Showing posts with label Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Molly Roloff Actually Visits Family Farm, Makes Amy One Happy Mama

Molly Roloff may not be a cast member on Little People, Big World.

But that doesn’t mean she isn’t a very welcome member of her own family.

Unlike her brother, Jacob, who quit the aforementioned TLC series last summer in a major huff, Molly has never made any grand statements about the show being fake or phony or silly in any way.


She’s simply chosen to live a more private life, one that has taken her away from her family farm and one that includes a very normal and content existence with husband Joel.

Like we said before, however, Molly is on great terms with her parents despite having removed herself from their everyday lives and their most profitable source of income.

And that relationship was on full display this past weekend.

In honor of the beginning of pumpkin season at Roloff Farms, Molly and Joel drove on down and supported their loved ones.

They posed for a photo with the entire family, and they also posed for a photo with just Amy, as you can see above.

“I was so so excited that Molly and Joel were able to drive down for opening weekend of pumpkin season at Roloff Farms Pumpkin Patch,” Amy wrote as a caption to the two images above.

She added:

“It was wonderful to see them. This mom was happy.”

And below is the snapshot that has been making the Internet rounds, with nearly every single Roloff in the same place for a fun change:

As far as Molly goes, she recently hung with her dad as well and does try to come back to the farm when she can.

But she headed off college at Whitworth University and then met her now-husband shortly thereafter, Joel Silvius.

Together, the couple chose to stay in the area and they’re now permanently based in Spokane, Washington, which is about a six-hour drive from where Matt and Amy reside.

(Yes, Matt and Amy are divorced, but they still live on the same large piece of property. It’s a whole thing.)

It’s not a short haul for Joel and Molly to visit the farm, but pumpkin season is THE huge event for this family.

At least professionally speaking.

“The first weekend of pumpkin season has officially come and the whole family came out!” the Roloffs shared on the farm’s official Instagram page.

“Thank you to everyone who has come out despite the rainy Oregon weather!” 


Friday, September 14, 2018

Cousin Sal Says Bet the Farm On the Redskins, Lock of the Week

Alex Smith is gonna make you a LOT of money this weekend — if you put your cash on the Redskins to beat up the Colts … so says Cousin Sal.  Sal’s now a pro gambling adviser on FS1’s new show, “Lock It In” — so, with the NFL entering Week…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jon Stewart Adopts Two Goats Found on NYC Tracks Into His Farm Sanctuary

Jon Stewart came to the rescue of two stray goats found roaming the subway tracks of New York City this week by giving them a home at his animal rescue operation … no joke! The former ‘Daily Show’ host posted a video of himself Monday helping…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Little People, Big World Update: Who Bought the Farm?

We have some very bad news, Little People, Big World fans.

Someone has officially bought the farm.

What? Huh? Oh… no, you can breathe a big sigh of relief.

No one in the Roloff family has died. We apologize if we startled you.

But Matt Roloff has gone ahead and sold the home in which he’s been residing for about a year now, basically ever since he and Amy Roloff filed for divorce.

It’s located about 15 minutes away from his family’s famous farm.

This unfortunate news comes on the heels of confirmation from Matt that he’s also moving to Arizona, for at least one portion of the year.

And it also comes on the heels of several Little People, Big World episodes that have centered on tension between the exes and questions surrounding the future in general of Roloff Farms.

According to Radar Online, Roloff purchased his residence for $ 368,500.

On May 30, he told the three-bedroom, three-bathroom residence for $ 515,00, which is a pretty incredible return on his investment.

Was it renovated? What sort of improvements did Matt make in order to turn such a profit?

We don’t know the answers to these questions.

But we do know that Roloff admitted on last Tuesday’s episode of his TLC reality series that he bought the property because he needed to get farther away from Amy.

(Matt has primarily been residing in the farm guest house since his split from Amy, which is located just a few hundred yards from his ex-wife.

This situation has grown especially awkward for both parties because each is involved in a pretty serious romantic relationship at the moment.)

“I can’t deal with Amy’s attitude. If it gets any worse, I just feel like this is just an escape,” Matt said on air of why he bought the house he has now sold.

This makes perfect sense, of course.

Can you imagine living a football field or two away from your ex-wife, as she comes home with her boyfriend and you come home with your girlfriend and you can basically wave to each other?

We’re stunned the reality stars has maintained such an amicable post-marriage relationship, really.

The question still remains, of course, whether Amy will move away as well and whether there’s any hope for Little People, Big World beyond this season.

“There’s part of me that wants to keep the farm and build a house that suits me, but part of me just wants to sell the farm and liquidate it and move on,” Matt actually told the TLC cameras earlier this week, adding:

“It’s a burden.”

Will Matt get engaged to Caryn Chandler? Television viewers continue to ponder this key question.


Wrote the long-time reality star on Instagram about this home sale:

“About a month or so ago I promised you all I would share a complete tour of the house I fixed up.. at the time I wasn’t sure if I was going to move into it or sell it…

“I actually did a bunch of the work thinking it would be my home one day… then plans change.. someone offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse so within an hour or so I sold it. Now I’m all motivated to become a Little Flipper man. :))

“Nah!!! I want to retire.”

Stay tuned for plenty more on this situation and scroll down to read why we think the show may soon be ending.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Little People, Big World Recap: Does the Farm Have a Future?

It’s the question that’s been hanging over each of the past few Little People, Big World episodes.

As Matt and Amy Roloff have clashed more than ever on the latest season of this TLC hit, many fans have been wondering:

What does this mean for the future of the family farm? Heck…

… IS there a future for the family farm?!?

We’ve openly wondered whether Little People, Big World could be ending soon — and Tuesday night’s episode didn’t provide us with much reason for hope in this department.

“I don’t know what the future of the farm really holds,” Amy told the cameras very simply, adding this week:

“It’d be great to see the grandkids play here when they’re five years old, but in the back of my mind, I also know it’s a challenge sometimes with Matt and I living on the farm together, being divorced and everything.”

The stars split up two years ago, although it’s recently come out that they were living apart for a long time prior to their June 2016 divorce filing.

Matt and Amy still get along mostly well, but the former is dating Caryn Chandler and the latter Chris Marek.

The romances are very serious, causing extra awkwardness between all involved.

“Part of me just wants to sell the farm, liquidate it, and move on,” Matt actually said out loud for the first time last night.

The family patriarch recently confirmed that he’ll be moving to Arizona part-time, casting further doubt on the future of the series and the property.

How do Jeremy and Zach feel about this possibility?

Both have families of their own, but they recognize the special and unique position they’ve been in with the farm over the years.

“I prefer for there to be a Roloff legacy and not just see it disintegrate before our eyes,” Jeremy said, to which Zach replied:

“The farm is such an amazing thing that my parents built here, it would be sad to not see it go onto a second generation, then a third generation.”

Matt’s main issue seems to be the fact that, due to the terms of the divorce, Amy has been living in the family home this whole time… while he’s been relegated to the double-wide trailer not built for a little person’s needs.

Such an arrangement was only supposed to be temporary when he first moved out.

“I’m not into a buyout,” Amy told Matt in response to the idea of shacking up with Marek. “I don’t plan on moving unless we sell.”

She later admitted in a confessional:

“Divorce is hard. I think the hardest thing is the perception that I shouldn’t have the house, that I shouldn’t have any of this.

“No one says it, it’s just all of these different conversations and moments, and collectively I probably feel that way.”

It would help Matt and Amy decide what to do if either of their prominent sons (no offense to Jacob, who clearly isn’t an option here) stepped up and offered to run the farm.

But neither Jeremy nor Zach will make this committment.

“It’s hard to take over what someone else is doing,” Jeremy told his parents, explaining:

“It’s you guys’ place. So you guys need to figure out what you want to do, what your plans are. You’re the ones who are living on the same property.”

Zach said he would be “devastated” to lose the farm, but not enough to say for certain that he’ll dedicate himself to running it.

“I like the fact that they want to keep it in the family, but that’s easy to say,” Matt said at one point. “We still have a lot of things that we need to get resolved.”

Since this episode was filmed, the family has come together to accept a pretty impressive award.

This doesn’t mean any answers as they relate to the farm have been confirmed, however. The future is still one big question mark.

Little People, Big World airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on TLC.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Matt Roloff: Actually Moving Off the Farm?

Has the awkwardness finally gotten to Matt Roloff?

Has the Little People, Big World patriarch taken the step he has discussed for months now and actually moved farther away from his ex-wife than 500 feet?

Has has actually moved off the family farm entirely?

We have a strong reason to believe so.

Scroll down and all around to see what that reason is.

1. Wait, Why Would Matt Move?

Excited matt

Did you know he lives 500 feet away from Amy in a very small house? The arrangement “wasn’t supposed to be permanent,” Matt said on a recent Little People, Big World episode, adding simply: “It’s awkward.”

2. We Bet It Is!

Caryn chandler

Perhaps it was okay at first, but now Amy is seriously dating Chris Marek and Matt is with Caryn Chandler. Can you imagine living in this kind of set-up while being in a long-term relationship?

3. Are Matt and Caryn Engaged?

Caryn chandler

That’s the rumor. We don’t buy it right now because we don’t see why Matt would not announce it, but a proposal may be forthcoming.

4. And Just Who is Caryn Chandler?

Caryn chandler and matt roloff

She used to manage the Roloff farm. So she knows Amy well, which just makes this entire situation even MORE awkward and even less desirable for all involved.

5. Says Matt:

Matt roloff drives

“I’m either at a place now where I need to dig in my roots further on the farm and build a house that suits me, or I need to think about finding real estate off the farm. It’s not easy. I’ve been on this farm more than half my life.”

6. So… Has He Made The Decision?

Matt roloff speaks

It seems very likely. We think Matt is actually moving off the farm he helped make SUCH a success.

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Matt Lauer and Wife Arrive at Same Horse Farm Amid Rumors of Getting Kicked Out

Matt Lauer sure doesn’t look like a guy who just got kicked out of the house by his wife — ‘cause they’re still showing up to the same places … albeit separately. Matt and his wife of 20 years, Annette Roque, both arrived Monday to a horse farm…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Joan Jett and Mayim Bialik Want to Meet You to Save Farm Animals

Here’s an odd pairing — ’80s rock stars, current TV stars and possibly you … hooking up to protect farm animals. Any takers? The celebs are auctioning off meet-and-greets to raise funds for a NY based nonprofit called Farm Sanctuary –…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Ember Roloff Visits the Farm, Hangs with Cousin, Is Living the Life

We’re very happy to see that Ember Roloff isn’t letting recent criticism of her outfit get her down.

Quite the opposite, in fact, as the five-week old appears in a new trio of social media photos that makes it clear she’s simply having a tremendous time these days.

Parents Jeremy and Audrey Roloff just took their daughter to their family’s farm for the first time, posting a couple photos from the adventure on Instagram and Facebook.

“We’re showing Ember around the farm. I don’t think she’s paying attention though…” the proud father wrote as a funny caption to the image down below, while Audrey got a tad more profound in her caption.

“October is my favorite color,” Audrey penned to open a lengthy message she attached to the picture above.

The Little People, Big World star went on to explain what she means:

“It’s always been such a beautiful, exciting, nostalgic, time of the year for Jer and I – it’s when I said “I love you” for the first time, it meant I got to see Jer every weekend when we were long distance, and we have so many sweet memories working in the pumpkin patch together.

“It always amazes me how the farm comes alive during pumpkin season, and it’s so fun to meet people who come out from all over the world!

“I’ve been missing working in the pumpkin patch this year, but I can’t wait for Ember to experience all the joys of pumpkin season next year!

“For now, we are just popping in every now and then to say hi.”

We’re just glad Audrey is out and about with her little one.

We know she’s been struggling a bit as a new mother, which is totally understandable.

It can take a long time to adjust to parenthood, and that’s without even considering the unfortunate health concern of Audrey’s; she’s been diagnosed with mastitis, which means it hurts (A LOT) when she breastfeeds.

When you then think about how little sleep she must be getting, it’s a miracle she’s even up and around, able to take a stroll through the farm.

Fortunately, Audrey has a supportive husband at home and Ember has a precious fellow baby in the family with whom she can snuggle:

“The cousins are getting along just fine…” Jeremy captioned this Facebook photo of Ember and Jackson, the latter of whom was born to Tori and Zach Roloff in May.

This is the second time we’ve cooed and smiled over a snapshot of the youngest Roloffs.

All members of this popular family will be featured on new episodes of Little People, Big World, which are expected to air prior to the calendar flipping to 2018.

But TLC is yet to announce a premiere date.

We’ll let fans know as soon as this happens.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Matt Roloff vs. Amy Roloff: Family Feud on the Farm!

Little People, Big World has been a hit on TLC for years.

And one major reason why is the love members of the Roloff family have for each other.

Episodes rarely focus on drama or in-fighting, not when everyone involved simply gets along so very well.

But Radar Online reports this wasn"t the case over the weekend, despite the Roloffs celebrating the opening of pumpkin picking season on their farm in Oregon.

Scroll down for the details behind an alleged feud between Amy and Matt…

1. First, Some Background

First some background

The Roloff family farm is a legitimate tourist destination. Its most popular time of the year is… right now! Locals from around the state come to find their perfect pumpkin, as the patch opened for business just this past weekend.

2. Some Other Background:

Some other background

Matt and Amy Roloff met at a Little People of America convention in 1987, got engaged quickly and then got married on September 12, 1987. They have four kids.

3. A Surprising Split

A surprising split

In March of 2014, the couple announced that they had separated. And on June 5, 2015 Matt and Amy announced they would be divorcing.

4. Going Their Separate Ways… Sort Of

Going their separate ways sort of

Amy and Matt continue to work together and co-parent and, of course, star on Little People, Big World. But each has a new significant other; this is a photo of Amy and long-time boyfriend Chris Marek.

5. What About Matt?

What about matt

He’s dating Caryn Chandler, who he met because she was serving as manager for Roloff Farm. And this relationship is from where the latest tension arises.

6. Let’s Pick Some Pumpkins!

Lets pick some pumpkins

On October 7, Matt and Amy celebrated the opening of pumpkin season on their 110-acre farm in Helvetia, Oregon. Caryn was there, too.

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Shawne Merriman: Bet the Farm on Tom Brady

An 8 point spread is NOTHING to Tom Brady — dude’s gonna beat down the Kansas City Chiefs by WAY MORE than that … so says a guy who played against him, Shawne Merriman.  The ex-NFL star says the New England Patriots are gonna beat KC to the…


Shawne Merriman: Bet the Farm on Tom Brady

An 8 point spread is NOTHING to Tom Brady — dude’s gonna beat down the Kansas City Chiefs by WAY MORE than that … so says a guy who played against him, Shawne Merriman.  The ex-NFL star says the New England Patriots are gonna beat KC to the…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Fame Sucks, I Want to Live on a Farm!

Kylie Jenner … well, the girl has been a little difficult lately.

Or, at the very least, it’s been difficult to find any redeeming qualities about her lately.

Besides, you know, her hot bod and all.

It’s not that Kylie has ever been super likeable or anything — and that’s not shade, that’s a fact — but things have gotten worse since her reality show, Life of Kylie, began airing.

In many scenes in the show, she comes off like an ungrateful, whiny brat, to be honest.

Remember that time that she explained that she felt like an outcast? Even though she’s insanely popular and beloved by youths all around the world?

Or how about the time that she whined about how everyone copied her fun hair colors — that was tough to watch, wasn’t it?

There was also that time that she laid in bed moaning about how the tabloids dared to discuss her dating life.

How dare they? It’s not like she’s intentionally putting her personal life out there for everyone to … oh, wait, that’s exactly what she’d doing.

It’s just exhausting, and the show just began airing recently.

But, judging by this new interview she did with V magazine to accompany those “nude” photos, she’s not saving all the complaining for television!

About those photos, Kylie says “That was actually my first super nude shoot. I always post sexy pictures, but have never really gone nude.”

Though the shoot is pretty scandalous, and you definitely get an eye-full of bare boob underneath sheer lingerie, we’d argue that she’s still not “super nude” in the pics.

It’s still cool though, so she gets a pass so far.

But then she’s asked about her many, many wigs, and she says “All I know is that when I go into weave stores, they have colors that I’ve worn, which is cool.”

And we already have to stop her.

Girl, stop acting like you invented blue hair. Just stop. It’s embarrassing.

There’s no denying that she’s a trendsetter, but so are many, many other celebrities who’ve dared to rock hair that isn’t blonde, brown, or black.

Still, she says that “Back then, I dyed my hair blue and teal and other colors. I would do meet and greets and every other girl — even guys — had teal hair.”

“They’d be like, ‘I did this because of you! Everyone has teal hair now!"”

In addition to inventing teal hair, Kylie is also responsible for the careers of countless rappers and singers.

“Other artists shout me out that I’ve never met before,” she explains, “like, ‘I owe this to Kylie for putting this on her Snapchat."”

“And meeting new artists in person and them saying, ‘This was a big help from you, you playing my song’ — it’s just really cool.”

She then tells the story behind one of her many tiny tattoos — the one on her hip of the phonetic spelling of the word “sanity.”

She says that when she got the tattoo “that I felt a little bit like I was going insane. Or, I was going to.”

It was right about the time she turned 18 when she got the tattoo, and to be fair, it did seem to be a pretty intense time for her.

“I thought about it for a while,” she adds. “I just like the word ‘sanity’ — just stay sane through it all.”

“A lot of young stars who grow up in the spotlight have a really hard time. I didn’t want that to be me.”

And speaking of the spotlight, it sounds like she’s getting a little sick of it.

“I just want a lot of property,” Kylie says about her future retirement. “That seems like the best life ever: horses and a farm and a garden.”

It sounds like she might even pull a Michael Jackson and get a house in Bahrain!

Or, well, she says “I don’t know about Bahrain, but I would be down for something. It would be a good feeling to just live a normal life for a second.”

“I don’t know what it’s like to not be in the spotlight,” she continues. “That’s normal to me. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

“There are so many great things about life, I’m just trying to focus on that.”

But even though it really sounds like she’s tired of being famous, she admits that “I do have a guy that follows me all the time. I just never show anyone the footage.”

“Maybe one day.”

Ugh, Kylie, who even has time for this?


Thursday, August 3, 2017

E.B. White"s "Charlotte"s Web" Farm for Sale at $3.7 Million

The farm that inspired E.B. White’s classic children’s novel, “Charlotte’s Web,” has hit the market, and looks to be a great deal. The 44-acre saltwater farm in Brooklin, Maine — where White lived when he wrote ‘Charlotte’ — has been…


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Tanya Callau: Alan Thicke"s Sons Want to Turn His Home into a Pot Farm!

Poor Alan Thicke must be rolling in his grave right now.

Just months after his tragic, unexpected death, his family is getting into what’s surely going to be a nasty battle over his fortune.

He worked so hard for decades, and for this?

What a shame.

To recap the situation, Alan’s oldest sons, Brennan and Robin, filed a petition earlier this week, claiming that Alan’s widow, Tanya Callau, is trying to get more money than what was left to her.

Alan had a living trust that left his home, a ranch in California, to his sons, with the specification that Tanya could continue living there as long as she paid for maintenance on the property.

He left 60% of his estate to be split between his three sons, with the remaining 40% going to Tanya. He also left the money from his life insurance policy, as well as his pension, to her.

But according to the petition, that’s not enough for Tanya.

The documents claim that Alan’s widow is now saying that there are problems with the trust, as well as with the prenup she signed eleven years ago.

Because of that, and because she has rights to the ranch, and also because she put her own career aside to support Alan, she wants to reevaluate the trust.

Brennan and Robin also claim that Tanya threatened to go to the tabloids if they didn’t agree to her demands.

It’s pretty nasty, and it’s only getting nastier.

Tanya has already gone to the media, telling TMZ that she’s not, as so many believe now, a gold digger, and that she and Alan were actually planning on having a baby before he died.

But she’s not done yet … and her new statement is pretty darn scandalous.

According to a statement Tanya’s lawyer made, she’s the good guy in this situation — and Alan’s sons are the ones with the bad intentions.

“Since Alan died,” the statement reads, “his sons have been haranguing her to let them turn America’s dad’s homestead into a massive pot plantation.”

“When she said no, they filed this bogus lawsuit and smeared her in the tabloids. They’re just trying to bully a woman whose only crime is loving their father with everything she had for 17 years.”

Yeah, so go ahead and let that sink in for a moment.

It’s just interesting because when we first heard this news, it wasn’t because Alan’s sons were going to the media, it was because they filed the petition in court.

They still haven’t made any sort of public statement.

But Tanya has been speaking to multiple outlets, and now she’s trying to say that the whole issue began because she didn’t want Brennan and Robin to use the family home to grow marijuana?

Without knowing the full situation, it kind of seems like she’s going to the tabloids like the original petition suggested she might, doesn’t it?

This must be such a difficult, trying time for everyone involved, and it doesn’t look like things are going to get easier anytime soon.

But, you know, not making statements about how your dead husband’s sons want to use the family home to grow drugs might help a little.


Friday, May 19, 2017

TMZ Live: Alan Thicke: Family Fights Over Pot Farm

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Chris Cornell: Accidental Suicide Claim Anthony Weiner Breaks Down In Court Steve Harvey: Sued For $ 60 Mil By Ex-Wife Katy Perry vs Taylor Swift: Beef Rages On!


Alan Thicke"s Widow Tanya Claims Robin and Brother Want Pot Farm on Dad"s Ranch

Robin Thicke and his brother, Brennan, are going after Alan Thicke’s widow, Tanya, because she won’t let them start a pot farm on their deceased dad’s property … so claims Tanya Callau. As we reported, Robin and Brennan filed legal docs…
