Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Matt Roloff: Actually Moving Off the Farm?

Has the awkwardness finally gotten to Matt Roloff?

Has the Little People, Big World patriarch taken the step he has discussed for months now and actually moved farther away from his ex-wife than 500 feet?

Has has actually moved off the family farm entirely?

We have a strong reason to believe so.

Scroll down and all around to see what that reason is.

1. Wait, Why Would Matt Move?

Excited matt

Did you know he lives 500 feet away from Amy in a very small house? The arrangement “wasn’t supposed to be permanent,” Matt said on a recent Little People, Big World episode, adding simply: “It’s awkward.”

2. We Bet It Is!

Caryn chandler

Perhaps it was okay at first, but now Amy is seriously dating Chris Marek and Matt is with Caryn Chandler. Can you imagine living in this kind of set-up while being in a long-term relationship?

3. Are Matt and Caryn Engaged?

Caryn chandler

That’s the rumor. We don’t buy it right now because we don’t see why Matt would not announce it, but a proposal may be forthcoming.

4. And Just Who is Caryn Chandler?

Caryn chandler and matt roloff

She used to manage the Roloff farm. So she knows Amy well, which just makes this entire situation even MORE awkward and even less desirable for all involved.

5. Says Matt:

Matt roloff drives

“I’m either at a place now where I need to dig in my roots further on the farm and build a house that suits me, or I need to think about finding real estate off the farm. It’s not easy. I’ve been on this farm more than half my life.”

6. So… Has He Made The Decision?

Matt roloff speaks

It seems very likely. We think Matt is actually moving off the farm he helped make SUCH a success.

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