Showing posts with label Theroux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theroux. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Justin Theroux Finally Speaks on "Gentle" Jennifer Aniston Split

No one told Justin Theroux his life was gonna be this way.

His job isn’t a joke. The guy definitely isn’t broke. And his love life, when it comes to Jennifer Aniston, was not DOA.

But the marriage was put to sleep back in February of this year, as the famous couple ended their union after two and a half years.

Did it die a slow and painful death, though?

The former Leftover lead has said next to nothing about his split from America’s Sweetheart, remaining almost entirely mum on the topic until speaking to The New York Times for an article that went viral on Saturday.

“The good news is that was probably the most – I’m choosing my words really carefully – it was kind of the most gentle separation, in that there was no animosity,” the 47-year old told the publication.

He added:

“In a weird way, just sort of navigating the inevitable perception of it is the exhausting part.”

That perception, of course, is that someone cheated.

Or there was some huge and ugly falling out.

Or, of course, that Aniston just wants to get back together with Brad Pitt and this romance was destined to fail.

Theroux and Aniston must have known that this is the sort of stuff people would say once they announced their divorce, so at least they were prepared to deal with the fallout.

In reality, however, Theroux says here that the break-up did not come about due to any one significant issue.

Rather, there were many small cracks that eventually led to an unfixable fissure.

“These are actually in reality small events that take place,” he said, explaining as best he could to The Times:

“But everything can feel like 10 on the Richter scale if you make the headline big enough and salacious enough.”

Sources at the time mostly blamed the split on different lifestyles and different visions of the future.

Aniston wanted to live full-time in Los Angeles, for example, while Theroux preferred New York.

Now, seven months later, Theroux says he’s adjusting well, noting that breakups in Hollywood are different because of what he refers to as a “kind of carny lifestyle” with frequent scenery changes.

“[It] doesn’t have that seismic shift of an ordinary couple, where everything is, like, you have to tear a baby in half,” he said.

“Neither one of us is dead, neither one of us is looking to throw hatchets at each other. It’s more like, it’s amicable. It’s boring, but, you know, we respected each other enough that it was as painless as it could be.”

That really is pretty boring.

Yet it also makes sense.

It must be challening to keep a spark lit when each half of the couple has such a busy schedule and is traveling so often.

“It was heartbreaking only in the sense that the friendship would not be the same, as far as just the day to day,” he concluded.

“But the friendship is shifting and changing, you know, so that part is something that we’re both very proud of.”

For her part, Aniston has clapped back against most of the BS out there.

“It’s pretty crazy,” she said in August. “The misconceptions are ‘Jen can’t keep a man,’ and ‘Jen refuses to have a baby because she’s selfish and committed to her career.

“Or that I’m sad and heartbroken.”

Having dealth with rumors about her womb and her love life forever and ever, Aniston rightfully went off this summer as follows:

First, with all due respect, I’m not heartbroken.

And second, those are reckless assumptions. No one knows what’s going on behind closed doors. No one considers how sensitive that might be for my partner and me.

They don’t know what I’ve been through medically or emotionally.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Jennifer Aniston & Emma Stone: At WAR Over Justin Theroux?!

It’s been four months since the world learned that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have ended their marriage.

But it seems that at least one half of the famous couple is having a little trouble letting go.

Jennifer Anston-Emma Stone Split

First, we heard reports that Jen was engraged by Theroux’s relationship with Selena Gomez.

Now, it seems she’s concerned about a different young starlet who may have caught her ex’s eye.

It seems Justin developed a close friendship with Emma Stone while he was still married to Jen.

Radar Online reports that in the months since Jen and Justin made their split public, he’s been spending a lot of time traveling the world with Stone.

And Jen — who reportedly was no great fan of Emma’s to begin with — is reportedly very, very unhappy about the situation.

“It bugs the hell out of Jen that Justin got close to Emma during their marriage and she isn’t taking this lying down,” a source tells Radar.

“She’s dragging Emma every chance she gets and warning pals like Jason Bateman and Jimmy Kimmel to avoid her.”

The insider says Emma has long been disliked by Aniston and her clique:

“Jen and her squad take issue with the fact that Emma never met a role she couldn’t steal from another actress [most famously ‘La La Land’ from Emma Watson],” she claims.

“I don’t think she realizes who she messed with and how far Jen’s reach is.”

That’s … pretty ominous-sounding stuff.

And apparently, Jen has a history of going medieval on women who incur her wrath:

“This is a pattern for Jen, never directing the rage or gossip at the guy who left her but instead at the next woman he hooks up with,” says the source.

“Jen is in revenge mode and Emma needs to recognize that she’s messing with somebody with a lot of loyal Hollywood friends.”

Now, Emma is an Oscar-winnng actress and one of the most in-demand talents in Hollywood, so she’s probably not too concerned about the possibility that Jen will torpedo her career.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Jen’s been one of the highest-paid actresses every year since Emma was in grade school.

That doesn’t mean she’s capable of crushing Emma like some sort of cartoon supervillain — but she probably make her life much more difficult.

Maybe Emma should just find a more drama-free relationship.

We hear Brad Pitt’s available!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Cutting Ties With Justin Theroux ... Because of Selena Gomez?!

It’s been four months since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux ended their marriage, but they’re a modern couple with a lot of mutual friends, so they’ll probably stay on amicable turns, a la Chris and Gwyneth, Ross and Rachel, right?

Wrong! It turns out this situation is closer to when Rachel left that dentist at the altar or … every other non-Hollywood divorce you’ve ever heard about.

According to Life & Style, Jen and Justin are at war, and Aniston is planning to go nuclear on Justin’s career and social life.

But it wasn’t the breakup that left her so angry.

No, those who know them best say Jen and Justin parted on good terms.

Unfortunately, after the fact, the fact Justin went tom-catting about town with various young starlets, a practice that Jen took as his attempt to embarrass her publicly.

Sources say Aniston was particularly upset over rumors that Theroux is dating Selena Gomez, a woman with a well-known affinity for Justins.

Justin, Jen, Selena

“As far as Jen’s concerned, it’s her or Justin and she doesn’t want to be a part of Justin’s social chain,” a source tells L&S.

Selena may have been the final straw, but she’s not the first young starlet Justin’s been spotted with.

“Jen was angry enough to see [Justin] at dinner with Emma Stone, whom she considers a friend,” says the insider.

“But then she has to contend with new photos of him schmoozing all over Selena Gomez and it’s really tipped her over the edge.” 

Unfortunately for Jen, it seems she might be seeing a whole lot more of Jen and Justin canoodling.

“They’ve known each other for years through their manager,” the source claims.

“Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups.”

The insider adds that Jen and Justin have “become closer than ever” in recent months, adding:

“It’s turned into something more than friendship.”

And if the insider is to be believed, Aniston has come up with a sort of sad revenge plan:

“Jen’s telling friends that she wants to date a younger guy,” the insider claims.

Seems to us that getting back together with Brad Pitt would be an even bigger eff-you, but maybe that’s just because we want to see that happen.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Jennifer Aniston to Justin Theroux: You Better Not Be Banging Selena Gomez!

It’s been three months since the world learned Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have separated, and while both parties claim the split was amicable, their behavior during that time tells a different story.

Despite frequent rumors that Aniston is back together with Brad Pitt, there’s been no definitive indication that either party has moved on – and that might be by design.

Justin, Jen, Selena

Neither Jen nor Justin has come out and confirmed that they’re dating someone new, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re both still single.

In fact, Jen’s not the only one who’s been the subject of persistent rumors regarding an alleged rebound fling with an A-lister.

For several weeks now, rumors that Justin is dating Selena Gomez have been circulating on social media.

The whole thing seems very far-fetched, especially considering the fact that Justin is 21 years Selena’s senior.

But according to Hollywood Life, Jen has been considering the possibility that there’s some truth to these reports.

And she’s very, very unhappy about it:

“Jennifer is upset over the dating rumors swirling around her ex and Selena,” claims a source close to the actress.

“It hurts Jen to think that Justin would move on already,” the insider adds.

“To think of him with anyone else, especially someone so young and that Jen has a personal relationship with like Selena, is painful for her. Jen doesn’t want to think about it and definitely does not believe it.”

And it seems Selena isn’t the only potential rebound partner that Jen is concerned about these days:

“Jennifer is tired of hearing about all the women Justin may be dating since there split,” the source continued.

“From Emma Watson to Selena, Jen is furious over every picture she sees of her ex with another pretty face out in New York. Jen won’t believe any of the rumors until she hears from Justin himself that he is involved in a new relationship.”

Yes, it seems Jen is concerned that Justin is running around Manhattan sleeping with everything with a pulse, a la Joey Tribbiani.

We’re of the opinion that the only way for Jen to exact revenge is for her to engage in a high-profile fling with Brad.

Actually, we have no idea if that would bother Justin or not.

We’d just like to see Jen engage in a high-profile fling with Brad Pitt.

Give the people what they want, you two!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Justin Theroux Claims Neighbor is Harassing Witnesses in Their Property Battle

Justin Theroux’s neighbor is trying to strong-arm neighbors caught in the middle of their property war … according to Justin, who says it’s gotten so scary he needs court-ordered protection. Theroux claims Norman Resnicow is flying into…


Justin Theroux Claims Neighbor is Harassing Witnesses in Their Property Battle

Justin Theroux’s neighbor is trying to strong-arm neighbors caught in the middle of their property war … according to Justin, who says it’s gotten so scary he needs court-ordered protection. Theroux claims Norman Resnicow is flying into…


Emma Stone and Justin Theroux May Have Had Sex Last Night

Another week, another round of Justin Theroux dating rumors.

Ever since the actor confirmed his divorce from Jennifer Aniston, Theroux has been linked to a number of leading ladies in Hollywood.

Remember the brief chatter about Justin dating Aubrey Plaza?

Oh, and then he was linked to Selena Gomez for a short period of time!

It seems as if the Internet is anxious to hook Theroux up with someone, perhaps because it has married Aniston off to Brad Pitt for a second time and likely feels sorry for the former Leftovers star.

So, who is the lucky woman in this latest round of gossip?

Oscar winner Emma Stone!

According to Radar Online sources, Theroux and Stone were spotted leaving a MET Gala after-party together on Monday night.

And not just at the same time, either, the actor and the actress left in the same exact car and looked “close for comfort,” an onlooker told the aforementioned celebrity gossip website.

Theroux and Aniston filed for divorce in February following just under three years of marriage.

The news didn’t come as a total shock to many fans, considering the stars hadn’t shared any images of each other in social media in quite some time.

No exact reason was given for the unfortunate split, but multiple reports indicate that the two partly could not agree on where to live.

Theroux prefers New York City. Aniston prefers Los Angeles. And neither got along too well with the other one’s friends, either.

“Jen’s been keeping a low profile after the [break-up], so of course it was frustrating to see Justin hanging out… with beautiful women like Emma” this March at Paris Fashion Week, a source told Radar.

Indeed, around that time, Theroux shared a picture of himself, Stone and two unnamed males.

Aware that many would interpret this sort of photo as dating confirmation, Theroux made a rare joke as a caption to the image.

“Bffffs. And yes. JUST bfffffs,” he wrote to followers.

That may have been true earlier this year. And, heck, it may still be true.

But Stone dating Theroux would make some sense, right?

Both are single. Both are attractive. Both have a history of dating other well-known individuals, considering Stone famously got it on with Andrew Garfield for many years.

We’d totally be on board with these two banging, wouldn’t you?

Granted, the couple’s nickname would be a challenge (Sheroux, probably, right?), but that can be discussed at a later date.

Would YOU want to see Emma Stone go out with Justin Theroux?


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Justin Theroux: Is He Trying to Date Selena Gomez?

The first time that Justin Theroux broke his Instagram silence after he and Jennifer Aniston split, his post included a message to Selena Gomez. Most people didn’t think much of it at the time.

But a report claims that they’ve been exchanging many more messages in private.

Is this the beginning of something more? If so, what will Jennifer Aniston think?

RadarOnline reports that Justin Theroux has been covertly texting Selena Gomez in the wake of their respective splits.

“It was kind of an open secret that Justin was sweet on Selena when he and Jen hung out with her.”

(First of all, everyone is at least a little sweet on Selena Gomez because people aren’t as stupid as you think, so right that down)

“To be fair they did get on well.”

Selena and Jennifer are known to be friends.

“But he’s asking for major trouble by trying to hang out with her so soon after his and Jen’s split.”

Even if he has zero romantic intentions, it could look bad. Especially in his ex’s eyes.

Common sense says that Selena should just stop returning Theroux’s texts.

The source says that Selena is “not the type to blow someone off who she genuinely likes.”

As was revealed when Mandy Teefey, Selena’s mom, threw her under the bus over her recent choices, Selena answers to no one but herself.

So it doesn’t sound like anyone can convince her that she shouldn’t be texting back and forth with her good friend’s ex.

This could have some negative repercussions for her, but it might also make things worse between Jennifer and Theroux.

The source says that, in Jennifer’s mind, Selena is “very much her friend not Justin’s.”

This isn’t the first time that a report has linked Justin with an attractive, much-younger, latina actress in the weak of his split from Jennifer.

Intriguing rumors suggested that Justin Theroux and Audrey Plaza might pair up.

But it’s important to note that Theroux’s taste in women has not been reported as a contributing factor in ending his relationship with Jennifer Aniston.

Instead, the two are said to have broken up largely because they had different plans in mind for their lives.

If you can’t even agree on a place to live, as these two could not, it’s hard to see yourselves having a future together.

Funnily enough, Jennifer Aniston was spotted cozying up to The Weeknd, though that probably isn’t a budding relationship.

The photo, taken at Ellen DeGeneres’ 60th birthday party and snapped by Oprah Winfrey herself, included others.

Besides, it was a party.

Just as Selena and Theroux got to know each other through Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer and The Weeknd also recognized each other — thanks to Selena.

There is a difference between two celebrities talking to each other and the two of them dating. This isn’t elementary school.

It is difficult to say what, if anything, will become of Justin Theroux’s alleged texting with Selena Gomez.

After all, text messages are normal. Friends exchange them all of the time. The fact that one allegedly has the good sense to have a crush on the other doesn’t mean that this will turn into something more.

Could they end up together? Sure.

But, like it or not, the odds are probably better of her taking a different Justin back.

Especially since the Biebs is trying to make himself perfect in order to be worthy of Selena’s love.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Justin Theroux and Aubrey Plaza: Intriguing New Couple Alert?

According to a new tabloid report, Jennifer Aniston is married to Brad Pitt.

We’re not kidding.

There’s actually a cover story out there that claims Aniston and Pitt recently got remarried.

But if you’re worried over how Justin Theroux may be reacting to this (hilarious) news, fret not, concerned readers.

It sounds as if The Leftovers star may have found is very own rebound romance.

According to People Magazine, Theroux was spotted in New York City this week with Aubrey Plaza, an actress opposite whom he appeared on four episodes of Parks and Recreation back in 2010.

Theroux, for those who may have forgotten, guest-starred on this legendary NBC sitcom as Justin Anderson, the love interest of Amy Poehler’s Leslie Knope.

Plaza, meanwhile, appeared in all seven seasons of the beloved series as downtrodden office assistant April Ludgate.

So the two have a past together.

Might they also have a future together?

Yes, an insider tells People.

But maybe not personally

“They met to discuss a potential film project,” the publication writes, failing to elaborate much further on the interaction.

It doesn’t sound like this is a new love connection, unfortunately.

Could we see Theroux make one with anyone at some point in the near future?

If Aniston is really moving on with Pitt, should we expect Theroux to seek his own revenge romance with someone in Hollywood or perhaps outside of the scene altogether?

Not really, a source explains to People.

“He’s just doing his thing,” this person says of Theroux. “He eats at the same time, goes to the same places, hangs with the same people.”

Indeed, Theroux being a creature of habit is allegedly one of the reasons why his marriage didn’t work out.

A handful of reports back when he split from Aniston claimed that Theroux didn’t want to leave New York.

He was supposedly comfortable with the city he knew well and made little effort to change his ways.

Did this stubbornness really contribute to his divorce from Aniston? We may never know.

All we can say for certain is that the stars announced on February 15 that they had decided to go their separate ways after two and a half years of marriage and seven years as a couple.

They did so via the following statement:

In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation.

This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year.

We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Justin Theroux: Is He Already Dating Someone New?!

It’s only been a month since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux announced that they’ve separated after two and a half years of marriage.

But not surprisingly, rumors about both actors moving on with new partners are already circulating non-stop.

Reports about Aniston getting back together with Brad Pitt have proven particularly popular.

No great surprise there, as certain fans have had their fingers crossed for that reconciliation since Pitt and Aniston parted ways back in 2005.

There’s no real indication that Brad and Jen will ever get back together, but you can be sure the internet will continue beating that drum for all it’s worth.

But what about Justin?

After all, it was Theroux who initiated the split, which has led many to wonder if he left Aniston for someone else.

As far as anyone knows, he did not.

But new reports indicate that Justin may have already moved on with a much younger woman.

Sources say Theroux has been spending a lot of time with Petra Collins, a 25-year-old model whom he recently met in New York.

Insiders are split with regard to whether or not Justin and Petra are actually dating.

Some say it’s obvious that there’s something going on between the two.

Others say Justin is still far too devastated over the dissolution of his marriage to even think about dating.

“Justin is still heartbroken,” a source close to Theroux tells E! News.

The insider concedes, however, that Petra is very much Justin’s type:

“She is artsy and edgy and loves the New York nightlife,” he says.

The tipster claims that as much as Justin loved Jen, he realized early in the marriage that their lifestyles made them incompatible as a couple:

“He felt confined by their relationship,” says the source.

“He wasn’t interested with Jen’s everyday scheduled life of yoga classes, eating healthy,” the source continues.

“Justin is a free spirit and loves his time alone. Justin had a need for independence.”

Well, we suppose he’ll have all the independence he wants going forward.

Hopefully, Justin will just enjoy the single life for a while before jumping into anything serious.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Justin Theroux Strolls Without a Wedding Ring in NYC

Justin Theroux’s keeping his jewelry to a minimum … he’s ditched the wedding ring. Justin was seen strolling around NYC Thursday and it looks like he’s putting his marriage to Jennifer Aniston behind him. It’s the first time we’ve seen…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Justin Theroux Finally Breaks His Instagram Silence

A couple of weeks ago, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux confirmed their split. It’s over. But hey, they’re still friends.

Since their confirmation, they haven’t been very outspoken … but now, Justin Theroux is finally breaking his Instagram silence.

So what does he have to say?

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston’s relationship did not last forever.

Though the couple only mentioned going their separate ways when they announced to the world that they were going to remain friends, it was clear to many that they’ve resolved to divorce.

The fact that they can go through a split so amicably is a sign that their bond is healthy and strong.

While fans wonder and tabloids speculate about what went wrong, the couple themselves don’t seem to feel especially driven to tell the world anything beyond that they’re breaking up and will remain friends.

But now, Justin Theroux has broken his silence on Instagram.

In the captions beside some adorable photos, Theroux wrote:

“Texas!!! [star emoji]”

A star emoji. Get it? Because Texas is the Lone Star State.

“Another very inspiring visit with the incredible people and pups @austinpetsalive.”


Not only is it wonderful that he lends his fame and platform to such a worthy cause — no-kill shelters and animal adoption — but he has to know that interest in his social media activity is at a high point.

His captions marvel at the work that the people at the shelter do.

“I cannot understand how they do what they do, day after day, so consistently and lovingly to save so many dogs and cats.”

And he endorses anyone and everyone going by to see the precious dogs.

“I HIGHLY recommend going in and getting your nose bit by a toothless baby pitbull.”

That is a very compelling sales pitch.

“These two aren’t yet ready to go, but when they are go get em…”

He gives some shout outs.

“Oh! And hey Houston! You have a Pets Alive no kill shelter there too! @houstonpetsalive Thank you APA!”

He then adds a series of tags.

“#pitbull #austin #texas #adoptdontshop #seniordogsrule …and #selenagomez”

That last one, while falling short of actually tagging Selena Gomez, is followed by a lengthy message that is perhaps the most absurd use of Instagram tagging that we’ve ever seen.


That reads: “Yeah, that’s right, Selena. I did it to you again. But if you saw these guys you’d do whatever you could, too. Also, I know you’re chill like that.”

Now, Selena Gomez and Jennifer Aniston are known to be friends, which is almost certainly how Justin Theroux and Selena know each other.

But it’s funny that he should mention her.

After all, Jennifer Aniston was spotted cozying up to The Weeknd at Ellen DeGeneres’ birthday party … in a photo snapped by Oprah herself.

The two of their exes were spotted side-by-side, and now he’s (almost) messaging Selena Gomez with animal adoption.

Some might wonder if he’s looking to get revenge.

Much more likely, however, Justin Theroux knows that Selena has a weakness for puppies (who doesn’t?) and also that her Instagram power is unmatched.

Who better to help get the word out than a fellow Texan?


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Looking Super Sad Post Justin Theroux Split

Jennifer Aniston made a rare public outing since announcing her split from Justin Theroux … and she did not look happy. Jen was spotted leaving Grauman’s Chinese Theater Wednesday night after the premiere of her longtime friend Jason…


Angelina Jolie & Justin Theroux: Planning An Epic Revenge Bang?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have called it quits after two and a half years of marriage.

Based on accounts from those who knew the couple best, Justin broke up with Jen, and the decision was primarily the result of lifestyle differences.

(Justin loved Manhattan; Jen was a lifelong California girl; neither wanted to relocate permanently. Seems like the sort of thing they should’ve worked out before getting hitched, but we digress.)

Anyway, despite – or perhaps because of – the seemingly dull cause of the split, the rumor mill has been running wild with reports that Aniston is planning to get back together with Brad Pitt.

As far as we can tell, those claims are entirely baseless, and of course, the internet is deeply bummed about about it.

Maybe that’s why we’re suddenly hearing rumors about a different sort of rebound hookup:

It’s been almost two years since Pitt and Angelina Jolie broke up, and news about Angie’s love life has been scarce to non-existent,

There are those who think that’s because she was biding her time, Maleficent-style, waiting for a hookup that would devastate her rivals and cement her place as the queen badass of Hollywood.

Okay, maybe no one really thought that, but an anonymous source tells Hollywood Life that Angie has her eyes on Justin.

“Angelina is interested in working with Justin Theroux, she actually put feelers out before he and Jennifer’s split,” the source claims.

“Apparently she’s a big fan of The Leftovers. When Justin and Jennifer were together no one expected it to happen, but now that they’ve split the chances of him saying yes to Angelina are way up.”

Oh, man. The appropriateness of Angie scooping up Jen’s sloppy seconds because she loves The Leftovers is simply too much to bear.

Anyway, the source adds that the interest is mutual, and we may see Jolie and Theroux working together very soon:

“Justin’s a very ambitious guy and his star is on the rise,” says the insider.

“Doing a project with Angelina could really take him to the next level.”

Obviously, the situation is not without potential complications:

“Of course it would really hurt Jennifer, so that may be a deterrent for him, but it’s certainly going to be tempting for him,” the source adds.

Yeah, we suppose the possibility of having one’s genitals fed to a pack of starved hyenas would be a deterrent for anyone.

Nothing against Justin, but we’re hoping it happens just so Jen can drop a sick Bond villain line like, “There will be no … leftovers.”


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: Devasted & Humiliated By Justin Theroux Split, Source Says

As you’ve likely heard by now, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have called it quits after two and a half years of marriage.

As is always the case when an A-list couple splits, there have been countless theories as to why Jen and Justin decided to go their separate ways.

Some say Aniston wants to get back together with Brad Pitt.

Others claim Justin never wanted to marry Jen in the first place.

It may be quite some time before we know exactly what happened, but for now, accounts concur that Justin is the one who initiated the split, and geography played a major role in his decision.

Yes, geography.

It seems Justin just wasn’t willing to part ways with his beloved New York City, and Jen is too much of a West Coast girl to relocate.

So how does Aniston feel about basically being dumped for a city?

Not suprisingly, she’s less than thrilled about it.

“They’ve been separated for two months now,” an insider tells E! News, “but were having intense issues for about eight months.” 

“She really tried to make it work with him but the distance was a factor as he only wanted to live in N.Y.C. and there was no compromise with her.”

The source adds:

“Their lifestyles were completely incompatible, and ultimately Justin decided to leave.”

It seems that though she and Justin were broken up for several weeks before theuyannounced their split, Jen has been has been having an especially hard time since news of the split went public:

“Jen was doing OK for a few weeks after Justin left, and then things got stirred up again when the announcement was made to the media,” the insider claims.

“Adjusting to living by herself and not having Justin around,” the source adds.

“She is used to the empty house since it’s been months now without him, but it’s still an uneasy feeling for her. She knows in due time she will feel tremendously better, but is really going through the motions right now.”

Of course, this isn’t Jen’s first high-profile breakup, and those who know her best are confident she’ll pull through:

“Jen knows she is strong and knows things will smooth over in time,” the insider continues.

“She’s been through this before, so she is trying to lay low for now and knows it’s best if she doesn’t go out in public for awhile.”

And just as she did when her first marriage ended, Jen has been drawing strength from the support of her Friends friends:

“Courteney [Cox]’s been at her house many times, and has been by her side through it all,” says the source.

“Many of her friends have known about this for months and knew it was coming. A lot of people didn’t think that Jen and Justin were a good match from the start, but ultimately supported her decision.”

Guess they really will be there for her when the rain starts to fall.

As for those rumors about Jen rekindling her romance with her first husband, the source says that while Aniston has reached out to Pitt in the months since her split, the actors have no intention of being anything other than friends.

“Jen never talks about Brad,” the insider claims.

“Rekindling is not even a conversation. She has always thought that chapter is sealed and so far in the past.”

Like that’s gonna stop us from holding out hope!


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Justin Theroux Never Wanted to Marry Jennifer Aniston

Ever since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux announced that it was over, rumors — the same rumors that the couple hoped to avoid — have been flying as fans wondered what happened.

As it turns out, the problem for these two may go back further than many suspect. Perhaps even to their wedding day.

According to this report, Justin Theroux didn’t actually want to marry Jennifer Aniston in the first place.

An insider tells Us Weekly that marriage wasn’t important to Justin Theroux — and that the two may have tied the knot for the wrong reasons.

“He had reservations at the time because they still hadn’t figured out where they were going to live as a couple.”

This isn’t the first that we’ve heard of city of preference being a source of conflict between the two of them.

But Justin was apparently also not hung up on the idea that they needed to marry.

“Justin was absolutely head over heels in love with Jen — and probably always will be — but marriage was never important to him.”

For some people, having a wedding is a big deal. For others, they’ve never even imagined doing it.

“Marriage was always just a piece of paper to Justin, and he didn’t need it.”

This source reports that their reason for marrying wasn’t entirely for what most would consider to be the right reasons.

“Constant scrutiny of Jen’s personal life, including whether she would ever find her happily ever after, played a huge role in her marriage to Justin.”

Plenty of people get married because of social pressure — usually from family who want to force their traditions onto children or who want to live out their fantasies of attending their child’s wedding.

It’s quite another thing to feel like you need to tie the knot just to shut up the rumor mill for a couple of years.

But it may have also been what Jennifer Aniston really wanted.

“It was obvious Jen needed more than an engagement or to be life partners with Justin. He didn’t want to lose her, so they got married.”

Sadly, things didn’t pan out, as the couple announced to the world:

“In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we have decided to announce our separation.  This decision was mutual and lovingly made at the end of last year.”

They were last seen together in December of 2017.

“We are two best friends who have decided to part ways as a couple, but look forward to continuing our cherished friendship.”

Many found that line reminiscent of some Gwyneth Paltrow’s “conscious uncoupling” from Chris Martin. But it sounds sweet and healthy.

“Normally we would do this privately, but given that the gossip industry cannot resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly.”

They have not managed to quell rumors, but … they’re trying thier best.

“Whatever else is printed about us that is not directly from us, is someone else’s fictional narrative.”

But they say that they’ll always be close.

“Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love that we have for one another.”

There have been a number of different theories espoused about what doomed Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux’s marriage.

As we mentioned, many believe that they simply couldn’t agree upon a place to live.

Jennifer Aniston is a California girl at heart. And hey, if you like unending sunlight and yearly droughts, you know, you do you.

Justin Theroux’s heart belongs to New York, though. Not only that, but he’s said to dislike Hollywood’s alleged vacuity.

Another report suggested that Justin’s method acting was a problem.

According to claims, he would become so immersed in characters that it drove a wedge between the two of them.

Perhaps the most insulting theory for why the two split — but a popular one nonetheless — is that she’s still pining for her ex.

In fact, reports have claimed that Jennifer Anistonr eached out to Brad Pitt in the wake of her split.

Considering that Brad famously broke up with her a long time ago and has since been investigated by the FBI for alleged child-abuse, one might imagine that Jen’s affections for him have waned.

Mostly, however, that theory exists because a lot of fans of the couple just want to see them reunited.

Rumors are an unfortunate downside of fame.
