Friday, October 20, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Secrets & Scandals of the Family Rebel!

Jinger Duggar has always been something of an outlier in the Duggar family.

Even before Jinger distingushed herself by wearing pants (gasp!) and marrying a man her father didn"t approve of, she had already gained a reputation as the Duggar family"s resident rebel.

Check out the gallery below for  our rundown of some of her most memorable clashes with her stirct upbringing:

1. A Broken Courtship?

Jinger duggar and lawson bates

Long before she met Jeremy Vuolo, it was rumored that Jinger was courting Lawson Bates. Many fans still believe that Jinger and Lawson got together, but the relationship didn’t work out.

2. Restroom Rebels

Jana and jinger duggar picture

Back in 2015, Jinger and sister Jana were accused of hypocrisy when they used a men’s public bathroom after publicly speaking out against transgender rights.

3. Jinger Duggar: Future New Yorker?

Jinger duggar hair

Jinger once indicated that she’d like to live in New York City someday. Michelle Duggar was quick to publicly shut the idea down and many fans castigated Jinger for what they saw as her naivete.

4. Jinger & Jeremy: A Controversial Couple

Jinger and jeremy vuolo picture

Jinger’s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, is not your typical Duggar spouse. A former pro soccer player, Jeremy has admitted to drinking and partying in his youth, a major no-no in Jim Bob’s world.

5. Jeremy Vuolo: Not a Hit With the Duggars

Jim bob duggar and jeremy vuolo and

Jeremy has butted heads with his father-in-law on multiple occasions. Insiders say Jim Bob and Jeremy frequently clash over matters of religious doctrine.

6. Jinger Duggar: A Closet Calvinist?

Jinger duggar smiling

Jeremy preaches the doctrine of Calvinism, which Jim Bob staunchly opposes. Sources claim Jinger feels that she’s torn between two worlds, but has sided with her husband.

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