Showing posts with label Harassing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harassing. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Miranda Lambert Accused of Harassing Evan Felker"s Wife!

It’s been three months since the world learned that Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker, and reports about the goings-on in this relationship have only gotten more bizarre with time.  

Most of the weirdness centers around the fact that Felker is still married to a woman named Staci Nelson.

Nelson has become something of a hero to jilted spouses everywhere, thanks to the grace and humor with which she’s handled her inarguably sh-tty situation.

Obviously, it’s unfair to blame Lambert for Felker’s infidelity, but as the most high-profile figure in this love triangle, she’s attracted a good deal of criticism from the very start.

And the latest reports about Lambert’s behavior toward Nelson are unlikely to do her reputation any favors.

Currently, Lambert and Felker are on tour together with his Turnpike Troubadours serving as her opening act.

Insiders close to the situation claim that Felker has been in non-stop contact with Nelson, and has promised her that once the tour is over, he’ll promptly end his relationship with Lambert and devote himself to winning her back.

For obvious reasons, Lambert is reportedly less than thrilled by these rumors.

And it seems she’s decided to take matters into her own hands by attempting to contact Nelson, who is understandably not terribly eager to chat with her husband’s girlfriend.

But apparently, she is happy to out Lambert for her distressingly stalker-ish behavior.

According to Nelson, Lambert called her phone 22 times in two days last week.

Radar Online reports that Nelson recently posted an Instagram story which featured a screenshot of her recent missed calls.

Ten were from Felker … the other seven were from Lambert.

“Wife’s number doesn’t change. Seems problematic. 10 times in one night #insecure #rightfully so,” Nelson captioned the pic, adding:

“The other…is the person who is tired of him calling home.”

Needless to say, it’s not a great look for Lambert, or for Felker who also received some bad news this week:

Nelson has publicly vowed that she’ll never take her estranged husband back and intends to begin divorce proceedings as soon as possible.


Friday, June 8, 2018

David Eason Caught Harassing Nathan Griffith, Hurling Homophobic Slurs

Yesterday, we reported on the encouraging news that Nathan Griffith wants to fight David Eason.

Nathan would most likely make short work of Jenelle Evans’ husband in the ring, and since Eason was recently accused of punching a toddler, we would very much like to see that happen.

Nathan Griffith, David Eason Split

Nathan has every reason to want to clean David’s clock (the aforementioned toddler is Griffith’s son, Kaiser), so we weren’t all that curious about the motives when he issued his challenge.

But as it turns out, he has even more cause to hate Eason than we initially thought.

As you may recall, Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 for hurling homophobic slurs at fans of the show in a bizarre social media meltdown.

Far from having learned his lesson about hate speech, it seems David is still targeting epithets at those who have incurred his ire.

These days, that means he’s saying horrendous things to Nathan.

We know this because Griffith’s girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, recently took to Twitter in an effort to put a stop to the harassment.

“Jenelle, I would text you but you have me blocked,” she tweeted to Evans.

“Please check your husband and tell him to stop harassing my man calling him a ‘f-g boy’ over text. We are enjoying our night with family on the water and his random harassing texts are unnecessary. Thank you.” 

It’s times like this that we like to remind you that David Eason is a 29-year-old grownup who is responsible for the care and upbringing of five (5) children.

We’ll pause while you weep for the future.

Anyway, by blocking all communication from Nathan and Ashley (because why would you ever need to hear from the person you share a child with?), Jenelle and David have put all of their asinine feuds and dirty laundry on public display.

Earlier this week, Nathan took to Twitter to chastise Jenelle for claiming that he wishes to contact her only because he hopes to win her back:

“JENELLE! Get over yourself!” he wrote. 

“I talk the same way to my ex-wife. It does not mean I want you back. Once again, I have a child with you.

“I ask all the time about Kaiser. It’s you that stalks and harasses then texts me the next day about something totally irrelevant to Kaiser.”

Hopefully, David is looking at Nathan’s impossible situation and taking notes, because this is the future he created when he made a baby with Jenelle Evans

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the extent to which David and Jenelle deserve each other.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Nicole Eggert Ordered to Stop Harassing Scott Baio Fan

Nicole Eggert’s been ordered to stay the hell away from a Scott Baio fan alleging Nicole trolled her on social media … and to immediately stop harassing her.  The woman got a restraining order against Nicole … this according to…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Justin Theroux Claims Neighbor is Harassing Witnesses in Their Property Battle

Justin Theroux’s neighbor is trying to strong-arm neighbors caught in the middle of their property war … according to Justin, who says it’s gotten so scary he needs court-ordered protection. Theroux claims Norman Resnicow is flying into…


Justin Theroux Claims Neighbor is Harassing Witnesses in Their Property Battle

Justin Theroux’s neighbor is trying to strong-arm neighbors caught in the middle of their property war … according to Justin, who says it’s gotten so scary he needs court-ordered protection. Theroux claims Norman Resnicow is flying into…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fred Savage Accused of Intimidating, Harassing Women on Set of "The Grinder"

Fred Savage is getting sued for allegedly assaulting a costumer on his TV show “The Grinder” — but she also claims he regularly tormented female crew members, demanding they don’t make eye contact with him. In the suit, filed Wednesday in L.A.,…


Fred Savage Accused of Intimidating, Harassing Women on Set of "The Grinder"

Fred Savage is getting sued for allegedly assaulting a costumer on his TV show “The Grinder” — but she also claims he regularly tormented female crew members, demanding they don’t make eye contact with him. In the suit, filed Wednesday in L.A.,…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Briana DeJesus: Javi Marroquin Is Harassing Me!

It hasn’t been easy keeping track of all the developments in Briana DeJesus’ life over the past few weeks, so here’s a brief recap of everything that’s transpired.

It all started when Briana traveled to Miami to undergo plastic surgery.

Despite the fact that she had broken up with Javi Marroquin just weeks earlier, Javi flew to Miami to be by her side and provide support in the days leading up to the procedure.

Fans were stunned to see Javi all over Bri’s social media pages after what appeared to be a bitter breakup.

But they were even more stunned when Javi took to social media to basically boast that he had “ditched” Briana after her surgery.

And believe it or not, the plot twists didn’t stop there.

In the past week alone, two different rumors about Briana’s love life have captured the attention of Teen Mom Twitter.

Some believe Briana is back with Dre, her ex who has gone to great lengths to keep his last name a secret.

Others believe Briana is living with Devoin Austin, her baby daddy who’s been a constant subject of scorn for TM2 viewers.

As far as we can tell, the latter rumor is true, while the former is BS.

Briana is living with Devoin, but she’s just friends with Dre.

Either way, she apparently wishes Javi would simply keep his nose out of her business.

Apparently, Javi noticed Bri’s recent Valentine’s Day posts and decided to give his ex a piece of his mind:

“Javi needs to stop being bitter about the breakup and about Devoin and Dre. He texted me about why I got a teddy bear and why I got my nails done and why Devoin is living with me now,” Briana tells Radar Online.

“He needs to stop harassing me and go worry about the relationship between Kailyn [Lowry] and him.”

DeJesus goes on to say that she’s completely cut ties with Javi and plans to have no contact with him going forward:

“I don’t want nothing to do with Javi,” she tells the outlet.

“I am completely over it and ready to move the f–k on. If he continues to harass me, I will leak all texts and info.”

Apparently in response to her allegations of harassment, Javi fired back with a series of tweets that he later deleted:

“I have full conversations, but we don’t have to go there,” Javi tweeted, seemingly implying that he planned to release some texts of his own.

“Y’all don’t know what’s going on. I don’t need to belittle or disrespect anyone. Just not in me anymore. I made that mistake once. I’ve lived and learned.”

He ended the tweet storm with some words of wisdom for his fans:

“Stay silent. The real ones around you know what’s good. Those that make noise want attention. That’s how I live my life now,” he tweeted.

We hope Javi’s able to follow his own advice, but something tells us this situation is far from over.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Briana’s wild world.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Nicole Eggert Says Scott Baio"s Harassing Her with Phone Calls, He Calls BS

Nicole Eggert says Scott Baio is blowing up her phone on the heels of her going to cops with sexual abuse allegations against him — something he flatly denies — and now she’s rolling with security. We got Nicole Sunday at the L.A.…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Woman Farts on Harassing Co-Worker, Gets Him Fired

Ladies, has this ever happened to you:

A male co-worker continually touches you inappropriately, "accidentally" brushing up against your breasts or buttocks throughout the day?

Yes? It has happened? To basically every single one of you?

We"re guessing no one out there used the tactic employed by Reddit user "ThankCod" in order to get her revenge?

Scroll down to learn the hilarious details of how this woman got her sexually aggressive colleague booted from her company…

1. #HerToo

Number hertoo

This is not a photo of the man and woman in question. But the #MeToo movement has empowered females around the corporate world to stand up to their aggressors, which is terrific.

2. An Intriguing Introduction


This is how the Reddit user opened her post, piquing the interest of all who looked at it.

3. Allow Her to Set the Scene

Allow her to set the scene

Nearly every woman reading this is likely nodding in agreement right now. They’ve been victims of these kinds of “bumps” every day of their working lives.

4. Action Was Required

Action was required

HA! LOL! Amazing! This was the action the woman chose to take.

5. Cue the Freak Out!

Cue the freak out

The man will no longer view this woman’s backside as something sexual, but instead as something stinky. Genius.

6. The Fart Heard ‘Round the World

The fart heard round the world

Or at least around the office. After her boss learned what happened, he called the man and woman into his office and it came out that this man was a serial grabber.

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"The Four" Judge Charlie Walk Accused of Sexual Harassing Ex-Employee

One of Charlie Walk’s former employees claims “The Four” judge repeatedly groped her, and sent her vulgar, sexually charged text messages … ultimately forcing her to quit the music biz. The accuser, Tristan Coopersmith, claims Walk –…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Basketball Wives" Star Jennifer Williams Says Her Ex is Stalking, Harassing Her

Ex-‘Basketball Wives’ star Jennifer Williams is firing back at her ex who just got a temporary restraining order against her, claiming he’s stalking and harassing her … and she’s scared for her life. Jennifer filed for her own restraining order…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Leah Messer: Jenelle Evans Is Harassing Me!

Jenelle Evans is having quite a tumultuous week, even by Jenelle Evans standards.

On Tuesday, Jenelle took legal action against a number of her co-stars, sending cease and desist letters to Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, and even Chelsea"s father, Randy Houska.

Shortly thereafter, accusations that Jenelle is back on drugs began to circulate on social media.

Interestingly, Leah Messer does not appear to have received a threat from Jenelle"s lawyers, but that doesn"t mean she and Evans haven"t butted heads in other ways.

Take a look at the bizarre recent developments in their troubled relationship.


1. Above the Fray

Leah messer selfie

Leah has been surprisingly successful in terms of steering clear of drama involving her cast mates. But even she couldn’t avoid being sucked in by Hurricane Jenelle.

2. Love For Leah

Leah messer solo photo

Leah has become a fan favorite in recent years thanks to the grace and courage she’s demonstrated in facing the many challenges of being a single mother of three girls, one of whom is struggling with a number of health issues. Clearly, Leah’s family is her top priority, but sometimes, she can’t ignore Jenelle’s desire to stir up drama.

3. Reunion Rumors

Jenelle evans baby bump looks like

Jenelle and husband David Eason were in rare form at the recent Teen Mom 2 reunion in Los Angeles. Tales of the couple’s drunken buffoonery and violent outbursts reached fans even before the special aired.

4. Jenelle’s Meltdown

Jenelle evans freakin out

Does Jenelle’s behavior at the reunion have anything to do with the legal action she took earlier this week? We don’t know, but her downward spiral seemed to begin during her most recent trip to Los Angeles.

5. Mom Drama

Teen mom 2 cast picture

Whatever the case, something that happened in the past week really set Jenelle off–to the point that she felt she needed to send a powerful message to her cast mates.

6. Messer vs. Evans?

Leah messer possible baby bump

At first, it looked as though Leah would be the only cast member who wasn’t targeted by Jenelle’s wrath. But now, we know otherwise…

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Monday, September 18, 2017

"It" Director Andrés Muschietti, Some Clown"s Harassing Me!!!

Andrés Muschietti is getting a ration of s*** from clowns who are losing bank because “It” is scaring the s*** out of the kid population. We got the “It” director at LAX Friday, and he fessed up … the Stephen King thriller he brought to the…


"It" Director Andrés Muschietti, Some Clown"s Harassing Me!!!

Andrés Muschietti is getting a ration of s*** from clowns who are losing bank because “It” is scaring the s*** out of the kid population. We got the “It” director at LAX Friday, and he fessed up … the Stephen King thriller he brought to the…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Aaron Carter Files Police Report Over Harassing Texts, Calls and Attempted Burglary

Aaron Carter got a 2-for-1 deal when he called cops to report harassment and hate-filled texts … ‘cause they also found evidence of someone trying to burglarize his home … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Aaron called…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Singer August Alsina Allegedly Flashes Gun to Ward Off Harassing Fans

Singer August Alsina can’t buy groceries without getting hounded by fans … and that’s why he allegedly flashed a gun to get them to finally back off. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … August was shopping at Food 4 Less around 9 PM…


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kylie Jenner Accused of Stalking, Harassing Girl ... Over Jaden Smith?!

A young woman named Chelsea Clark has accused Kylie Jenner of launching a three-year campaign to ruin her life, all because Chelsea made the mistake of becoming romantically involved with Jaden Smith.

Though neither has ever confirmed it, it’s widely believed that Kylie dated Jaden for a brief time several years ago. 

Chelsea claims she was also involved with Jaden during that time, which led Kylie to launch a full-blown cyber-stalking and harassment campaign against her.

Clark says Kylie called her and ominously said, “Leave my boyfriend alone, because you will never be like me.”

Shortly thereafter, Clark was seriously injured in a car accident. Shockingly, she’s now accusing Kylie of somehow causing the collision.

Clark claims that prior to the crash, she received several ominous messages from Kylie, including one that read simply, “This is war.”

Clark says Kylie’s harassment hasn’t let up despite the fact that neither of them is romantically involved with Jaden.

Earlier this week, Clark requested an emergency restraining order, but she was a no-show at a hearing held in Los Angeles today.

A new hearing has been scheduled for October 9. Reps for Kylie claim that she doesn’t know who Clark is, and has never had any contact with her.

So it could turn out to be nothing. Or it could be the biggest Kard clan controversy since the debate over Kylie’s lips. Stay tuned to find out!