Friday, December 1, 2017

Leah Messer: Jenelle Evans Is Harassing Me!

Jenelle Evans is having quite a tumultuous week, even by Jenelle Evans standards.

On Tuesday, Jenelle took legal action against a number of her co-stars, sending cease and desist letters to Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, and even Chelsea"s father, Randy Houska.

Shortly thereafter, accusations that Jenelle is back on drugs began to circulate on social media.

Interestingly, Leah Messer does not appear to have received a threat from Jenelle"s lawyers, but that doesn"t mean she and Evans haven"t butted heads in other ways.

Take a look at the bizarre recent developments in their troubled relationship.


1. Above the Fray

Leah messer selfie

Leah has been surprisingly successful in terms of steering clear of drama involving her cast mates. But even she couldn’t avoid being sucked in by Hurricane Jenelle.

2. Love For Leah

Leah messer solo photo

Leah has become a fan favorite in recent years thanks to the grace and courage she’s demonstrated in facing the many challenges of being a single mother of three girls, one of whom is struggling with a number of health issues. Clearly, Leah’s family is her top priority, but sometimes, she can’t ignore Jenelle’s desire to stir up drama.

3. Reunion Rumors

Jenelle evans baby bump looks like

Jenelle and husband David Eason were in rare form at the recent Teen Mom 2 reunion in Los Angeles. Tales of the couple’s drunken buffoonery and violent outbursts reached fans even before the special aired.

4. Jenelle’s Meltdown

Jenelle evans freakin out

Does Jenelle’s behavior at the reunion have anything to do with the legal action she took earlier this week? We don’t know, but her downward spiral seemed to begin during her most recent trip to Los Angeles.

5. Mom Drama

Teen mom 2 cast picture

Whatever the case, something that happened in the past week really set Jenelle off–to the point that she felt she needed to send a powerful message to her cast mates.

6. Messer vs. Evans?

Leah messer possible baby bump

At first, it looked as though Leah would be the only cast member who wasn’t targeted by Jenelle’s wrath. But now, we know otherwise…

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