Showing posts with label Lain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lain. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bunny Lain: Lamar Odom Prostitute Reported Missing

When Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel last week, his life may have been saved by some of the women who work at the establishment.

Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry have been identified as two of the prostitutes who helped to revive Odom, but sources say the former NBA star made the acquaintance of many young ladies during his time at Love Ranch, many of whom were profoundly affected by his near-fatal overdose.

TMZ is now reporting that one of those women, a sex worker who goes by the name Bunny Lain, has disappeared from the brothel (where she both lived and worked) and has been reported missing by her friends.

“Bunny was extremely distraught over the unfortunate Lamar experience and could not quit crying for days,” says Love Ranch owner Dennis Hof.

Lain reportedly left the Ranch on Thursday night and has not been seen since.

Her co-workers say they pleaded with her not to leave in such a distraught state, but she reportedly insisted on going to Las Vegas, which is about an hour away from the brothel.

When Lain disappeared, Odom was near death. In the days since, he’s emerged from his coma and started physical therapy.

Lain’s friends are concerned by the fact that despite Odom’s remarkable turnaround, she still hasn’t contacted them.