Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kylie Jenner Accused of Stalking, Harassing Girl ... Over Jaden Smith?!

A young woman named Chelsea Clark has accused Kylie Jenner of launching a three-year campaign to ruin her life, all because Chelsea made the mistake of becoming romantically involved with Jaden Smith.

Though neither has ever confirmed it, it’s widely believed that Kylie dated Jaden for a brief time several years ago. 

Chelsea claims she was also involved with Jaden during that time, which led Kylie to launch a full-blown cyber-stalking and harassment campaign against her.

Clark says Kylie called her and ominously said, “Leave my boyfriend alone, because you will never be like me.”

Shortly thereafter, Clark was seriously injured in a car accident. Shockingly, she’s now accusing Kylie of somehow causing the collision.

Clark claims that prior to the crash, she received several ominous messages from Kylie, including one that read simply, “This is war.”

Clark says Kylie’s harassment hasn’t let up despite the fact that neither of them is romantically involved with Jaden.

Earlier this week, Clark requested an emergency restraining order, but she was a no-show at a hearing held in Los Angeles today.

A new hearing has been scheduled for October 9. Reps for Kylie claim that she doesn’t know who Clark is, and has never had any contact with her.

So it could turn out to be nothing. Or it could be the biggest Kard clan controversy since the debate over Kylie’s lips. Stay tuned to find out!