Friday, March 16, 2018

Justin Theroux: Is He Already Dating Someone New?!

It’s only been a month since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux announced that they’ve separated after two and a half years of marriage.

But not surprisingly, rumors about both actors moving on with new partners are already circulating non-stop.

Reports about Aniston getting back together with Brad Pitt have proven particularly popular.

No great surprise there, as certain fans have had their fingers crossed for that reconciliation since Pitt and Aniston parted ways back in 2005.

There’s no real indication that Brad and Jen will ever get back together, but you can be sure the internet will continue beating that drum for all it’s worth.

But what about Justin?

After all, it was Theroux who initiated the split, which has led many to wonder if he left Aniston for someone else.

As far as anyone knows, he did not.

But new reports indicate that Justin may have already moved on with a much younger woman.

Sources say Theroux has been spending a lot of time with Petra Collins, a 25-year-old model whom he recently met in New York.

Insiders are split with regard to whether or not Justin and Petra are actually dating.

Some say it’s obvious that there’s something going on between the two.

Others say Justin is still far too devastated over the dissolution of his marriage to even think about dating.

“Justin is still heartbroken,” a source close to Theroux tells E! News.

The insider concedes, however, that Petra is very much Justin’s type:

“She is artsy and edgy and loves the New York nightlife,” he says.

The tipster claims that as much as Justin loved Jen, he realized early in the marriage that their lifestyles made them incompatible as a couple:

“He felt confined by their relationship,” says the source.

“He wasn’t interested with Jen’s everyday scheduled life of yoga classes, eating healthy,” the source continues.

“Justin is a free spirit and loves his time alone. Justin had a need for independence.”

Well, we suppose he’ll have all the independence he wants going forward.

Hopefully, Justin will just enjoy the single life for a while before jumping into anything serious.
