Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chelsea Handler: I Had Two Abortions at the Age of 16

Chelsea Handler has always been open about her past of unwanted pregnancies.

The comedian has on multiple occasions that she had an abortion at the age of 16.

In a new essay for Playboy, however, Handler comes out and admits that she actually had two abortions at the age of 16.

She then goes into detail about each of the experiences and how they affected her life overall.

As a teenager, Handler explains she got pregnant after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend.

“I just thought, ‘Why not?’ I can have a baby,” Handler wrote in an article titled “Freedom Issue,” adding:

“Maybe I’ll have twins and give them rhyming names. Of course, the idea that I would have a child and raise it by myself at that age, when I couldn’t even find my way home at night, was ridiculous.

“My parents recognized that, so they acted like parents for one of the very first times in my life and took me to Planned Parenthood.”

In a brand new revelation, she also said that she got pregnant once again later that same year; at the time, she was scarcely able to afford another $ 230 for Planned Parenthood’s self-described “safe abortion.”

“Getting unintentionally pregnant more than once is irresponsible, but it’s still necessary to make a thoughtful decision,” wrote Handler.

“We all make mistakes all the time. I happened to f-ck up twice at the age of 16.

“I’m grateful that I came to my senses and was able to get an abortion legally without risking my health or bankrupting myself or my family.”

Handler went on to give thanks for the groundbreaking 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal across the United States.

Some out there still want to see it overturned, however.

“We have 7.3 billion people on this planet,” Handler writes.

“Anybody who carefully decides not to become a parent – let alone a bad parent, which is what I would have become – should be applauded for making a smart and sustainable decision.

“I’d love for somebody to try to tell me what to do with my body. I dare them.”

The timing of Chelsea’s essay works out well.

It was published on the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday to strike down a Texas law that it said created an “undue burden” on women’s right to an abortion.

The state had passed legislation that kept abortion legal, but made it VERY difficult for women to actually have one.