Showing posts with label CoWorker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CoWorker. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Woman Farts on Harassing Co-Worker, Gets Him Fired

Ladies, has this ever happened to you:

A male co-worker continually touches you inappropriately, "accidentally" brushing up against your breasts or buttocks throughout the day?

Yes? It has happened? To basically every single one of you?

We"re guessing no one out there used the tactic employed by Reddit user "ThankCod" in order to get her revenge?

Scroll down to learn the hilarious details of how this woman got her sexually aggressive colleague booted from her company…

1. #HerToo

Number hertoo

This is not a photo of the man and woman in question. But the #MeToo movement has empowered females around the corporate world to stand up to their aggressors, which is terrific.

2. An Intriguing Introduction


This is how the Reddit user opened her post, piquing the interest of all who looked at it.

3. Allow Her to Set the Scene

Allow her to set the scene

Nearly every woman reading this is likely nodding in agreement right now. They’ve been victims of these kinds of “bumps” every day of their working lives.

4. Action Was Required

Action was required

HA! LOL! Amazing! This was the action the woman chose to take.

5. Cue the Freak Out!

Cue the freak out

The man will no longer view this woman’s backside as something sexual, but instead as something stinky. Genius.

6. The Fart Heard ‘Round the World

The fart heard round the world

Or at least around the office. After her boss learned what happened, he called the man and woman into his office and it came out that this man was a serial grabber.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Woman Learns Co-Worker is Banging Her Bae, Exacts Revenge

It"s time to meet @AyanaTheDIVA.

This Twitter user has gone viral due to the story of her co-worker, the friendship the two developed while employed by the same restaurant… and the man they apparently both were banging.

Take it away, AyanaTheDIVA! Tell us exactly what happened…

1. We Have Something in Common

We have something in common

So this Tweet sets the general stage: a new co-worker was bragging about her hot man… only for our heroine to discover this hot man was her boyfriend!

2. #SameBae Problems…

Number samebae problems

Here is how the whole thing started.

3. We Have the Same Taste in Men!

We have the same taste in men

Little did Ayana know.

4. You Think THAT Guy is Hot?!?

You think that guy is hot

Let me show you THIS guy!

5. Setting the Stage

Setting the stage

We’re getting to the good stuff, don’t worry.

6. Remember That Fine Stud of Mine?

Remember that fine stud of mine

Oh yes. Now it’s getting good…

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Co-Worker Gets Last Laugh on Colleague Who Keeps Stealing Her Coffee Creamer

Note to employees around the world:

Be really careful about which items you choose to use from the shared kitchen. Or else the following may very well happen to you…


Reddit user “Phantom0591” posted a photo this week that made it clear just how fed up one woman was over a certain colleague continually ganking her coffee creamer from the break room.

It seems pretty clear that the woman at the center of this prank was unaware of the identity of the burglar in question.

But she came up with a genius way to get the last laugh nonetheless.

The day after this person once again stole some creamer from his or her colleague, the woman in question stuck a note on the creamer that reads as follows:

“Good morning! To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week … Surprise!!! You’ve been drinking my break milk!

“Hope you’ve enjoyed. Cheers! P.S. It’s organic. So no worries.”

fake creamer

HA! We love it.

But we really aren’t sure which side to take in this debate.

On one hand, come on. Go purchase your own creamer. It’s cheap and easy to find and it will last for months.

On the other hand… is it really that big of a deal that someone has stolen some of your creamer?

As previously mentioned, it’s cheap and easy to find and it will still last for months.

But on the OTHER hand…this note makes the entire incident worthwhile.

Well played, Breast Milk-Making Coffee-Drinking Employee Woman.