Omarosa says she has dirt on Donald Trump … and it’s racial. Omarosa — who briefly worked for the Trump Administration — claims in her upcoming book, “Unhinged,” she witnessed Trump use racial epithets in talking about the husband of White House…
Friday, August 10, 2018
Monday, July 23, 2018
Khloe Kardashian Hurls Insensitive Slurs on Instagram, Gets Schooled By Fans
Well, let no one say that Khloe Kardashian isn’t big enough to admit when she’s made a mistake.
Of course, her latest blunder is the sort of mistake that Khloe really shouldn’t be making in 2018 …
Over the weekend, Khloe posted an Instagram story and quickly caught a lot of flak for using some offensive language.
The short video clip shows Khloe helping her sister Kourtney configure her smartphone before her workout.
“Yes, you can, you f-cking r-tard,” Kourtney was heard saying off-camera.
“Are you f-cking r-tarded?” Khloe replied.
Yes, Kourtney and Khloe both casually tossed out slurs, but since the clip was posted to Khloe’s Insgaram, the majority of the criticism was directed at her.
Khloe quickly deleted the story, but not before many fans took note of the offensive faux pas.
One fan went straight to Twitter to call Khloe out directly.
“I was watching your livestream on Instagram until you said the “r” word,” the follower wrote.
“You should pay more attention to your word choices especially since you have a huge following&don’t know who you could be offending.”
The fan concluded the tweet with a poignant reminder that as a new mom, Khloe should demonsgtrate greater sensitivity.
“If True had a disability you would use a different word,” she tweeted.
Thankfully, Khloe was quick to respond and fully agreed with the fan’s assessmemt.
“Ugh I hate that word! Why did I even say that?” she wrote.
“You are a million percent right and I actually greatly dislike when people use that word! I will do better! I am sorry! much love today.”
Yes, Khloe messed up pretty bad, but her apology is basically a master class in how to express remorse without making excuses.
She simply admitted that she was wrong and promised to try and do better in the future.
Of course, we probably shouldn’t be surprised that she’s so skilled in this regard.
Khloe has been hearing so many apologies lately that we suppose it makes sense she’s gotten so good at delivering them herself.
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Omar Gooding Shouts Homophobic Slurs at Man in Vegas Argument
Omar Gooding went ballistic on a guy who called him out for allegedly treating a restaurant employee poorly because his pizza was taking too long … according to witnesses on the scene. Cuba’s bro went on an angry and homophobic tirade around 3 AM…
Omar Gooding Shouts Homophobic Slurs at Man in Vegas Argument
Omar Gooding went ballistic on a guy who called him out for allegedly treating a restaurant employee poorly because his pizza was taking too long … according to witnesses on the scene. Cuba’s bro went on an angry and homophobic tirade around 3 AM…
Friday, June 8, 2018
David Eason Caught Harassing Nathan Griffith, Hurling Homophobic Slurs
Yesterday, we reported on the encouraging news that Nathan Griffith wants to fight David Eason.
Nathan would most likely make short work of Jenelle Evans’ husband in the ring, and since Eason was recently accused of punching a toddler, we would very much like to see that happen.

Nathan has every reason to want to clean David’s clock (the aforementioned toddler is Griffith’s son, Kaiser), so we weren’t all that curious about the motives when he issued his challenge.
But as it turns out, he has even more cause to hate Eason than we initially thought.
As you may recall, Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 for hurling homophobic slurs at fans of the show in a bizarre social media meltdown.
Far from having learned his lesson about hate speech, it seems David is still targeting epithets at those who have incurred his ire.
These days, that means he’s saying horrendous things to Nathan.
We know this because Griffith’s girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, recently took to Twitter in an effort to put a stop to the harassment.
“Jenelle, I would text you but you have me blocked,” she tweeted to Evans.
“Please check your husband and tell him to stop harassing my man calling him a ‘f-g boy’ over text. We are enjoying our night with family on the water and his random harassing texts are unnecessary. Thank you.”
It’s times like this that we like to remind you that David Eason is a 29-year-old grownup who is responsible for the care and upbringing of five (5) children.
We’ll pause while you weep for the future.
Anyway, by blocking all communication from Nathan and Ashley (because why would you ever need to hear from the person you share a child with?), Jenelle and David have put all of their asinine feuds and dirty laundry on public display.
Earlier this week, Nathan took to Twitter to chastise Jenelle for claiming that he wishes to contact her only because he hopes to win her back:
“JENELLE! Get over yourself!” he wrote.
“I talk the same way to my ex-wife. It does not mean I want you back. Once again, I have a child with you.
“I ask all the time about Kaiser. It’s you that stalks and harasses then texts me the next day about something totally irrelevant to Kaiser.”
Hopefully, David is looking at Nathan’s impossible situation and taking notes, because this is the future he created when he made a baby with Jenelle Evans
Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the extent to which David and Jenelle deserve each other.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Congressman Al Green Warns President Trump About Racial Slurs
President Trump has officially been put on notice by a Democratic lawmaker hell-bent on impeaching 45 … and it’s got nothing to do with the Russians. We got Congressman Al Green at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday and wanted him to clarify the…
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Cheerleaders Investigated for Chanting Racial Slurs in Shocking Video!
Sometimes, you read something that a celebrity said or did and you say that it kills your faith in humanity … but really, celebrities aren"t usually representative of the average person.
This story, however, might crush your faith in humanity … and in this next generation of young people. Just a little.
Because the heinous video that went viral, which we have below, was made by teenagers.
(Of course, it was also brought to light and condemned by teenagers before anyone else got involved, so … keep that in mind)
It is sadly not new information that racism is alive and well in the United States of America.
If you were somehow able to ignore that before, the last couple of years have made it truly impossible to miss.
Hate crimes have spiked, and we"ve seen Nazis marching on American streets more than once this year.
A particularly infamous Nazi, Richard Spencer, is speaking in Florida this afternoon, and everyone in the local community is afraid of what might happen if his supporters show up and go after his protesters.
Some worry that, some time tonight, Florida could see its very own Charlottesville. Hopefully not, but the fact that people are worried about it at all tells you a lot about how prevalent and emboldened racists are feeling now in 2017.
MWhile many racists — Nazis and others — come to feel that way because they feel marginalized or threatened that other people exist and have decided to blame their own shortcomings on, for example, people of color.
Others are taught racism — not just institutional and cultural racism that we all have to unlearn — but explicit, unapologetic racism from a young age. These people tend to grow up thinking that everyone"s family "talks like that" behind closed doors.
(Then, thinking that everyone thinks and acts the way that they do, they assume that "political correctness" and not common decency is responsible for racists getting shamed)
We don"t know if these girls all learned it at home, but a group of teenage cheerleaders made a very, very disturbing video.
A group of Ogden Weber High School cheerleaders appeared to be gleefully chanting a racial slur in a bizarre, soul-crushing video.
The Utah school district is investigating after the video surfaced on Twitter and gained a lot of attention.
The girls appear to be saying (and we say "appear to" for good reason) "f–k" followed by the N-word. Gleefully, they yell again and again and again into the camera.
Yes, they recorded this themselves.
It"s widely believed that the video is a reversal of what they may have been originally chanting: "Serggin Cuff."
"Serggin Cuff" might sound like the name of a Star Wars character, but unfortunately it"s meaning is not nearly so whimsical.
Pronounced backwards, "cuff" sounds like "f–k" and "serggin" sounds like the N-word.
While someone could conceivably be tricked into saying or even repeating that word on video, which could then be reversed in order to defame the poor dupe … that wouldn"t explain their glee as they chant it.
The video was shared privately at first, but then discovered and posted to Twitter by an understandably distraught black Weber High student.
Along with the video, he included this message: "I thought people were better than this especially my so called ‘friends.’"
Outrageously, he has reportedly been contacted by the families of the girls shouting slurs in the video, who are said to have demanded that he apologize for posting the video.
That is … well, that tells you about what sorts of families that at least some of these girls come from, doesn"t it?
While this video was reportedly recorded some time ago before being circulated around the student body.
Lane Findlay, spokesperson for the school district, has spoken about the video.
"Right now the focus is on the investigation and trying to answer all the questions that have come up."
Findlay"s initial response, mentioning that the video was old and that it had not been recorded on school grounds, did not receive a warm reception.
(Schools have never before hesitated to take disciplinary action over events happening off of campus)
It sounds like Findlay understands that the public needs assurances.
"It’s being taken very seriously. We realize it’s affected many students at the school, but we want to be fair and thorough and ask for everyone’s patience."
While a resolution is expected to be reached early next week, the cheerleaders might receive counseling (which we"d say that they clearly need), removal from the cheerleading squad, or even expulsion.
We would say that expulsion is the wrong course.
One, they are teenagers and this inexcusable behavior was certainly a learned behavior.
Two, more importantly, the student who posted the video on Twitter could face reprisals if they are expelled. High school students can be brilliant, but they can also be not brilliant, and they don"t always have a great sense of perspective.
But these girls definitely need counseling. And it would be very appropriate for them to be removed from the cheerleading squad.
How they behave in the next few months could determine whether any colleges or universities will even accept them.
Here is the video and be warned: obviously, the language used is absolutely monstrous.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Kate Major Praises White Supremacy During Arrest, Hurls Homophobic Slurs at Police
Less than a year ago, Michael Lohan"s wife Kate Major was arrested for assaulting a police officer and being a menace, which is pretty consistent with her history of arrests.
So it"s no surprise that, once again, Kate Major has been placed under arrest.
This time, there"s video (which we have for you, below) and, be warned, she combines racist and homophobic epithets into a perfect storm of awful. She even brings up white supremacy, so … yikes.
We suppose that we should be thankful that this wasn"t another incident of Kate Major getting arrested for attacking Michael Lohan.
Maybe thankful isn"t the right word … we don"t exactly lose any sleep over bad things happening to Michael Lohan.
Michael Lohan and charges of domestic battery aren"t exactly strangers to each other. Like, at all.
(And we cannot help but wonder how much better Lindsay Lohan"s life and mental state would be if she had never had Michael Lohan in her life — maybe she"d have the life that she deserves, you know?)
But speaking of criminal charges that Michael Lohan and his estranged wife Kate Major have faced, Kate"s very latest arrest features both of them.
Kate made a call to 911 that we"d describe as semi-coherent, at best.
TMZ obtained the call, though honestly it"s mostly just upsetting and managed to not even be the focus of this story.
In it, Kate Major says that her husband kidnapped her young children and punched her in the face that day.
(Obviously horrible, if true — though her words and actions later cast doubt on the whole thing)
Though she"s not exactly coming across as, uh, a woman in a healthy mental state or necessarily a sober person, she describes dire circumstances that, if true, totally warrant a police call and a very serious response.
And then … Kate Major very clearly threatens to murder "you" (the 911 operator but probably the police) if they fail to bring back her children.
That"s a threat.
Potentially a terrorist threat.
The sort of thing that warrants an arrest while simultaneously the sort of crazy person talk that makes people dismiss everything that you"ve said previously.
But, yeah, she was placed under arrest.
(She might be able to mitigate it, legally speaking, by claiming extreme emotional disturbance, but that will be in a courtroom if it comes to that)
Kate Major didn"t go quietly at all, as you"ll see in the video below.
But, because she"s slurring her words, we can go ahead and tell you the upsetting things that she said to the arresting officers.
As we mentioned, Kate is bending over backwards to be offensive.
A lot of that is just referring to the black man there as a "monkey" and to the woman there as a "d-ke."
The first is not something to call a black person as it was a hateful term and caricature used for decades.
The second is a homophobic slur directed as lesbians (and sometimes at bisexual women).
And then, likely inspired by recent news such as the Nazi activity and terrorist attack in Charlottesville and the ensuing media coverage, Kate Major starts talking about white supremacy.
Like, she seems to think that it"s a good thing.
"Part of white supremacy is that you f–king monkeys don"t know how to do your jobs."
"I"d love to be more of part of white supremacy because you"re all part of f–king monkeys."
By the way, Kate Major has a bag over her head throughout this — yes, really — because officers claim that she was spitting on them.
It"s good that they have such a ready solution to that.
It"s not so good that this happens so regularly to police that they have bags designed to prevent it.
(Seriously, what is wrong with people?)
We"re sure that there will be more on this ridiculous, sensational story.
Remember, there are slurs in this video, so you may want to watch your volume or even put on some headphones:
Friday, May 26, 2017
Cris Carter Says Gay Slurs Pissed Off Odell Beckham (VIDEO)
Cris Carter says Odell Beckham Jr. admitted he was upset about homophobic slurs that were hurled at him before the infamous Giants vs. Panthers game in 2015 … and insinuated the slurs came from Josh Norman. Carter appeared on “Undisputed”…
Sunday, February 19, 2017
David Cassidy Appears Drunk In Concert ... Slurs, Falls, Forgets (VIDEO)
David Cassidy seems to have fallen off the wagon — and almost off the stage — in what appears to be a drunken performance this weekend. The former teen idol was playing a gig in Agoura (near L.A.) Saturday night, where he looked incredibly…
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Election Day 2016 -- Racial Slurs Fly in Michigan Polling Place Fight (VIDEO)
A Michigan polling place erupted in violence with voters squaring off and repeatedly hurling the n-word. The fight went down at a polling station in Ypsilanti, Michigan … outside Ann Arbor. According to witnesses … the white woman in the video…
Monday, October 31, 2016
Rob Kardashian Drops Racial & Homophobic Slurs in Shocking Texts
Last week, we learned that Rob Kardashian is being investigated for allegedly threatening a man named Pilot Jones.
The texts were sent in response to rumors that Blac Chyna cheated on Rob with Jones, and that Jones is the father of her baby, who’s due to be born in early November.
Chyna took to social media to shoot the rumors down in brutal fashion.
Many accused her of gay-bashing Jones, but it turns out that Rob had already gone much further in the language that he used to describe Blac’s alleged cheating partner.
In text messages obtained by TMZ, Rob threatens and harasses Jones, accusing the man of lying about having an affair with Blac in order to drum up publicity and help boost his music career.
While Rob probably won’t face any criminal charges, as investigators have determined that his language is too vague to constitute an actual threat of physical violence, his use of racist and homophobic slurs is sure to damage his reputation.
Below are some of the most shocking texts published today:
“And u fa—t ass bitch this is ROB and u did the most DISRESPECTFUL s**t ever by releasing pics and a story to a pregnant Woman who is 17 days from having a baby!”
“This is my Wife and you about to get your ass beat by every Mexican in LA including me.”
“U f–ked with the wrong Woman and the wrong dude.”
“I hope you religious cuz after I beat your ass with about 30 Mexicans u better hope God lets u into heaven.”
“Its a wrap for u and after we beat your ass we will all be good and never contact Chyna … u pu–y ass n—a.”
“Don’t ever come for me and my wife ever U corny ass n—a”
Jones presented the texts to the LAPD as evidence that he had been threatened by Rob.
However, investigators found that he had incited Rob in the past and may be guilty of harassment himself.
In all likelihood, neither party will face any charges, and if there’s any legal culpability at all, it will be decided in civil court.
Unfortunately, the world has now seen a very ugly side of Rob, and no judge can strike that from the record.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Michael Snoddy: Paris Jackson"s Boyfriend Caught Using Racial Slurs on Twitter
Last week, we reported that Paris Jackson is dating Michael Snoddy, a 26-year-old drummer with a somewhat sketchy past.
From the start, there were rumors that Paris’ family disapproved of Michael due to racist sentiments he’s expressed on social media and in other, more permanent ways.
(Snoddy has a large Confederate flag tattoo on his arm.)
Now, Radar Online has unearthed some of Snoddy’s more offensive tweets, and it looks as though Paris’ family may have reason to be concerned.
As recently as 2011, Snoddy casually and frequently used the N-word and encouraged his followers to “put [their] hoods up,” a rallying cry that many are interpreting as a reference to the KKK.
More recently, Snoddy made multiple references to his own recreational drug use, which may also be a cause of concern for Paris’ family, as the 18-year-old recently revealed that she’s struggled with substance abuse issues and regularly attends AA meetings.
Though there’s been some debate about the Jackson kids’ paternity, Paris and her siblings identify as African-American, thus making Snoddy’s past comments all the more troubling.
Sources say Snoddy has argued that he’s obviously not racist, as he’s “dating a black girl.”
Hopefully someone has since explained to him that’s not how racism works.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Lindsay Lohan: Kicked Out of Bar For Spitting on People, Shouting Racist Slurs
If you were hoping that 2016 would be the year that Lindsay Lohan finally turns things around, then we hate to be the ones to tell you that it’s just not happening.
Also, Santa Claus isn’t really, and you’re totally not gonna win the Powerball. #HarshTruths
Anyway, Linds got up to her old tricks while partying in Manhattan over the weekend, and amazingly, it seems she’s somehow figured out a way to become more immature and obnoxious with age.
According to Radar Online, it all started when Linds and her younger sister, Ali, spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom, where we’re sure they were just powdering their noses (in the most literal sense).
A bartender eventually got fed up with the “actress” treating his restroom like a pool party at Charlie Sheen’s house, so he knocked on the door and asked the Lohans to take the festivities elsewhere.
That’s when Lindsay – who we’re sure was completely sober – flew into an irrational rage.
The 29-year-old reportedly stormed out of the bathroom and began to hurl racial slurs at the man and mock his accent.
“Lindsay came out and her eyes were glazed over and she started yelling at the bartender – who is originally from West Africa – ‘This is New York. You’re not from here,” says one witness.
“What stunned everyone is when she was talking to him in a mock African accent and she kept asking him if he was from Ghana. It seemed like a racist attack.”
Obviously, Lindsay getting high and acting like a jackass is nothing new, but it seems she was even more of an idiot than usual this time, thus forcing other bar patrons to get involved:
“They wouldn’t leave and all hell was breaking loose and that’s when Lindsay spat in our friend’s face,” says one source.
“The bar then erupted and everyone was yelling at them to leave.”
You might think that would be the end of it, but this is LiLo we’re talking about…so you would be wrong:
“They came back with their lights on their cameras and they put their face up to the windows,” says one witness. “Lindsay was slamming her hands on the windows. She was messed up.
“About half an hour later, a friend of Lindsay’s came to the bar and tried to fight the bartender. He got in his face taking a really aggressive stance and was threatening him.
“Another person in the bar attempted to film it and then Lindsay’s friend stole her phone and ran out of the bar with it. We then chased him and restrained him till the cops arrived. It was madness.“
By the time police were on the scene the Lohans were long gone, and the bartender who had been harassed chose not to press charges for the most heartbreaking of reasons:
“I was scared because I didn’t know what would be the end result,” he tells Radar.
“Especially when you are a black guy in New York and seeing as [the Lohans] were totally racist and kept asking me where I was from.
“They asked me if I wanted to press charges and I said I just want him to leave…Their behavior was disgusting.”
Yes, Lindsay has added “racist bully” to her resume. Sounds like if she gets that Mean Girls sequel she’s been angling for, she might need to be recast as Regina George.