Showing posts with label Thicke's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thicke's. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Alan Thicke"s Widow, Tanya, Wants His Sons to Hand Over Her Inheritance Already

Alan Thicke’s widow says his sons are treating her unfairly and believes they might be recklessly spending his money while holding out on her inheritance … according to new legal docs. Tanya Thicke claims Alan’s sons — Robin and Brennan, who are…


Alan Thicke"s Widow, Tanya, Wants His Sons to Hand Over Her Inheritance Already

Alan Thicke’s widow says his sons are treating her unfairly and believes they might be recklessly spending his money while holding out on her inheritance … according to new legal docs. Tanya Thicke claims Alan’s sons — Robin and Brennan, who are…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Alan Thicke"s Widow Scores Legal Win Against Sons Robin and Brennan

Alan Thicke’s widow, Tanya Callau, just got an assist from the judge in her legal battle with his 2 sons over her prenup and the future of Alan’s estate. The judge threw out a petition filed by Robin Thicke and his brother, Brennan, Thursday to…


Alan Thicke"s Widow Scores Legal Win Against Sons Robin and Brennan

Alan Thicke’s widow, Tanya Callau, just got an assist from the judge in her legal battle with his 2 sons over her prenup and the future of Alan’s estate. The judge threw out a petition filed by Robin Thicke and his brother, Brennan, Thursday to…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Robin Thicke"s Girlfriend April Love Geary, No Sign of Pregnancy

April Love Geary is 3 months pregnant, but you wouldn’t know it  … at all. Robin Thicke hit up the pool with his 22-year-old gf on their babymoon on the North Shore of Hawaii. The couple’s been dating for 3 years, and announced they are…


April Love Geary: Pregnant with Robin Thicke’s Baby!

Robin Thicke may have risen to fame due to the success of the single Blurred Lines, but the artist’s young fiancee made things crystal clear this week:

She’s expecting the couple’s first child!!!!!

April Love Geary shared this exciting piece of news on Instagram, actually posting a snapshot of her recent sonogram along with the following caption:

“Robin and I are very excited to share with you all that we’re having a baby! The due date is March 1st, Alan’s birthday.”

Geary is referring here to Alan Thicke, Robin’s famous father who sadly passed away in December.

The singer and the model started dating a few months after Thicke’s separation from Paula Patton in February 2014.

The actress filed for divorce in October of that same year and their divorce was finalizes in March of 2015.

It was notable for a couple reasons:

FIRST, Thicke made notable, very public efforts to win Patton back. He failed to do so, of course.

SECOND, Patton actually accused Thicke of child abuse during an ugly custody battle, alleging he hit her on multiple occasions; that he used cocaine often; and that he once violently spanked his six-year old son.

geary ultrasound

This custody battle appears to have been resolved, however.

As for Thicke and Geary? They made their first public appearance together at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2015 after dating for about a year.

“They were super flirty all night,” an insider told Us Weekly at the time, adding of the 22-year old and 40-year old:

“They spent much of the evening hanging out away from their table at the back of the room. They were very touchy-feely and clearly very into each other.”

On Wednesday, two hours after sharing the sonogram above, Geary posted a bikini photo, giving followers their first look at her baby bump during a vacation in Hawaii.

“Happy in Hawaii with my lil peanut,” she penned as a caption.

We’re very happy for Thicke and Geary.

They may be 18 years apart in age, but it’s what’s inside that counts.

We’re referring to their hearts and their feelings with this cliche, but now we’re actually also referring to the baby inside of Geary’s womb.

How precious!

We wish her a happy and healthy pregnancy.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Robin Thicke"s Girlfriend April Love Geary Pregnant with Girl

Robin Thicke is about to be a father again, with a girlfriend who is barely able to legally drink. 22-year-old April Love Geary is 3 months pregnant with a girl … the baby is due March 1. 40-year-old Robin has been dating April for 3 years ……


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Alan Thicke"s Widow Tanya Asks Judge to Throw Robin and His Brother Out of Court

Alan Thicke’s widow, Tanya Callau, is asking a judge to set Alan’s kids straight by telling them to shut up on all their allegations that she’s a greedy widow who will try to nullify her prenup to get more cash. Tanya claims Robin Thicke and his…


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Tanya Callau: Alan Thicke"s Sons Want to Turn His Home into a Pot Farm!

Poor Alan Thicke must be rolling in his grave right now.

Just months after his tragic, unexpected death, his family is getting into what’s surely going to be a nasty battle over his fortune.

He worked so hard for decades, and for this?

What a shame.

To recap the situation, Alan’s oldest sons, Brennan and Robin, filed a petition earlier this week, claiming that Alan’s widow, Tanya Callau, is trying to get more money than what was left to her.

Alan had a living trust that left his home, a ranch in California, to his sons, with the specification that Tanya could continue living there as long as she paid for maintenance on the property.

He left 60% of his estate to be split between his three sons, with the remaining 40% going to Tanya. He also left the money from his life insurance policy, as well as his pension, to her.

But according to the petition, that’s not enough for Tanya.

The documents claim that Alan’s widow is now saying that there are problems with the trust, as well as with the prenup she signed eleven years ago.

Because of that, and because she has rights to the ranch, and also because she put her own career aside to support Alan, she wants to reevaluate the trust.

Brennan and Robin also claim that Tanya threatened to go to the tabloids if they didn’t agree to her demands.

It’s pretty nasty, and it’s only getting nastier.

Tanya has already gone to the media, telling TMZ that she’s not, as so many believe now, a gold digger, and that she and Alan were actually planning on having a baby before he died.

But she’s not done yet … and her new statement is pretty darn scandalous.

According to a statement Tanya’s lawyer made, she’s the good guy in this situation — and Alan’s sons are the ones with the bad intentions.

“Since Alan died,” the statement reads, “his sons have been haranguing her to let them turn America’s dad’s homestead into a massive pot plantation.”

“When she said no, they filed this bogus lawsuit and smeared her in the tabloids. They’re just trying to bully a woman whose only crime is loving their father with everything she had for 17 years.”

Yeah, so go ahead and let that sink in for a moment.

It’s just interesting because when we first heard this news, it wasn’t because Alan’s sons were going to the media, it was because they filed the petition in court.

They still haven’t made any sort of public statement.

But Tanya has been speaking to multiple outlets, and now she’s trying to say that the whole issue began because she didn’t want Brennan and Robin to use the family home to grow marijuana?

Without knowing the full situation, it kind of seems like she’s going to the tabloids like the original petition suggested she might, doesn’t it?

This must be such a difficult, trying time for everyone involved, and it doesn’t look like things are going to get easier anytime soon.

But, you know, not making statements about how your dead husband’s sons want to use the family home to grow drugs might help a little.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Alan Thicke"s Widow Tanya Claims Robin and Brother Want Pot Farm on Dad"s Ranch

Robin Thicke and his brother, Brennan, are going after Alan Thicke’s widow, Tanya, because she won’t let them start a pot farm on their deceased dad’s property … so claims Tanya Callau. As we reported, Robin and Brennan filed legal docs…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tanya Callau: I"m Not a Gold Digger, I Wanted to Have Alan Thicke"s Baby!

We were all shocked last December when Alan Thicke died suddenly from a ruptured aorta.

And now we’re shocked all over again that his surviving family members are getting into a nasty court battle over what Alan left behind.

As we heard yesterday, Alan’s two oldest sons, Brennan and Robin Thicke, have filed a petition to protect Alan’s legacy from the scheming ways of his greedy widow, Tanya Callau.

At least, that’s how their side of the story goes.

According to court documents, Alan had a living trust, and he left 40% of his estate to Tanya and the other 60% to be split equally between his three sons.

He left his home, his ranch in California, to his children, but specified that Tanya could continue living there if she maintained the property.

Tanya also received the money from Alan’s life insurance policy, all of his benefits and pensions, and 25% of his personal belongings — his sons got the other 75%.

Sounds fair, right? It also sounds like Alan was very specific about what he wanted to happen to his fortune after his death.

But according to the petition, Tanya has been claiming that there are issues with the trust, as well as with the prenup she signed when she married Alan.

She is allegedly demanding more of Alan’s estate, and has been threatening to take her story to the tabloids if Brennan and Robin don’t give her what she wants.

Because of all of this new information, Tanya has been raked through the mud by pretty much everyone who’s read the story.

She’s been called a filthy gold digger, a money-hungry bitch … all kinds of nasty things.

So it makes sense that Tanya went to TMZ with her own story.

As she tells it, she’s not a gold digger at all — she loved Alan deeply throughout their 11-year marriage.

She loved him so much, she says, that they were planning on having a baby together before his untimely death.

The plan was for her to get pregnant this year after Alan’s youngest son, 19-year-old Carter, moved out of the house. They’d had her eggs frozen three years ago, and 2017 was to be the year for a new Thicke baby.

At the beginning of December, what had to be just days before his death, they brought an architect to the ranch to begin work on a nursery.

Tanya also says that she never threatened to go to the tabloids as Brennan and Robin claim, and TMZ adds that “she’s calling BS” on the claims that she’s being greedy.

It’s unclear if she actually is trying to win more than what Alan set aside for her in his trust.

Just when you thought this story couldn’t get any sadder, right?


Alan Thicke"s Widow Says They Planned to Have a Baby Right Before His Death

Alan Thicke’s widow says she was far from an opportunist out for Alan’s riches, and says she loved him so deeply … they were about to expand their family when he died. Tanya Callau tells TMZ she and Alan were finally ready to take the next…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Alan Thicke"s Sons Fighting to Protect Estate from His Wife

Alan Thicke’s sons — Robin and Brennan — believe their dad’s third wife is making moves to get more of his estate than she deserves, and they’re taking action to nip it in the bud. The sons have filed legal docs in Alan’s probate case, claiming…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Robin Thicke"s 40th Birthday Bash Totally Kid-Friendly (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Robin Thicke made sure his 40th birthday was literally fun for the whole family — adults and his 6-year-old son alike.  Robin hosted a luau-themed bash at his Malibu pad Sunday, and Julian was in the thick of it with some cousins…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Alan Thicke"s Cause of Death Was Ruptured Aorta (DOCUMENT)

Alan Thicke died of a “ruptured aorta” — essentially a heart attack — according to his death certificate. According to the official doc … doctors desperately tried to save Alan’s life by performing a median sternotomy — it’s a surgical…
