Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 21 Recap: Take The Bunny!

Lisa Rinna is done trying to forge a friendship with Kim Richards. 

That much was made abundantly clear on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 21, after yet another big bust-up between the pair. 

When the episode got underway, Kim was chasing Rinna after running off the set. 

“Can I talk to you?” Kim asked.

“No!” Rinna barked. “That was the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, and I will not accept this. I’m sorry, for you to do that, you are a sick woman.” 

“Do you feel good about getting back at me?” Rinna asked. Kim, however, claimed that she was a superstitious person and felt like the bunny would bring her bad luck. 

“You’re a victim! You’ll always be a victim!” Rinna shouted.

When the ladies returned to the set, Rinna claimed that Kim saw her as her “meal ticket.” 

“Lisa, that’s a really stupid thing to say, and that could not be farther from the truth,” said Kyle Richards, who was not impressed with the way her sister was being attacked.

Kyle also took aim at Rinna for trying to make her take the fall for Kim’s actions.

“Our mother is not here anymore, but that does not make me her mother!” Kyle said.

When all of that was over with, Eden Sassoon continued to try and get herself series regular status by turning on Kyle and Kim. 

Andy said that some people thought she was going after them to create a storyline for herself. 

“That is such bulls–t,” the newest addition to the cast claimed. Andy then asked whether Kyle was an enabler for Kim. 

Footage was then played, showing Kyle saying that Mauricio basically treated Kim like a second wife. Um, okay then. 

When the ladies came to blows over who was lying about what, Dorit went after Rinna. 

“You crucify anyone for not remembering anything!” she shouted, but Rinna did not rise to the occasion. 

Eileen Davidson then turned her attention to Kyle, claiming she was the issue and the source of drama. 

“What [Rinna] did was absolutely wrong, messed-up wrong — but the night got weird because of you.” 

“It’s the soap twins!” Kim screeched, to which Eileen added: “Just because you’re the loudest and most obnoxious does not mean you’re right.”

Dorit then implied she was not the one who said that Rinna’s erratic behavior was a cause for concern. Rinna was upset that people were saying she put Xanax in a smoothie. 

We then switched gears to Lisa’s son, Max finding his biological mother. 

“We found her,” the SUR boss began.

“I’m OK with it. I don’t know why I’m so tearful,” she said.

“I think he should, and he said to me the most unbelievable thing. He said, ‘I want to thank her.’ A lot of people would have resentment if they’d been put up for adoption.”

Lisa Vanderpump has got to be one of the most understanding reality TV personalities. 

The episode concluded with Lisa Rinna gifting Andy with the bunny. 

“There’s good energy now,” Eileen said with a grin on her face.

What did you think of the reunion? Will you be sticking around for next season?

Sound off below!
