Showing posts with label Bob's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bob's. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Jill Duggar Defies Jim Bob"s Rules, Has Secular "Movie Date" With Sons

One of the nice things that we can say about Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard is that they break Jim Bob’s rules.
Now, Jill is letting her sons watch a Christmas movie that’s about as secular as you can get while, you know, being about Christmas.
She’s having the...
Jill Duggar Defies Jim Bob"s Rules, Has Secular "Movie Date" With Sons

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Derick Dillard Comes Clean: We"re Breaking All of Jim Bob"s Rules!

We’ve known for some time now that Derick Dillard is not Jim Bob Duggar’s favorite son-in-law.

In fact, it’s been said that Jim Bob flat-out doesn’t like Derick — and frankly, it’s not hard to see why.

After all, other than Josh, no one in the Duggar clan has done more to compromise the family business than Derick.

The clearest evidence of Derick’s ineptitude is the fact that he got fired from Counting On and convinced his wife, Jill Duggar, to quit the show as a gesture of solidarity.

But leaving his family without a source of income was just the first in a long line of eff-ups for Derick.

From there, Derick’s bigoted social media tirades continued unabated, as he attacked other TLC stars such as Jazz Jennings ad Nate Berkus in the sort or ignorant tirades for which he’s become famous.

Jim Bob and company probably didn’t object to the belief system behind Derick’s unhinged rants, but the Duggars likely took issue with the public nature of his hate speech.

After all, not unlike the evangelical church that seems to have served as his business model, JB built an empire that’s based on strict adherence to a set of mostly arbitrary rules.

These days, Jim Bob’s offspring — particularly his daughters — are flouting his guidelines left and right, and the patriarch reportedly blames the men they married.

Jinger Duggar began wearing pants in defiance of the family dress code after she was granted permission by her husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

And now, Jill Duggar is allowing her kids to enjoy secular entertainment — a massive no-no in the Duggars’ world.

And not surprisingly, it seems the Duggars believe Derick is squarely to blame.

And it seems D-Dill may have just confirmed their suspicions on social media.

Earlier this week, a fan asked Derick, “Why don’t you guys get a TV?”

“How do you know we don’t have one?” Derick replied.

If you’re a longtime Counting On fan, then you’re probably already aware that the Duggars grew up in a house without television.

In recent months, Jill and Derick have taken flak for allowing their children access to such popular children’s characters as Peppa the Pig.

That may seem like just about the most innocent thing imaginable, but the Duggars are of the belief that all children’s entertainment that all children’s entertainment should have to do with fire and brimstone.

That way, kids like Henry and Spurgeon will understand why their dad is going to hell.


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Duggar Kids: Who"s the Biggest Rebel Against Jim Bob"s Ridiculous Rules?

When the Duggars rose to fame in the early 2000s, audiences were drawn to their reality shows primarily because Jim Bob and Michelle had already sired a massive brood, and they seemed to have no plans to put the breeding on hold anytime soon.

As time went on, however, viewers realized that their fertility was not the most unusual thing about the Duggars.

Instead, it was the family"s bonkers belief system that made for such compelling viewing.

From courtship rules to insanely strict dress codes, the Duggars controlled every aspect of their kids" lives, and it was only a matter of time before the offspring started to rebel.

Take a look:

1. Josiah Can’t Be Tamed

Josiah duggar and lauren

First, there’s Josiah Duggar. Sure, he recently settled down and got married, but we’re guessing his days as the main cause of Jim Bob’s migraines are far from over.

2. Heartbreaker

Josiah duggar marjorie jackson photo

Josiah is unique among his siblings in that he was involved in a different courtship BEFORE he met his wife.

3. The Mystery Deepens

Josiah duggar and marjorie jackson

There’s still no word on what caused Josiah and Marjorie to call off their courtship — a move that’s almost unprecedented in Duggar Land. Scandalous!

4. Still Rebelling

Josiah duggar and wife

After his relationship with Marjorie ended, Josiah continued to maintain an Instagram account in direct defiance of his parents’ rules.

5. What Courtship Rules?

Swanson and josiah duggar

He and Lauren Swanson also held hands, front-hugged and went on un-chaperoned dates before they were married. Someone arrest this man!

6. Four Can Play at That Game!

John david and abbie break the rules

But no one tossed the courtship rules right out the window quite like John David Duggar and his fiance Abbir Burnett.

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Already Rebelling Against Jim Bob"s Rules! (Exclusive)

Before they leave the nest (which occurs only after they’ve married), Duggar children are forced to abide by a very strict code of conduct.

And we use the word “children” very loosely here, as 28-year-old twins Jana and John David Duggar are still bound by Jim Bob and Michelle’s stringent regulations.

Longtime fans of the show know that the rules of the house run the gamut from the famous Duggar dress code to strict courtship guidelines that prohibit virtually all forms of romantic physical contact before marriage.

Once Michelle and Jim Bob’s offspring meet The One, however, the parameters change immediately.

The men become heads of household and govern as they see fit, whereas the women are now subservient to their husbands, rather than their father.

(Needless to say, the Duggars won’t be racking up awards for their progressive views on relations between the sexes anytime soon.)

Not surprisingly, some of the more rebellious Duggars have been quick to take advantage of the freedom afforded them by marriage.

Jinger Duggar started wearing pants after receiving permission from her husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

Apparently inspired by their sister’s courageous act of sartorial defiance, Jill and Jessa Duggar followed suit and purchased some Levi’s of their own.

Yeah, they’re not exactly smashing the patriarch, but it’s a baby-step toward independence.

Sources close to the family say Jim Bob is less than thrilled with this gradual loss of control over his daughters, but he’s even more concerned with the next threat to his authority.

Yes, it seems the next Duggar to marry is also planning to cast off the shackles of Jim Bob’s oppression, and in doing so, he might set a precedent that could a major shift in the balance of power within the family.

Last month, Josiah got engaged to Lauren Swanson following a very brief courtship.

Wedding plans are currently underway, and it seems those who know him best are already bracing themselves in expectaton of Josiah asserting his independence in a way that will bring him into direct conflict with Jim Bob.

A former Duggar employer spoke with The Hollywood Gossip excluisively and informed us that Josiah is set to be his family’s biggest rule-breaker yet:

“Josiah is gonna be the next one to bust out. He’s a little bit crazy,” the source tells us.

“He’s a 90-mile-an-hour guy. He drives 90 miles an hour, he moves 90 miles an hour, he thinks 90 miles an hour.”

The insider recalls a recent incident in which Josiah neglected his father’s orders and nearly caused a tragedy as a result:

“He almost killed a couple people one day with a car,” our informant says.

“This is a car they bought from one of the sales over there. It had a banged in front end, he got in at just – 90 miles an hour off the back of a roll-off truck right into another car.”

The disaster apparently came as no surprise to those who are familiar with 21-year-old’s reckless ways.

Of course, Josiah has been throwing caution to the wind and disregarding his family’s cherished customs for years now.

When he announced his relationship with Lauren, Josiah became the first of his generation to engage in multiple courtships.

Yes, as longtime fans of his family will remember, Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship ended abruptly and without any sort of public explanation.

Asked about the reaction to the unexpected breakup in the Duggars’ community, our source says one leading theory emerged:

“Folks used to think he was gay,” the insider tells, adding, “I don’t guess he is.”

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo to Jinger Duggar: Forget About Jim Bob"s Rules! (Exclusive)

It’s been eighteen months since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, and to say a lot has changed in the reality star’s life in that time would be to put it very mildly.

These days, Jinger is pregnant with her first child, and it seems she has every intention of following in her sisters’ footsteps and raising a large family with husband Jeremy Vuolo.

But in many ways, Jinger is living a life that’s very different from those of her siblings, and likely very different from the one her domineering father, Jim Bob Duggar, had envisioned for her.

Much has been made of Jinger’s departures from her family’s stringent code of conduct.

The most obvious way in which the 24-year-old has flouted her father’s rules is by disregarding his famous dress code.

Yes, as you’ve likely heard, Jinger has been wearing pants.

That may not sound like a big deal, but after a spending her entire childhood in mandated below-the-knee skirts, we imagine Jinger got quite a thrill out of slipping on her first pair of Levi’s

Of course, that’s the only way in which Jinger has defied her upbringing and forged her own identity.

Jinger’s parents have reportedly expressed concerns about everything from her decision to relocate to Laredo, Texas to hthe fact that she was married to Vuolo for over a year before she announced her first pregnancy.

(It’s not uncommon for Duggar daughters or women who marry into the family to conceive on their honeymoons.)

A former employee of the Duggars spoke with The Hollywood Gossip exclusively and revealed that Jinger’s husband has encouraged her not to fear her father and to live a life that aligns with her own values, not Jim Bob’s.

“Jinger, she’s off on her own trip, and I’m kind of glad, because she’s been hemmed up so long for many years,” the insider tells us.

“She just needed to spread her wings and realize that God still loves her and there is a life after all that seclusion.”

Not surprisingly, rumors about Jim Bob clashing with Vuolo have been common over the course of the past year, and Vuolo likely knew that he was making a powerful enemy when he encouraged Jinger to break her father’s rules.

But it seems Jeremy realized that Jinger could never be entirely happy living under her Jim Bob’s thumb. 

“When you put someone in a bubble like that and they get out – she went rampant, totally rampant,” says our source.

“Her husband said, ‘This is the way it’s going to be – I’m the boss of this family. You’re not doing anything wrong by wearing pants or showing your arms."”

The insider tells us that he still gets regular updates about the Vuolos from friends who live in laredo, and he’s pleased to report that Jinger has found happiness in her new life.

“I just worry about some of them kids,” he tells us.

And our source has a prediction about which of Jim Bob’s offspring will be next to rebel against their strict upbringing:

“Josiah’s going to be the next one to bust out,” he says.

We’re sure that’s something that many Duggar fans will eagerly look forward to.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Jessa Duggar: Following Jinger to Texas Against Jim Bob"s Wishes?

When Jinger Duggar wed Jeremy Vuolo back in November it signaled the start of a new kind of Duggar marriage.

For one thing, Jinger moved to Texas to start a new life on Jeremy’s homt turf, thus making her the first of the Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters to leave Arkansas.

On top of that, upon marrying Jeremy, Jinger began to enjoy freedom and independence that her sisters could only dream of.

You may have heard that Jinger is wearing pants these days – and the news might have left you wondering why that’s such a big deal.

When they’re living at home in the family’s so-called “compound,” the Duggar women are forbidden to wear pants or shorts, and instead must sport floor-length skirts at all times, regardless of what sort of acitivities they’re engaged in.

Once they’re married, however, it’s their husbands who get to decide the Duggar girls’ dresscodes.

(Needless to say, it’s not the most enlightened system.)

There have been reports of Jim Bob clashing with his son-in-law over Vuolo’s more liberal (by Duggar standards) beliefs, but Jinger’s sisters reportedly believe there’s something to Jeremy’s style of thinking.

One Duggar daughter in particular is said to be very much in favor of Jinger’s new lifestyle, and she’s reportedly considering putting some distance between herself and Jim Bob in an effort to secure some freedom of her own.

Jinger and Jessa Duggar have always enjoyed an especially close bond.

Sources close to the family say the sisters’ relationship has been strengthened by the fact that they both married men who are far more left-leaning than their father.

There have long been rumors of Jessa and husband Ben Seewald seeking a more progressive community outside of her native Tontitown.

And now it seems they may be interested in following the trail blazed by Jinger and Jeremy.

Jinger has openly implored her sister to relocate to Laredo, and on this week’s episode of Counting On, Jessa seemed to imply that she’s considering the proposal.

“We’re not set on staying here forever, but if we were to be called somewhere else, we would pack up and move,” Jessa told Jinger in a scene that many interpreted as a hint that the Seewalds may soon be Texas-bound.

It’s a move that would likely outrage Jim Bob, as the Duggar patriarch reportedly feels he’s losing control of the family dynasty he worked so hard to build.

But at this point, it doesn’t seem that the Duggar girls are all that concerned about angering their over-bearing father.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
