Dodgers -- Big Stars Gather for Cub Domination ... Is That Rebel Wilson? (PHOTO GALLERY)

It was pitch perfect on the field and in the stands Tuesday night … with Rebel Wilson joining a bunch of big stars at Dodger Stadium to watch the Blue Crew annihilate the Cubbies!  Magic Johnson, Andy Garcia, Eric Stonestreet, Arsenio Hall,…


Friday, February 12, 2016

Rebel Wilson Fondled Justin Bieber WHERE?!?

Rebel Wilson caught our eye in Bridesmaids, became our number one girl crush after Pitch Perfect, and now, it"s official: We f*cking LOVE the woman.

While appearing as a guest on the Graham Norton Show, she talks about an encounter she had with Justin Bieber while at opening night of Jennifer Lopez"s "All I Have" show in Las Vegas.

Rebel attended the concert with Kelly Osbourne when they noticed the teen idol sitting two rows behind them. 

"We thought, you know what, Valentine"s Day is coming up, we"re both single, let"s just make a play for him," Rebel told the talk show host.

In true high school fashion, the two passed a note to Justin, which read:

"Dear Justin,
My name is Kelly Osbourne.
And my name is Rebel Wilson.
We think you should take our sexy hot asses out after the show (nothing weird)"

The note included "Yes" or "No" checkboxes for his answer.


Guess Hailey Baldwin was taking a break from the Biebs that evening.

She said the trio hung out all night and they took a selfie together, which Rebel shared to Instagram.

When Norton mentioned that Justin looked a little nervous in the shot, Rebel had the best explanation:

"Well, no, no, that"s just "cause I was holding his balls."


We can"t say we blame her for trying to get close to that package, which is reportedly quite impressive.

Rebel stars in the new movie How to Be Single, and she"s proving to have some stellar pickup tips we can all learn from. 

See the note, the selfie and Rebel"s hilarious interview below.

Rebel wilson fondles justin bieber where

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Rebel Wilson Bashes the Kardashians: What Did She Say?

At this point, most would agree that the Kardashians didn’t rise to fame because of talent (see: “Jam: Turn It Up”).  

We didn’t, however, expect Rebel Wilson to turn down an appearance with Kylie and Kendall Jenner because of it. 

Actually, we did.  And we love it.

“I got asked to present with Kendall and Kylie at the recent VMAs but I said ‘no, I’d rather do it by myself,"” Wilson told Australian radio hosts Kyle and Jackie O, according to Yahoo! News.

“It’s not that I hate any of them individually, but it’s just that everything they stand for is against everything I stand for. And they’re not famous for talent. I worked really hard to get where I’ve gotten to.

“I think I was going to dress up as Kim K if I was going to [present with Kendall and Kylie at the VMAs].”

Wilson explained that the family wasn’t really “about talent,” save for a home video and a reality show based on their already-privileged lives.

“I mean how Kim Kardashian got famous from the sex tape and I just went to acting school and worked really hard,” Rebel said.

“Fame is a tricky one. If you’re Amy Winehouse and famous for writing great songs, that’s great, but it blows my mind that so many people engage with someone like Kim Kardashian.”

Wilson would be totally fine with the Kardashians – any of them/all of them – going back under the rock from whence they came.

“She’s got nothing to say, no opinions on anything,” Wilson concluded.  “I’d hate teenagers to think that’s the way to be happy because it’s not – it’s fake.”

Point: Wilson