Showing posts with label April. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

April Ryan Says She Got Protection After Trump Attacks

April Ryan has security to protect her from the crazies who might actually view her as an “enemy of the people” … after a series of verbal attacks by President Donald Trump. April appeared Thursday on “TMZ Live,” and we asked if she was receiving…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

April the Giraffe is Pregnant Again!!!

About a month ago, zookeepers very tentatively shared some exciting news: they were testing April the Giraffe’s droppings to discovery if she was pregnant.

Update, folks: she is pregnant again!

We can hardly contain our excitement!

April the Giraffe is Pregnant Again 01

In case you get your news from Instagram rather than from, um, anywhere else, April the Giraffe’s official (verified with a blue check and everything) Instagram account shared this on Wednesday:

“If you missed our big announcement on the Today Show, here it is!”

Today‘s ratings are better than they’ve been in years after Matt Lauer’s departure, but just in case you missed the news, they wanted to make sure that you’d see it.

“Click below to find out April’s big news!”

The link that they included elaborated on the big news.

Tajiri the Giraffe is 10 Feet Tall

Today reports that April the Giraffe is pregnant again. This will be her fifth child.

April is 16 years old.

The Animal Adventure Park resident captivated America last year as she struggled to give birth to Tajiri, her son.

Her birth was livestreamed and seemed like it would take forever, and became a hot topic of conversation around water coolers nationwide.

Tajiri (pictured behind a human in the photo above) is happy and healthy and now stands at a whopping 10 feet tall.

April the GIraffe and baby Tajiri

Jordan Patch, who owns Animal Adventure Park, broke the news on Today.

“The results are in,” Patched teased. “And we are having a baby!”

By “we,” he of course means April.

Savannah Guthrie could not resist asking: “Who’s the daddy?”

(I want to roast her over it but, honestly, when I first read the news, my first thought was the same ridiculous question)

“What show is this?” Patch asked with a laugh, as if implying that it was a gotcha question or perhaps that he had accidentally wandered onto the set of Maury.

“Of course,” Patch said of April’s baby daddy. “It is Oliver the Giraffe, the same father as Tajiri.”

Now that people are reassured that April isn’t some floozy, America can look forward to April’s next childbirth.

But … don’t hold your breath.

Though the average giraffe’s gestation period is about 15 months, Patch mentions that “April likes to go 16, 17, 18 … 19 months.”

The pregnancy was only confirmed in recent weeks, so … it could be a while.

That said, you can pencil in another anxiety-riddled giraffe livestream birth for some time in the spring of 2019.

Probably, anyway. Pregnancy can be even more mysterious for giraffes than it is for humans.

Fortunately, the internet is filled with lots of cute animals to tide us over.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Robin Thicke and April Love Geary Have 10 Million Reasons to Celebrate

Robin Thicke is grinning from ear-to-ear again, and it’s not just because of April Love Geary … he just achieved a rare feat in the music world. Honestly, it looked like Robin Thicke circa 2013 Friday night outside Catch L.A. — paparazzi blinded…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 23 Recap: Did April Kepner Die?!

With the news that Sarah Drew is exiting Grey’s Anatomy, it seemed like her character, April Kepner was going to die on Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 23

The official teaser for the episode found the redhead in a bad way, but did she really bite the dust?

When the episode kicked off, April was still planning Alex and Jo’s wedding, and even sent out the invites for it. We were then treated to a flurry of scenes showing the characters reacting to the big news. 

But disaster struck when Matthew was wheeled into the hospital after a car crash and started mentioning April’s name. This made the others wonder whether April would be with Matthew considering their past. 

When Arizona confirmed they were indeed back together, Owen led a team out to the crash site to search for April. It turned out that Matthew was telling the truth. 

April was found in bad shape, barely clinging to life and suffering from hypothermia. She was rushed to the hospital, and the doctors fought tooth and nail to save her. 

Jackson was kept out of the loop because everyone thought he would struggle to save her given the circumstances, but one of the interns accidentally slipped up about the surgery going on. 

The most interesting thing about it was that they all agreed to pray because that’s what April would expect of them given the dire prognosis. 

April was saved and wheeled into a room with Matthew. Could this be the thing that makes her decide that working in the hospital was not the best career move?

It certainly presents a difficult situation: She has a kid with Jackson. Is she going to remain in Seattle off-screen, or will she skip town with her new man?

We have no idea, but it’s sure fun to speculate. 

This also gave Ben time to return from Station 19 if his friend passed away. It came around the time Bailey was worried that he was going to die in a fire. 

Meanwhile, Arizona continued to make her decision about the future and even told Miranda that she was exiting her role to move to New York to be with Sofia and Callie. 

Miranda admitted that she thought Arizona was going to be a terrible, terrible doctor when she first laid eyes on her, but she was surprised at her growth. 

Then, Arizona opened up to Nicole about her decision to leave town, and the former doctor was against the idea. Ultimately, she wanted Arizona to bring her crash carts to the masses, and that could be done from New York. 

Could a happy ending for Arizona be on the horizon? 

It sure seems that way. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments!

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC!


Monday, April 23, 2018

April Love Geart Claps Back at Critics of Her Breastfeeding Photo

It seems like just yesterday that April Love Geary first showed off her baby bump. But it was half a year ago, and she and Robin Thicke have welcomed the birth of their baby.

Now, she’s shared a photo of her sweetly nursing baby Mia … only to get blasted for showing the “indecent” image.

But she’s clapping back at her mom-shamers … and she’s pulling out the receipts.

In February, April Love gave birth to Mia Love Thicke, an adorable baby.

Like other babies and also all humans, Mia needs sustenance in order to survive. As is often the case, that comes in the form of breast milk.

So it should be no surprise that April Love breastfeeds her precious baby.

Like a number of celebrities — and even ordinary moms — she is sharing this photo to help normalize breastfeeding, as moms are still shamed for feeding their children.

She shared this photo, taken by her fiance, Robin Thicke.

This is a great photo!

Not only is this picture sweet and entirely non-sexual, but she’s even censored her exposed nipple in order to meet Instagram’s dainty standards.

(As we all know, Instagram has a delicate constitution and simply cannot handle the sight of the forbidden Lady Nipples)

Her caption was short and sweet, as she wrote:

“MOM pic by baby daddy Robin Thicke.”

As you can imagine, though, there was some unfortunate backlash.

A British television personality who starred on Big Brother as a teenager was among April Love’s critics, and posted as much in a series of tweets.

“I’m all for breastfeeding and having a choice how to feed your baby but WHY do people feel the need to post pictures of themselves doing it?!”

To her credit, she went ahead and made it clear that she was talking about April Love.

“Especially the new pic of Robin Thicke’s gf! She’s got hair done, makeup on, both boobs out. So strange. What’s the need??”

Wed’ wager that her hair and makeup are done because she’s, get this, taking a photo.

As for the both boobs out conspiracy, we’re no experts, but it appears to be because she’s not wearing a shirt.

She continues, indicating that she’s not trying to advocate for women hiding themselves when they feed their babies.

“I don’t think it should be done discreetly. I pumped breastmilk publicly ALOT when I had Frankie and Blakely.”

She’s hung up on the photos.

“I just don’t understand the reason behind posting pics. That’s all. Not hating or shaming I just don’t see why.”

People explained to her that the pictures are to help normalzie breastfeeding.

“Breast feeding doesn’t need normalizing. It’s been done (myself included) for YEARS. Why do we need to normalize something that was around before we all were? Lol it’s bizarre that we feel we need to do this”

She’s missing the point — it needs to be normalized because women are still harassed, asked to leave, or even threatened for breastfeeding their babies at some locations.

So celebs share photos to remind everyone that it’s no big deal.

April Love Geary Claps Back

April Love noticed the tweets, of course.

She posted her rebuttal on Instagram — and included some receipts.

“Hey @chanellehayes, maybe the next time you want to criticize me for posting a picture of myself breastfeeding you should really take a look at the pictures you’ve had taken.”

Hayes, of course, has worked as a model in what the British call “Lads” magazines. So, yes, she’s posed topless.

But April Love makes it clear that she’s not trying to shame Hayes. She just wants to point out that her stance doesn’t make sense.

“Not that taking nudes are wrong! The naked body is a beautiful thing! But don’t be a hypocrite mama.”

Honestly? April Love Geary is definitely Robin Thicke’s better half.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Robin Thicke Photographs April Love Geary Breastfeeding Baby

April Love Geary is clearly in love … yeah, probably with her baby daddy Robin Thicke, but clearly with her baby Mia Love Thicke. Robin took the pic of mother breastfeeding baby, and April proudly posted it with the caption, “MOM pic by baby…


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Celebrity April Showers ... Good, Clean, Fun!

See which stars aren’t afraid of some April showers by dripping into our gallery of these washed-up stars, and get a sprinkle of what’s to come before May flowers can spring!  


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

UFC"s Joanna Jedrzejczyk Swore Tony Ferguson"s Injury Was an April Fools" Joke

UFC star Joanna Jedrzejczyk had the exact same thought as all of us when news broke that Tony Ferguson vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov was off — April Fools, right?! Wrong … and Joanna was shook.  “I thought it was a joke! But ……


Monday, April 2, 2018

Ex-NFLer Anthony "Spice" Adams Punks His Kids with April Fools Egg Hunt

NFL linebacker turned “Ballers” actor Anthony “Spice” Adams pulled out one of the coldest April Fools pranks we’ve ever seen — sending his own kids on a FAKE Easter egg hunt! It’s heartless, but also hilarious … and we still can’t…


Arie Luyendyk and Lauren Burnham: Utterly Destroyed for April Fool"s Pregnancy Joke!

Note to Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham:

There are appropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy…

… and there are inappropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy.

Next time, ask The Hollywood Gossip for advice, okay?

On Sunday, the most controversial Bachelor-based couple of all-time stepped in scalding hot water when it joked that Burnham was expecting.

It wasn’t just a mere, passing joke, either.

It can replete with an alleged baby bump photo and everything.

“Secrets finally out, we have a bunny in the oven! @laurenburnham91,” Arie wrote on Twitter alongside an image of a female, presumed to be his fiancee, clutching what looked like a baby bump.

See for yourself here:

Not even two hours later, however, Arie let followers in on his unoriginal joke.

APRIL FOOLS, he quickly Tweeted, barely even giving the prank time to go viral.

But it went viral enough, apparently, because plenty of Internet users found it incredibly offensive and insensitive — and they let Arie and Lauren have it online.

Big time.

“You both are disgusting,” wrote one individual, adding:

“As someone who struggles with fertility and would love nothing more than to have a baby this is so offensive.”

That was the basic theme of all the backlash; how Arie and Lauren turned a serious personal issue for millions of women into a source of parody.

“Come on. be better than that,” another person wrote, explaining herself thusly:

“it’s not a joke for many struggling families to get pregnant, it’s extremely expensive and it’s heartbreaking. I wish nothing but the best for Arie and Lauren but this is not funny, it’s cruel.”

Here’s a look at a few similar opinions shared on social media about this topic:

Arie, of course, is no stranger to receiving hate over the Internet.

He selected a different woman from Lauren on the finale of The Bachelor this season, only to them dump her in the most dramatic fashion possible and then propose to Lauren a night after said finale aired.

It was bonkers!

And while some may think the reaction to their April Fool’s Day prank was a bit over-the-top, it’s understandable why so many people have simply had it with this couple.

They’d be best served to just remain silent for awhile.

Instead, they are in our face at all times with televised marriage talk and very bad jokes.

Nor do Arie and Lauren appear to be feel guilty about this distasteful Tweet, either.

Seemingly in response to the backlash, backlash, Arie shared the above photo of a recipe on his Instagram story and wrote;

“Sorry if you were offended, but we really are making a Dutch Baby.”

That’s just painfully insincere and even more painfully unfunny.

We wonder now how fans will react when Lauren really does get pregnant, a development she expects to happen at some point with her lame fiance.

“We’re both very excited about marriage and starting a family,” Burnham previously told People Magazine.

“If we get lucky, maybe we’d have twins!” Arie said in this same interview.

And if we get lucky, maybe we’ll never hear from Luyendyk again.


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Anthony Davis" Unibrow Shaving April Fools Prank Didn"t Fool Anyone

Anthony Davis thinks he pulled a fast one by revealing that he DIDN’T shave his unibrow — but if we’re being honest, he actually wasn’t fooling anyone … like at all.  Davis posted a follow-up photo Sunday — April Fools Day — which showed…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 16 Recap: Who Will Save April?

Jackson and Maggie should have probably opened up about their relationship sooner. 

Catherine and Richard learned the shocking truth on Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 16, and it resulted in a string of awkward scenes. 

Upon being caught making out in a room, Maggie wanted to run and throw herself down the stairs. She had no idea how to process her feelings, but she did so in hilarious fashion. 

“Good with your vagina,” she said to Catherine as she raced off to find something else to do. The comment was about the surgery Catherine, Richard and Jackson were working on. 

If you watch Grey’s Anatomy online, you will know they were gearing up to work on rebuilding a vagina for an old family friend named Michelle. 

Catherine seemed to want to put all of the drama to the side, but then she started talking about how “family is family,” and it was apparently a dig at Jackson and Maggie potentially being step-siblings. 

Jackson wanted his mother to recognize that they were not siblings and give her blessing, but that was difficult to get through for her. 

Richard, on the other hand, did not want to be involved in the drama and kept it all rather low-key. 

“You have my blessing,” he told Jackson, “but if I hear you hurt Maggie, I’m coming after you.”

Okay then. 

But all of the family drama made its way inside the OR, and Michelle picked up on it in an instant. Would you let a feuding family operate on you?

In the end, they all sorted it out, and Jackson admitted that his mother could take Maggie’s side if the relationship were a big flop. 

Elsewhere, Owen, April, and DeLuca wanted to train the interns about trauma and how they could help deal with it. 

But April was still going off the deep end and lashed out at Levi when he asked the hard and fast rules for saving people. 

“This is real life, Blood Bank! In a harsh and uncaring world, the only rule is, there are no rules,” she replied in the most condescending tone ever.

Later, April had a meltdown over the traumas that had rocked the hospital over the years. Her battle with her faith continues to rage on, and it was heartbreaking to watch. 

Jackson knew there was something off about his baby mama, so he asked for some information about her feelings. 

“When did you decide that I’m not here for you?” he said, but April took that as a romantic moment and tried to kiss with her ex. 

“You can’t fix what you can’t face,” he responded, but this only annoyed April, who told him he was looking after their daughter that night. 

Meanwhile, Arizona took Sofia to work with her because the kid was hurting over having missing Callie. 

Arizona helped a young, pregnant woman, but everyone worried about her son, Noah’s random laughing. Amelia and Alex were shocked to learn that he had an inoperable tumor. 

The solution?

Using lasers to blast the tumor away … much like the situation Kimmie is in. 

What do you think will happen?

Hit the comments below. 

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC!


Monday, March 5, 2018

Danielle Bregoli"s Set to Kick Off Bhanned in the USA Tour in April

Danielle Bregoli’s going international when she kicks off a 25-city tour that — if all goes well — could also nab the barely-old-enough-for-a-driver’s-permit a whopping ONE MILLION BUCKS. Production sources tell TMZ … Danielle — aka Bhad Bhabie…


Monday, October 9, 2017

April Love Geary: Pregnant Fiancee of Robin Thicke Shows Off Baby Bump!

April Love Geary, Robin Thicke’s super young fiancee, is a gorgeous young, young woman.

Well, now April is pregnant with Robin Thicke’s baby, and she’s even showing off her baby bump.

This couple is controversial, with good reason, but that doesn’t mean that you want to miss April Love Geary’s bikini baby bump selfie.

April Love Geary is due March 1st, and while that’s obviously a very tentative date — due dates for babies don’t work like due dates for essays, folks — it’s the birthday of Robin Thicke’s late father.

That’s a very sweet coincidence, right? April thinks so.

April Love Geary is a very slender young woman, but people can carry their pregnancies in very different ways.

She still has another six months to go, but she’s already showing off that baby bump for her Instagram followers to see.

Just look at that bump!

Let’s be honest, folks:

There are valid reasons to be less than excited about Robin Thicke and his fiancee, as a couple and as expecting parents.

For one thing, there’s their 18-year age gap.

Robin Thicke is 40, while April Love Geary is but 22 years old.

Then there’s the overwhelming sleaziness of Robin Thicke’s only well-known song, “Blurred Lines.”

(Though Robin Thicke lost the lawsuit over “Blurred Lines” to Marvin Gaye’s lawyers, so it’s effectively no longer his hit, right?)

Most of that just amounts to Robin Thicke having done a creepy song and being a creep so people are happy to pick on him for dating a girl young enough that their age gap can vote.

Unfortunately, it gets a bit more serious than that.

Because Robin Thicke has been accused of beating his ex-wife and abusing their son.

Paula Patton’s allegations, that Robin has punched her and that he on at least one occasion responded to his son’s request for a nighttime hug with violence, explain the end of their marriage but also make the idea of him having a new wife and a new child … nauseating, at best.

Paula Patton’s accusations mention that Robin Thicke’s drug use exacerbates this behavior, which … is the opposite of an excuse.

As a general rule, it’s rare for abusers to change their behavior. What appears to be a recovery and a pledge to do better can sometimes be the product of age or fear of once again being exposed rather than a genuine desire to change and be a better person.

If the accusations against Robin Thicke are true, sure, it’s possible that April and her unborn child won’t see that side of him … but we’d never risk it, for ourselves or our children.

Would you?

But maybe Robin Thicke is one of those rare people who commits to make a change and he’s totally turned himself around.

While we still wouldn’t blame anyone for refusing to touch him with a ten-foot-pole, the people who do choose to spend time around him despite the accusations against him might be happy with the man they see.

April Love Geary certainly seems happy with her fiance and with her baby bump.

We can’t wait to see how much that belly grows!


Friday, August 18, 2017

Robin Thicke"s Girlfriend April Love Geary, No Sign of Pregnancy

April Love Geary is 3 months pregnant, but you wouldn’t know it  … at all. Robin Thicke hit up the pool with his 22-year-old gf on their babymoon on the North Shore of Hawaii. The couple’s been dating for 3 years, and announced they are…


April Love Geary: Pregnant with Robin Thicke’s Baby!

Robin Thicke may have risen to fame due to the success of the single Blurred Lines, but the artist’s young fiancee made things crystal clear this week:

She’s expecting the couple’s first child!!!!!

April Love Geary shared this exciting piece of news on Instagram, actually posting a snapshot of her recent sonogram along with the following caption:

“Robin and I are very excited to share with you all that we’re having a baby! The due date is March 1st, Alan’s birthday.”

Geary is referring here to Alan Thicke, Robin’s famous father who sadly passed away in December.

The singer and the model started dating a few months after Thicke’s separation from Paula Patton in February 2014.

The actress filed for divorce in October of that same year and their divorce was finalizes in March of 2015.

It was notable for a couple reasons:

FIRST, Thicke made notable, very public efforts to win Patton back. He failed to do so, of course.

SECOND, Patton actually accused Thicke of child abuse during an ugly custody battle, alleging he hit her on multiple occasions; that he used cocaine often; and that he once violently spanked his six-year old son.

geary ultrasound

This custody battle appears to have been resolved, however.

As for Thicke and Geary? They made their first public appearance together at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2015 after dating for about a year.

“They were super flirty all night,” an insider told Us Weekly at the time, adding of the 22-year old and 40-year old:

“They spent much of the evening hanging out away from their table at the back of the room. They were very touchy-feely and clearly very into each other.”

On Wednesday, two hours after sharing the sonogram above, Geary posted a bikini photo, giving followers their first look at her baby bump during a vacation in Hawaii.

“Happy in Hawaii with my lil peanut,” she penned as a caption.

We’re very happy for Thicke and Geary.

They may be 18 years apart in age, but it’s what’s inside that counts.

We’re referring to their hearts and their feelings with this cliche, but now we’re actually also referring to the baby inside of Geary’s womb.

How precious!

We wish her a happy and healthy pregnancy.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Robin Thicke"s Girlfriend April Love Geary Pregnant with Girl

Robin Thicke is about to be a father again, with a girlfriend who is barely able to legally drink. 22-year-old April Love Geary is 3 months pregnant with a girl … the baby is due March 1. 40-year-old Robin has been dating April for 3 years ……


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Omarosa Tries Stealing Reporter April Ryan"s Thunder at NABJ, But She Denies Stirring the Pot

Omarosa’s spat with an NABJ moderator spilled onto their guest of honor, April Ryan, when President Trump’s aide allegedly tried stealing her thunder … but her camp denies that. Sources present close to April — the White House correspondent who…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

April The Giraffe Grants Make-A-Wish For 10-Year-Old Boy (PHOTOS)

April the Giraffe just granted a very special wish to a 10-year-old boy who had watched her for months with the rest of the world.  Alex, who has a life-threatening seizure disorder, and his family traveled from Ohio to the Animal Adventure…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April the Giraffe Seeking New Sponsors for Baby Naming and Live Stream

April the Giraffe is coming back online post-birth … but she needs some serious cash flow for the sake of the animals. The indoor camera feed that captured the birth of April’s baby will be re-launched next week. This one won’t run…
