Showing posts with label Creamer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creamer. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2016

Co-Worker Gets Last Laugh on Colleague Who Keeps Stealing Her Coffee Creamer

Note to employees around the world:

Be really careful about which items you choose to use from the shared kitchen. Or else the following may very well happen to you…


Reddit user “Phantom0591” posted a photo this week that made it clear just how fed up one woman was over a certain colleague continually ganking her coffee creamer from the break room.

It seems pretty clear that the woman at the center of this prank was unaware of the identity of the burglar in question.

But she came up with a genius way to get the last laugh nonetheless.

The day after this person once again stole some creamer from his or her colleague, the woman in question stuck a note on the creamer that reads as follows:

“Good morning! To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week … Surprise!!! You’ve been drinking my break milk!

“Hope you’ve enjoyed. Cheers! P.S. It’s organic. So no worries.”

fake creamer

HA! We love it.

But we really aren’t sure which side to take in this debate.

On one hand, come on. Go purchase your own creamer. It’s cheap and easy to find and it will last for months.

On the other hand… is it really that big of a deal that someone has stolen some of your creamer?

As previously mentioned, it’s cheap and easy to find and it will still last for months.

But on the OTHER hand…this note makes the entire incident worthwhile.

Well played, Breast Milk-Making Coffee-Drinking Employee Woman.