Showing posts with label Supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supremacy. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Fat Joe Shoots Down Eric Benet"s Take on Rap Music and White Supremacy

Fat Joe thinks Eric Benet is TRIPPINNNN’ by saying “rich and famous” rappers that glorify the darker sides of hip-hop are proxies to white supremacy … ‘cause they’re just tunes, bro. We got the legendary New York MC over on the West Coast Monday…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Robert E. Lee Descendant Says Church Forced Him Out for Denouncing White Supremacy on MTV

The Robert E. Lee descendant, who denounced white supremacy during the VMAs, says that speech cost him his job as pastor of a North Carolina church. Rev. Robert Wright Lee says factions of his United Church of Christ in Winston-Salem “were…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Paris Jackson at the VMAs: White Supremacy Sucks!

For the most part, the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards avoided politics.

Yes, Katy Perry made a couple cracks in her terrible opening monologue about how the world was falling apart, but few stars referenced Donald Trump or the mess he"s created during their time on stage.

With the exception of Paris Jackson, that is.

The only daughter of Michael Jackson presented the very first trophy of the evening, taking a few moments before doing so in order to address the cloud of White Supremacy that is sadly hanging over our nation.

“I hope we leave here tonight remembering that we must show these Nazi, white supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan we have zero tolerance for their violence, hatred, and their discrimination,” said Paris, to loud applause.

She ended her brief statement by saying the following:

"We must resist.”

Incredibly/tragically, this is an actual topic of debate at the moment after a group of neo-Nazis gathered in Virginia a few weeks ago and created havoc around Charlottesville.

Their actions led to the murder of a 32-year old protestor named Heather Heyer, whose mom actually spoke out as well on stage at the VMAs.

Here is what she had to say:

And here is what Paris Jackson had to say.

Click the PLAY button below to find out and then react to her message of hope, anger and resistance.

Paris jackson at the vma white supremacy sucks

Robert E. Lee"s Descendant Denounces Racism, White Supremacy at VMAs

A distant blood relative of Robert E. Lee publicly denounced racism and white supremacy at the VMAs this weekend … directly calling out “America’s original sin.” Reverend Robert Lee IV — a direct descendant of the Confederate general — came…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Kate Major Praises White Supremacy During Arrest, Hurls Homophobic Slurs at Police

Less than a year ago, Michael Lohan"s wife Kate Major was arrested for assaulting a police officer and being a menace, which is pretty consistent with her history of arrests.

So it"s no surprise that, once again, Kate Major has been placed under arrest.

This time, there"s video (which we have for you, below) and, be warned, she combines racist and homophobic epithets into a perfect storm of awful. She even brings up white supremacy, so … yikes.

Kate major in a car

We suppose that we should be thankful that this wasn"t another incident of Kate Major getting arrested for attacking Michael Lohan.

Maybe thankful isn"t the right word … we don"t exactly lose any sleep over bad things happening to Michael Lohan.

Michael Lohan and charges of domestic battery aren"t exactly strangers to each other. Like, at all.

(And we cannot help but wonder how much better Lindsay Lohan"s life and mental state would be if she had never had Michael Lohan in her life — maybe she"d have the life that she deserves, you know?)

But speaking of criminal charges that Michael Lohan and his estranged wife Kate Major have faced, Kate"s very latest arrest features both of them.

Kate made a call to 911 that we"d describe as semi-coherent, at best.

TMZ obtained the call, though honestly it"s mostly just upsetting and managed to not even be the focus of this story.

In it, Kate Major says that her husband kidnapped her young children and punched her in the face that day.

(Obviously horrible, if true — though her words and actions later cast doubt on the whole thing)

Though she"s not exactly coming across as, uh, a woman in a healthy mental state or necessarily a sober person, she describes dire circumstances that, if true, totally warrant a police call and a very serious response.

And then … Kate Major very clearly threatens to murder "you" (the 911 operator but probably the police) if they fail to bring back her children.

Kate major lohan mugshot picture

That"s a threat.

Potentially a terrorist threat.

The sort of thing that warrants an arrest while simultaneously the sort of crazy person talk that makes people dismiss everything that you"ve said previously.

But, yeah, she was placed under arrest.

(She might be able to mitigate it, legally speaking, by claiming extreme emotional disturbance, but that will be in a courtroom if it comes to that)

Kate Major didn"t go quietly at all, as you"ll see in the video below.

But, because she"s slurring her words, we can go ahead and tell you the upsetting things that she said to the arresting officers.

Kate major and michael lohan photo

As we mentioned, Kate is bending over backwards to be offensive. 

A lot of that is just referring to the black man there as a "monkey" and to the woman there as a "d-ke."

The first is not something to call a black person as it was a hateful term and caricature used for decades.

The second is a homophobic slur directed as lesbians (and sometimes at bisexual women).

And then, likely inspired by recent news such as the Nazi activity and terrorist attack in Charlottesville and the ensuing media coverage, Kate Major starts talking about white supremacy.

Like, she seems to think that it"s a good thing.

"Part of white supremacy is that you f–king monkeys don"t know how to do your jobs."


"I"d love to be more of part of white supremacy because you"re all part of f–king monkeys."

As for the female officer, who is white, Kate calls her a "d-ke" repeatedly and demands that she stop touching her breasts.

Kate major mugshot 2014

By the way, Kate Major has a bag over her head throughout this — yes, really — because officers claim that she was spitting on them.

It"s good that they have such a ready solution to that.

It"s not so good that this happens so regularly to police that they have bags designed to prevent it.

(Seriously, what is wrong with people?)

We"re sure that there will be more on this ridiculous, sensational story.

Remember, there are slurs in this video, so you may want to watch your volume or even put on some headphones:

Kate major praises white supremacy during arrest uses homophobic